When Wang Chao heard the system’s prompts, he almost laughed.


You will be more shameful in a while!

Liang Youyou will take the drawings prepared in advance to get over, and to Jiang Fengdao on the operating table:

“Mr. Jiang, you choose the size.”

Jiang Feng was stunned, can you still choose the size?

There were still some doubts, and now, I am a little excited.

Master Wang is really different!

For a few seconds, which man would want to be small.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to choose the biggest size.

When Liang Youyou saw him made a choice, he laughed:

“Rest assured, you are satisfied with the surgical package.”

Then, the nurse was arranged to give Jiang Feng a local anesthesia.

When the anesthetic was effective, he asked Wang Chao said:

“Master Wang, he chose the biggest, do you get it now?”

“Naturally, if successful, it can be called a medical miracle!”

Wang Chao looked at Jiang Feng abuse.

In this book, Wang Chao was also abolished by his second brother. Later, he tried to pick it up, but it was so easy.

Now human technology can be installed at most one fake.

But it is useless to install fake, because the ability to make children is missing.

The only advantage is that you can also be urinated.

If you install an electric, you can never be exhausted!

Liang Youyou’s expression was obviously weird, but Wang Shao ordered that she couldn’t say anything.

Holding the walkway:

“Take the cow, take it up!”

Although Jiang Feng was anesthetized, his brain was still a bit sober. He heard ‘cow “strangely.

Take the cow?

What do you take?

Suddenly thought of a possibility:

Well, don’t you have to put the cow whipping on yourself?

I have a big grass!

Thinking of this, desperately wanted to get up and ask.

If this is the case, it is not a matter of killing yourself.

It’s better to be an eunuch!

But everything was just futile, he found that the roots could not be shot!

If you want to call for help loud, you find that you can’t say it at all.

Suddenly desperate!

“Master Wang, the patient has a local anesthesia!”

The female nurse pushed all the equipment required by the operation with a small cart.

“Is there a bigger? You little knife is too small!”

Wang Chao glanced at the operating knife and shook his head, very dissatisfied.

The nurse looked at Wang Chao in doubt. Their hospital was the highest specified hospital in Nandu. The surgical equipment was also the most complete. The surgical knife was in various models.

Are you too small?

How big can people use surgery?

“Go and take the box I brought!”

Wang Chao turned his head and ordered Liang Youyou.

Soon she took the box over.

Wang Chao opened the box and took a black paint machete from the box. I don’t know if the blade has not opened the blade, and it took too long to take it for too long.

It seems that the blunt cut vegetables are hard!

“Master Wang, you, don’t you use this knife? Where the sword is, but the most tender place in the human body!”

The nurse widened his eyes and looked at Wang Chao incredible.

As if you were saying: Are you really a doctor?

“No mouth, there is no one here here, go out!”

Liang Youyou scolded.

“It’s okay, let them stay here!”

Wang Chao didn’t care about it. Anyway, what he saw, all people’s certificates and hospitals will disappear after today.

As for the use of the knife, it must be the knife brought away when Jiang Feng’s second sister went to negotiate with him.

It is kind to do this!

Outside of operating.

The nurse pushed a car over.

The body is covered with white cloth, which looks extremely mysterious.

“What is this?”

Jiang Dong stopped the nurse and said he was going to open it.

According to the reason, everything for surgery is prepared in advance,

What does it mean to push the car in it now? Moreover, he faintly smells a bloody atmosphere.

“what are you doing?”

The nurse pushed Jiang Dong’s hand directly, “I remind you, don’t look at it, if something happened, are you responsible?”

Although Jiang Dong is a big man and is a master of Xiu Xian.

Although I was angry, I still took a step back.

After the nurse walked in, Gao Shuyuan looked at Jiangdong suspiciously:

“Dad, do you feel strange?”

Seeing Jiang Dong nodded slightly, “You said, will it be replaced by the younger brother?”

When Jiang Dong heard this, he suddenly realized: “It should be!”


Yue Yue’s eyes flashed, because she saw it faintly just now, so big.

I have seen adult videos before, and the biggest is not so majestic!

In the operating room.

Wang Chao pulled the white cloth on the car.

Except for him, everyone is amazed!

so big!

I really didn’t find that the cattle’s stuff was so powerful before!

The nurse suddenly responded, watching Wang Chao in horror, secretly, wouldn’t he have to pretend to be this gadget for patients?

Damn, this, this, this is true, it’s really awesome!

Wang Chao glanced at his mouth with a light smile, and the machete in his hand dumped a few times.

Chopped to Jiang Feng!

Although Jiang Feng was anesthetized, he still kept a sober state and saw Wang Chao’s machete.

The little heart trembled, and then greets the eighteenth generation of the ancestors of Wang Chao.

However, now I have no energy, I have no way, I only feel the gesture of my Majesty.

Even if I was anesthetized, I still felt a strong pain!

“Take the medicine to the patient!”

Wang Chao just cut two knives and instructed.

Liang Youyou responded and stuffed a blood -red elixir into Jiang Feng’s mouth.

Wang Chao pointed to the cow’s guy on the car and motioned to take it.

The nurse moved the cow’s guy with excitement and handed it to Wang Chao.

Wang Chao put it on the cut mouth at will.

Not to mention, it looks majestic.

Then the idea was moved, and it turned into silk with black gas, fixed it, and the wind was light and light:

“Wait!” Go to wash your hands.

“Is this over?”

Liang Youyou and all the nurse looked at Wang Chao incredible.

Can you still be at will?

Wang Chao ignored them, but touched a cigarette, sitting aside, and began to smoke.

Several nurses are locking. This is the operating room. It is forbidden to smoke. Even if this is the master of the dean, it is not possible.

One nurse was about to stop, but was pulled by another nurse.

Then she saw a scene that she would not forget in this life.

On the operating table, the patient’s wound is healing at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Just a few minutes, the wound has been seamlessly connected.

As if the guy of Niu was originally growing on Jiang Feng.

“The surgery is successful! It seems that it is a bit crooked, but it does not affect!”

Wang Chao wiped out the smoke, and the corner of his mouth passed the cunning smile.

Put on the mask again, walk in front of Jiang Feng, bend over and look at him, the sound is low, “This is your own choice, don’t regret it!”

Outside the operating room, the indicator light changed from red to green.

When the Jiang family, the Jiang family saw the surgery, and they all showed joy.

I didn’t hear any bad news, and it was successful to want to have surgery.

After waiting for a long time, I didn’t see Master Wang and nurse out, let alone pushing the door.

After waiting for a while, Jiang Dong was really impatient and pushed the door directly into the operating room. Others followed.

However, everyone was shocked as soon as everyone entered.

There are no one else except Jiang Feng who is lying on the operating table!

What about people?

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