At front of the Stanta Hotel!

A Lamborghini poison braked quickly.

Then, the man jumping down from the car and wearing a casual dress.

A tall figure, a knife -cut face, behind a not long hair, and a small braid.

When I got out of the car, I glanced up in a hurry.

In the eyes, the fire was shining, and the meteor rushed into the hotel.


Before the welcome words standing at the door, they were caught in their hands by the handsome man.

His voice was low and powerful, and at the same time, he asked with a moment of anger:

“Which room Zhu Yanruo is in?”

“Sir, I’m just receiving at the door, I don’t know …”

Women’s scared legs were softened, and the man was too strong.


Jiang Feng threw the woman’s reception.

When the security guards at the door saw that someone was in trouble and rushed up.

Jiang Feng glared at the past, and his eyes were murderous, but he kept his footsteps.

Those security guards stopped in place immediately and did not dare to step forward again!

Jiang Feng came to the front desk a few steps, and talked a strong snoring:

“Tell me which room Zhu Yiruo is in, otherwise I will lift your hotel!”

“It seems to be in room 701!”

The front desk waiter shrank his neck in fear and responded tremblingly.

Jiang Feng didn’t think much. He learned that his sister was in trouble, and he ran over all the way. Now it is the most important thing to find a sister!

Long legs, like wind, rushed to the seventh floor!

Come to the door of Room 701, kicked the door open and rushed in.

At a glance, a man was pressed on a woman on the bed.

At this point, the man looked at him in horror!

And the woman’s face was blocked by the quilt, leaving only a pair of white and slender legs!

Jiang Feng was angry, Zhu Yiruo was his favorite woman, and he was about to win immediately, and he was spoiled by others!

Even if he doesn’t like it, it is also her best sister, and it is not allowed to spoil others!

Without saying a word, Mu feuded his strength and smashed the man’s face!

The man had no time to react at all. He flew out the whole body and hit the wall.

The whole head was beaten, and it fell to the ground and broke his breath directly!


The woman on the bed sat up suddenly, watched Jiang Feng screaming, and then stunned.

Jiang Feng stunned for a moment and returned suddenly.

I am!

This is not my sister!

Thinking of this, I stunned.

It’s not because of killing the wrong person.

Instead, he thought that the room number was wrong, and he delayed him to find someone.


Jiang Feng gritted his teeth, pulled out his mobile phone and dialed a number. He ordered the sentence, “Room 701, someone died, help me get it!”

He rushed out without looking back.

There are many rooms for Shangrila Hotel. If you can’t find Zhu Yiruo’s check -in information, it will be extremely difficult to find!

Jiang Feng was looking for in the corridor.

At this time, he suddenly saw the room at the end, and a person poked his head sneakyly, and then shrank back.

Hurriedly rushed past, and kicked the door directly.

“Who are you? What are you doing?”

The room was a middle -aged uncle in his forties, and a woman in his twenties.

“Do you know which room Zhu Yiruo is in?”

Jiang Feng was annoyed, and he guess it wrong again. Rather than asking like a headless fly, he might as well ask.

“You are sick, I don’t know Zhu Yiruo!”

The middle -aged man scolded angrily.

Seeing that Jiang Feng turned around, he was about to leave, reaching out to stop him, “You disturbed me to rest, and kicked my room door away, you have to …”

“Don’t want to die, just go away!”

Jiang Feng glanced coldly, pushed his hand away, and turned to leave the room.

At the fastest speed to the first floor to defend the department, take out a gun to aim at a security guard’s security department:

“I want to check monitoring!”

“Don’t be excited, don’t be excited, what time do you want to see, you say, I will adjust it now!”

When the security guard saw the black gun, coupled with the strong atmosphere of Jiang Feng’s body, the cold sweat came out.

How dare you!

“See where Zhu Yiruo is in which room!”

Jiang Feng is almost sure that Zhu Yiruo’s information must not be found in the housing information, so it is the fastest to directly check and monitor.

He regrets it now, knowing so long ago, he brought him all his men and the second sister.

“Zhu Yiruo, I know, she followed a handsome guy to the tenth floor. Which room is on, take a closer look!”

When the security guard was looking for Zhu Yiruo, the fear disappeared in an instant.

Open the monitor directly.

It was easy to find that Zhu Yanruo held a man’s arm and walked into Room 1001.

From the monitoring, you can’t see the man’s face, you can only see a back.

Jiang Feng originally wanted to see the front of the man, but at this time he was too late and rushed to the tenth floor.

When you come to Room 1001, don’t say anything, let the door open again!

The room was dim.

There was no sound of a little bit.

Jiang Feng frowned.

Generally, hotels are full of room cards. After entering the room, you can only have electricity!

But 1001 rooms, the room was empty, and the place where the card was inserted, there was no room card at all!


Jiang Fengqi burst into a rough mouth.

He wants to kill people now, and he can’t take care of so much.

Directly on the tenth floor, the door of a room in a room, go in to check.

“Stop, what are you doing?”

The hotel’s more than a dozen security guards also rushed to the tenth floor, holding an electric stick in their hands.

But no one dares to step forward.

“I ask you, which room Zhu Yanruo is in, if you don’t say it, I will kill people!”

At this time, Jiang Feng had lost his patience, took out his pistol, and pointed out the security guard in front of his eyes!

Every second for a second, the probability of losing her sister is a bigger point!

It has been twenty minutes since he received the help information from his sister.

In these twenty minutes, God knows what it will happen!

“We don’t know!”

The security guards saw a pistol and scared back.


Jiang Feng aimed at one of the security guards.

The security guard fell to the ground, and a big blood -red mouth appeared on his head!

“I ask again, Zhu Yiruo, which room is!”

Jiang Feng had already felt that someone deliberately disrupted his sight behind him.

Obviously the person who held the sister was instructed.

He knows that it is necessary to deal with these people in a ruthless way!

“It’s 1101, it’s upstairs, it’s upstairs!”

A security voice tremblingly said.

The task they received was to delay as much as possible, but now they have come out of life and dare to conceal it.

Jiang Feng was afraid that these security guards were lying, and pointed at the security guard:

“You, leading the way in front, if you dare to say panic, I will collapse you!”

“Yes Yes Yes!”

The security guard was so frightened that his legs were stunned, and he took a heavy step and walked towards the stairs.

The two came to the eleventh floor, and Jiang Feng opened the door of 1101.

In the room, there was a piece of black paint, and the bed seemed to be lying alone.

Jiang Feng’s eyes were about to look at it, and suddenly he was hit by his head. In front of his eyes, he fainted.

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