Country L, Asvar.

Zhang Yuchen wore a high -end suit, sunglasses, and came down from the plane.

Behind him, followed the low -key dress, but Qiao Wenjing, who had a style.

Qiao Wenjing is now the only employee he can trust.

With the help of Qiao Wenjing, he found out the source of the coupon mistakes. He was an employee he had reprimanded. After the incident, he fled.

Although he was angry in his heart, after all, the eyes of making money were still there, and Qiao Wen set his ticket quietly.

It was a bit urgent in time, but he didn’t care very much. He had perspective. When he went to the casino, he could earn those losses.

When he earns money, he will be able to come back to Dongshan.

As soon as he got out of the airport, he took a taxi and went to the casino directly.

I went in and strolled around, just played a few times, and easily earned two million knives!

“Mr. Zhang, what are we playing next? Why is there no landlord here? I will play the landlord!”

Qiao Wenjing didn’t know that Zhang Yuchen had the ability to see through, but saw his god’s gambling technique, especially the guess, and the guessed one was accurate.

But she also knew the purpose of this, so she asked tentatively.

“Let’s go!”

Zhang Yuchen shook his head and looked around for a week, lowered his voice, “Someone has stared at us. Although this kind of casino is legal here, it will win too much and will be stared at it. Come again in a few days!”

He thought very clearly that he couldn’t earn too much at a time, and he accepted it when he saw it!

Anyway, there are many casinos in Asvegas. Earning something in a field and earning a billion yuan, and immediately returned to China.

After replacing the betting with cash, he took Qiao Wenjing out of the casino.

But as soon as I came out, I felt someone, and followed them quietly.

“Hum, I really don’t know how to die!”

Zhang Yuchen snorted coldly, his eyes tapped.

Since wearing Ziyu last time, he has inexplicable practice in his mind.

And Ziyu contains a lot of aura, coupled with the perspective of his accidental opening, the cultivation speed is extremely fast.

In just three days, Xiuwei broke through the realm of the Royal Ling.

It was also with this kind of cultivation that he dared to get off the plane and go straight to the casino.

Turning his head to Qiao Wenjing, “Come with me!”

Take her and turn into a small alley not far from the casino.

Then, he noticed that the people behind him accelerated, chased over, stopped, turned around, and found that he was two foreign men.

“Hey, kid, you won a lot today, we are not angry, lose light, want to borrow some money from you!”

The crooked nuts with a slightly higher head, dark skin, shaking the dagger in our hands, “You can rest assured, we won’t hurt you!”

After Zhang Yuchen obtained the practice method, the whole person’s temperament also changed greatly. In the face of this situation, he was not afraid.

Hold up the arms and use standard foreign languages:

“Are you sent by the casino?”

“Boy, hurry up the money, otherwise the hot girl behind you …”

The man smiled insignificantly and looked at Qiao Wenjing behind Zhang Yuchen.

But the words did not fall, Zhang Yuchen had suddenly rushed.

He punched the tall man to the ground, then flew up again, and knocked the other.

The two men fell on the ground with pain, and the daggers in their hands fell to the ground.

Zhang Yuchen picked up the dagger and reached the neck of a man with a tall man, and said coldly:

“Go back and tell your boss, he successfully anger me, I will go tomorrow, let him prepare money!”

Then, he fainted the man with a punch.

The other was shrinking his neck, covering his head, and didn’t dare to yell.

Qiao Wenjing on the side saw this scene a little dumbfounded. She really didn’t know that this Yuchen was so powerful before.

Suddenly, I was a little worried about my safety.

If Zhang Yuchen knew that Chen Xuan jewelry was broken, would she kill her?

Thinking of this, his face was a little ugly.

“Don’t be in a daze, let’s go!”

Zhang Yuchen thought that Qiao Wenjing was just scared. Girls, after all, they were timid.

Qiao Wen quietly smiled and followed him.

Not far away, Wang Chao frowned on an inconspicuous Mercedes -Benz.

Why is Zhang Yuchen suddenly so powerful?

The original book said that he should be after worshiping the horse’s house. This time is not right. Is there any other chance?

“Master, shouldn’t Zhang Yuchen get Weitian Gourd?”

Miao Fengfei sat on the driver’s seat and reminded.

“Micro -Sky Gourd? What?”

Wang Chao turned his head in surprise.

In the original book, it seems that there is no such thing!

“Weitian gourd, purple gourd, there is Qiankun inside, self -reliance, and the constant nourishing owner’s body of energy sources. Aren’t you a crossing person, why don’t you even know this?”

Miao Fengfei asked.

Seeing Wang Chao shook his head, he suddenly realized, “Yes, you should not know that the original micro -gourd was given to Zhang Yuchen, but the original book did not write the role of Weitian gourd. Everyone thought that Zhang Yuchen was very fast because it was very fast because he was very fast because he was practicing very fast because For physical reasons, the author later told the truth in a reader’s message! ”

When Wang Chao heard this, he felt speechless for a while?

Isn’t this a super big bug?

According to Miao Fengfei, it is indeed explained. Now Ma Shang is dead, and the main line of the protagonist has changed, so he gets micro -gourds in advance.

“How do you know this?”

Wang Chao was curious.

“The person who questioned the original author was me …”

Miao Fengfei looked proudly, after speaking, he laughed at himself, “It may be because I often leave a message to the author below, so I was taken here …”

Wang Chao nodded lightly, so it was explained.

After all, it is the protagonist, the son of the luck, and the things on the bright side can be cut off. It is difficult to cut off.

Fortunately, there is a Miao Fengfei who knows the inside.

That’s the case, then it’s strong.

“Tell Qiao Wenjing, ready to do things!”

Wang Chao instructed.


Miao Fengfei quickly edited a message and sent it to Qiao Wenjing.

Qiao Wenjing followed Zhang Yuchen to a hotel named Calton, and they lived in the presidential suite.

As soon as I entered the room, I heard the mobile phone vibration. Taking advantage of Zhang Yuchen’s gap in the toilet, I opened it and glanced.

The reply: “Make sure to complete the task!”

Then delete the information!

“Haven’t you told you, come here, don’t you have a mobile phone?”

Zhang Yuchen came out of the toilet and was seeing Qiao Wenjing watching the phone, and he said angrily.

“Sorry, Mr. Zhang, you also know that my mother was sick. Before I came here, she just discharged from the hospital. I couldn’t rest assured, so I wanted to send a message with my mother.

Qiao Wenjing put on a pitiful appearance, saying that it is reasonable, it is not easy to doubt.

After turning the phone in front of Zhang Yuchen’s face, Yingying walked over, smiling like flowers, and a bit of teasing tone:

“President Zhang, you have worked so hard today, and saved my life again. I don’t think it is better to report. Let me serve you well at night?”

Although Qiao Wenjing is not the kind of big beauty, she also has a little bit.

Zhang Yuchen originally wanted to soak Song Zixuan, but when he arrived immediately, Chen Xuan’s jewelry shop closed, and his heart was so depressed!

At this time, when I saw Qiao Wenjing so enthusiastic, my heart was inevitable.

Qiao Wen’s eyes flowed in the water, and the weakness and bones took the opportunity to post …

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