Wang Chao sat in front of the dining table and put the mobile phone outside. Ling Yan’s voice showed a little smile:

“I’m not your master!”

Lu Yi at the end of the phone seemed to be scared by this sound. After pause, he paused a few times, his breathing was a bit worse, and his teeth were gritted:

“Wang Chao, how are you doing my master?”

Wang Chao ate the mouth steak slowly, and took a sip of red wine, so he said, so he said:

“Your master has been killed by me!”

The end of the phone is a long silence.

Wang Chao raised his mouth slightly, and said coldly:

“I wake you up, it’s best not to provoke me, otherwise, you will die miserable, worse than your master!”

Then hang up the phone.

Proked the phone into fragments and threw it into the trash can.


The protagonist’s resentment value of the host +99999999

The protagonist gas transport value -500, the remaining gas transport value 1600

Host villain value +500, can be worth 1500 with villains

Wang Chao glanced at the system’s prompts, and he was very beautiful.

There is another thousand and six. According to the previous urine, as long as Zhang Miao changes his physique, it is equivalent to cutting off the main line of the protagonist.

No matter how less, there will be less than one thousand gas.

The remaining six hundred, then go to Lu Yi’s good brother.

As long as it is grasped, the protagonist will reach the death period.

He believes that with the ability of Lu Yi, he can get the five women he arranged for only a few days.

When they held the opening ceremony, they told Lu Yi the truth and let him die in despair.

the other side.

The black screen reflected Lu Yi’s pale face, and he stared at his phone incredible, as if to stare his phone out of a hole.

Wang Chao said that the master was dead!

He was killed by him!

How can this be!

In this world, the two most closest people, one is grandpa, and the other side is the master, and they leave him.

And one of his closest people died in Wang Yue’s hands, and the other died in Wang Chao’s hand.

There are also a few of his hands, and he must be Wang Chao in the cemetery!

Loop, kneeling on the ground.

“Wang Chao!!!! I want to break you for thousands of corpses !!!!”

Lu Yi hated, scarlet, and shouted Wang Chao’s name angrily.

At this moment, he has been blinded by hatred, and now he only wants to kill Wang Chao and avenge the master and grandpa!

He can no longer care about his strength gap with Wang Chao, even if he can’t fight, he can make up with modern weapons.

His head low, heavily breathed a few times, converged emotions, and his body was full of evil.

Dial Su Yin’s phone:

“Immediately notified all the killer to kill Wang Chao with all his strength. As long as he can kill Wang Chao, I will accept him as an apprentice and teach them the real cultivation technique!”

“Yes, Brother Xiaoyi, I will notify it now!”

On the other side of the phone, Su Yin didn’t drag water. After speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Lu Yi got up from the ground, his eyes filled with extremely strong murderousness.

He now has only the word revenge.

I just took a few steps, and suddenly I thought the master explained his words last night:

Be sure to quickly find five girls with pure five -element constitution, open Tianmen, and return to the original world!

After a moment, take a deep breath:

“No, I can’t be so impulsive! Just assassinate Wang Chao, just give them to them, I still have more important things to do!”

Thinking of this, I quickly adjusted my emotions, took out a toothpick, stuck in my mouth, and reached out to stop a taxi.

He wants to quickly find a woman with a pure five elements.

The second woman named Qin Shuang was also around Jixiang City, and the family was a little poverty.

Lu Yi came to the east suburbs and quickly found her home according to the address.

It was a dilapidated building, with small advertisements outside the wall.

Asking at the door, I suddenly saw an extremely Peugeoty beauty walking.

With a red woolen hat, wearing a white woolen coat, a pair of high boots on your feet.

Not to mention the appearance, just say that one meter seven, the slim figure, to that stop, the aura is full.

Coupled with that good little face, a proper star temperament.

Hurry up and compare the photos.

Good guy, isn’t this the person he is looking for?

Quickly spit out the toothpick, sorted out his shirt, stopped the woman’s road, and laughed:

“Miss Sister, hello, I am Lu Yi who created zero -spora up the company!”

Then, I passed a business card. “I see the temperament of the younger sister, I want to dig you, I don’t know if you want to be a star?”

“Create 10 zero? Why haven’t I heard of this company?”

Qin Shuang asked slightly.

Can you not be tired, wake up at the door of the community early in the morning, this has gone for a long time.

Wait until the coming Lord comes!

“Miss Sister can check it online, but our company has countless stars …”

Lu Yi talked hard and repeated what Yan Ruyu said yesterday!

Qin Shuang listened carefully, and when he heard the end, he asked excitedly: ”

“Are you all true? I graduated from Jixiang Technical School excavator! My dream is the excavator … Ah, no, my dream is to be a star!”

“Congratulations, our company will give you a chance! If you think, you can go to our company to sign a contract tomorrow!”

Lu Yixin said, yes, this is really smooth, reminding, “There is a company address on the business card!”

“Isn’t it now? I want to be a star so much.”

Qin Shuang couldn’t wait to look!

“Yes, go, I’ll take you over!”

Lu Yiba is not allowed to sign the contract faster. As long as the contract is signed, she will hide her with training as an excuse.

In the afternoon, Lu Yi went to Song Wanjun, who had a pure earth.

The process is as unexpectedly smooth!

That night, I went to Laobei City to find Liu Jia, who had a pure wood constitution in the same way.

Then he flew to Nanhuan City and found Yang Shan, who had the last pure fire.

Everything is going smooth!

In less than three days, he put together five women with five pure five elements.

During this period, he got the news that he was killed frequently.

I always feel bad in my heart.

At this time, a familiar call came in!

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