
At this time, the show is full of people.

Ma Huairen stood on the high platform. In front of him, four disciples stood in front of him, all went to the Li family to treat the disease, hanging his head, and did not dare to come out.

“I heard, they went to cure the disease, and they actually removed the patient’s legs.”

“Really, can the other party still let them come back?”

“You don’t know, the elder has gone, I don’t know what the method is used, and I actually picked up the patient’s legs before leaving them back!”

The disciples whispered and communicated with the news.

Zhang Yuchen’s face was ugly, and the person who removed his legs was him. I am afraid that the master would hold his responsibility in a while.

Ma Huairen’s face was deep, and the decree was deeply decree. It seemed like two knives.

His eyes swimming coldly, and finally fell on Zhang Yuchen:

“Zhang Yuchen, do you know wrong?”

“The apprentice knew it!”

Zhang Yuchen knew that he had made a big disaster today, and quickly kneeling on the ground and kneeling to admit his mistakes.

“Okay, since it’ s wrong, then you must take the penalty, follow the ceremony, take the stick, and hit the two hundred sticks! ”

Ma Huairen looked like a teacher.

“Big, elder elder, two hundred sticks, are you a bit too much …”

Ma Buli heard two hundred sticks, and was a little surprised for a while.

That’s not an ordinary stick. The stick is a thousand -year -old fire stick. Every time you hit it, remove the pain, and it will also fever. One hundred sticks are the limit of the cultivation of the immortal.

If you fight too much, even if you do n’t die, your butt will be cooked, and it may be disabled!

Ma Huairen narrowed his eyes and said sharply:

“Many? On the second day of getting started, I dared to give people a doctor, abolished a leg, and almost asked for their lives. How about two hundred sticks? If you don’t fight, you will be punished together!”

Ma Buli swallowed his mouth, and he dared not say more. He hurried to the ancestral hall and carried the flames.

“Do it!” Ma Huairen said coldly.

Ma Buli rushed his mouth and walked directly behind Zhang Yuchen.

Zhang Yuchen knew he was wrong and dared not move.

He said, anyway, he is a cultivator, and it is okay to get a few sticks!


Zhang Yuchen just felt a hot pain on the buttocks, like pepper water on the leather whip!

That taste is not just sour, it feels like an explosion!

But this was the first stick, and there were 199 sticks in the back!

How can this be good!

Ask for mercy?


Zhang Yuchen directly denied the answer. It was his wrong first, and begging for mercy was not his style!


The second stick was drawn up.

He felt that the buttocks had begun to smoke, and the heat was no less than a burnt iron.

Rao was in the early days of Yu Ling, and he couldn’t carry it at all!


Every stick of Ma Buli has a strong strength. After all, he collects money. How can you do it?

“Brother, don’t blame me, I can’t help me, if you can’t bear it, say it!”

Ma Zhong heard that the elderly invited the flames and punished his disciples in the martial arts field. He was surprised that his disciples had made any mistakes to make the elders who were so irritable.

In a hurry to play the martial arts field.

From a distance, Ma Buli was hitting people holding a fire stick.

The moment I saw Zhang Yuchen, I felt inexplicable.

That kind of intimacy is more kiss than my son, shouting:



When Ma Buli heard Ma Zhong’s voice, he quickly stopped his movement and retreated respectfully!

“Huai Ren, what’s the matter with this?”

Ma Zhong glanced at Zhang Yuchen, and he felt distressed in his heart. What wrong with such a good child did something wrong?


Ma Huairen hugged his punch, “This is Zhang Yuchen, who I just collected yesterday. If the medical skills are not able to do, I dare to treat Li Jia and almost treat people!”

“Ao, that person died?”

Ma Zhong is not a big deal. Is there always a time to cure the disease?

“If I didn’t arrive in time, I was afraid that it would die!”

Ma Huairen!

“Since there is no death, there is no need to use such a heavy punishment, almost it!”

Ma Zhong actually helped Zhang Yuchen himself, “Zhang Yuchen, after listening to the master, don’t show people a doctor, do you know?”

“Yes, the patriarch!”

Zhang Yuchen looked at Ma Zhong gratefully.

“The chief, he is my disciple, my disciple has made a mistake. I have the right to punish it. Otherwise, how can I manage other disciples in the future?”

Ma Huairen did not want to let Zhang Yuchen easily go, and strives for reason.

Besides, Wang Chao, he promised.

If the thunder is small and the rain is small, this is so hasty, and Wang Shao can’t explain it.

“He is your disciple, but he is also the disciple of my Ma family. As a patriarch, I naturally have the right to control it!”

Ma Zhong picked up the pattern of the patriarch, and his tone also became sharp.

He didn’t know why he cared about Zhang Yuchen so much, anyway, he had to keep him down anyway.

Snapped! Snapped……

A while of applause came from a distance.

Then a ridicule came:

“It’s wonderful!”

Ma Zhong looked for his reputation, and saw a handsome handsome guy who was in a red dress with a blue -colored veil behind him behind him.

He didn’t know the man, but the woman he knew was the maiden of heaven.

He indulged in his disciples, only in the Ma family, there was no problem. If it was spread, the Ma family would fall a lot!

“Who are you and how dare you break into the martial arts field of my horse family, even if you are the heavenly people, you can’t be so arrogant!”

Ma Zhongli scolded the blame.

When Zhang Yuchen saw Wang Chao’s moment, he was stunned. Thinking of the scene that was almost thrown from the plane by Wang Chao from the plane, he was even more hate to grit his teeth.

But how did he come here!

“Don’t talk nonsense, I didn’t break in, I came in generously, and no one stopped me!”

Wang Chao said with a smile.


When Ma Zhongdang was in his breath, he was afraid of the power of the heavenly clan, and he did not dare to tear his face with the other party.

Holding his fist tightly and saying coldly:

“Then what are you doing?”

During the talk, Wang Chao had come to Ma Zhong’s body, and his tone was quite unhappy:

“Your horse’s family hasn’t repaid it for so long, I have to come in person!”

When Ma Zhong heard that Wang Chao came to ask for money, his eyes were glaring, and he suddenly thought that a few days ago, their disciples were killed, and they owed hundreds of billions of things.

Ask gloomy with a gloomy face:

“My son killed it?”


Wang Chao replied without avoiding it, “I saved your horse’s family, you should be grateful to Dade!”

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