Wang Chao’s spirit has been locked on Lu Yi.

At the moment he wanted to do it, he felt Lu Yi quietly meditated spells. As for what he didn’t think much at the time.

After Jin Guang appeared, he noticed that Lu Yi had reached a kilometer.

Suddenly thought that in the original book, Lu Yi would be a secret, and it was called a thousand miles!

This mystery can be launched in any case, and the distance of hiddenness is related to its own strength.

But even if Lu Yi can escape, his mental power can already detect the distance other than kilometers!

Su Yin, who looked pale, ignored her.

Use Taijishi, wind under your feet, one step a few feet!

His complexion is calm, walking in the direction of Lu Yi like a walk.

Just a few steps, I came to Lu Yi’s body!

Lu Yi’s arm broke, and his chest suffered a major blow. Although he escaped now, his physical strength reached the limit, so he had to hide in a secret place.

He only prayed that Wang Chao couldn’t find himself.

When you restore some physical strength, you can escape!

But before he had time to breathe, he suddenly heard the sound of the lighter, and looked at it panicked.

Seeing that Wang Chao was leaning on a tree not far away, he lit a cigarette with a strange smile on his face!

Lu Yi stood up, and a chill was directly penetrated through the heavenly lid.

This is so scary!

He used secrets. The current level can move for a kilometer instantly. The key is to move randomly.

He didn’t even know where he would appear!

How did Wang Chao discover and catch up with him within a few seconds?

“Little brother, you can run very!”

Wang Chao slowly spit out a cigarette and leaned on the tree without meaning to step forward.

Anyway, Lu Yi has been exhausted now, and it is impossible to have an accident.

“You are not Wang Chao, you, you, who are you?”

Lu Yi couldn’t help shaking his whole body, his tone was intermittent, and his eyes were full of panic.

He investigated Wang Chao.

Yanjing’s second largest family, the eldest son of the Wang family, the heir of the Wang family in the future.

Since the kindergarten, I have never left Yanjing, have not been exposed to qigong, and have never seen Xiu Xian.

After high school, he knew Xu Ruoxi, and then it was Xu Ruoxi’s dog licking.

Therefore, from the perspective of Wang Chao’s resume, at most, it is a super rich second generation.

He had seen Wang Chao’s power before, and he never thought of the reason.

But today, he suddenly discovered that the horror of the people in front of him far exceeded his imagination.

So he concluded that Wang Chao in front of him was not Wang Chao!

“Oh, it seems to have been discovered, it really is the killer king!”

Wang Chao pumped the cigarette without slowly, smirked, “However, I won’t tell you who I am!”

Then, converging with a smile, his eyes became cold, and there was no temperature.

Lu Yi gritted his teeth, at this moment, he had no strength to escape.

I opened my mouth slowly, and in the end, I just giggled a few times, and the face was extremely bleak.

Wang Chao waved his hand and pushed Lu Yi’s empty, and said quietly, “Don’t you like transients, then I will give you a chance to move you!”

Throw it to the sky.

When Lu Yi fell to the ground right away, he kicked up!


Lu Yi scratched a perfect arc in the sky.

Wang Chao raised his eyes lazily, looked at the location of Lu Yi, and slowly lifted the corner of his mouth.

A few seconds later, Wang Chao returned to the villa courtyard again.

Seeing a few women came back, they hurriedly came around, and their heads were like making mistakes.

Yan Ruyu frowned and reported carefully:

“Master, the girl fled just now, we can’t stop her!”

Wang Chao swept a light circle, and felt Su Yin’s escape direction.

However, at this time he was more concerned about Lu Yi.

“It doesn’t matter, you go to find a few shovel!”


Several women should immediately turn around and turn around.

At this time, Lu Yi twitched on the ground, convulsions.

He felt a pair of feet in front of him, raised his head hard, and saw the man’s lazy look.

“You want to kill and kill!”

After squeezing these words vigorously, the strength of the whole body seemed to be dried up at once, and his head was pulled down.

Wang Chao took Lu Yi up, smiled lightly, and tone the tone:

“Since you like this stone so much, I will naturally not be loved!”

Then, carrying him to the stone, holding him hard.


The stone made a stuffy sound.

Lu Yi was beaten into the stone, and he couldn’t move anymore!


Several women came back with a shovel and waited for the command.

“Dig a pit!”

Wang Chao pointed to the open space next to the stone, and took a few steps back and took out a cigarette.


Those five women immediately acted, and they were numb, and they didn’t even ask a word.

When they ordered Wang Chao, they only pursued one principle.

Taking advantage of this gap, Wang Chao secretly asked the system:

Can people who bring this book to the next book?


The system improves, except for the Wang family, no one can enter the next plot!

Wang Chao responded and smoked silently.

Soon, five women dug the pit.

“Master, what to do next?”

Yan Ruyu walked to Wang Chao and asked.


Wang Chao pointed to Lu Yi inlaid in the stone.


When Yan Ruyu responded, he turned his head and suddenly found that there was a person inlaid in the stone, which was Lu Yi who had just escaped and fell back.

Eyes could not help opening, and there were countless stormy waves in their hearts.

But she didn’t dare to ask more, and threw the stone into the pit with several other sisters.

Lu Yi was still able to move with a pair of eyes, staring at Wang Chao, and his eyes had a stunned resentment.

“You don’t have to stare at me like this, your death is doomed!”

Wang Chao waved his hands at Yan Ruyu and others, and motioned to be buried!

A burst of dust raised, drowned the stones little by little.

After a while, there were only flat grounds, and the renovated land.

Wang Chao heard the prompt of the system:


The protagonist Lu Yi was killed!

Congratulations to the host to complete the task and turn on the system space!


Congratulations to the host unlock the new book “Golden Perspective Eye” Author: Blind Taro

The host can select one as a task reward in the following options!

1 Obtaining Lu Yi’s secret ‘遁 千 1’ ’

2 Get money for 100 billion yuan

3 Get a skill to steal the card, you can steal a skill of the protagonist (special skills, you can only steal it after the plot is over)

Wang Chao was not entangled with the reward. He knew the plot villain. It was impossible to escape from escape. It was impossible to escape in his life.

He now has more than 300 billion yuan, and money is useless to him.

So there is only one ‘skill stealing card’ in the option.

“Choose 3!”

Wang Chao made a choice without hesitation.


Congratulations to the host to get the ‘Skills Stealing Card’ and have put it in the system space.

Wang Chao glanced at the system space, good guy, this is a whole house, very good.

The phone rang, glanced at Han Bing.

He knew that as long as he left Jixiang City, Han Bing would disappear in his world.

Wang Chao hung up the phone, stepped out of the villa slowly, and opened his next journey.

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