
The protagonist’s family is very angry!

The protagonist gas transport value -500, the remaining gas transport value 19500


The protagonist feels great insult!

The protagonist gas transport value -1000, the remaining gas transport value is 18500

The host villain value +1500, the villain can be worth 25500

Beyond the office of the President of the Film and Television Company.

Wang Chao was sitting in the chair, listening to the system’s prompts, expressing very happy!

Open the live broadcast software and see countless private messages.

There are those who want to add friends, there are those who want to support them, as well as cooperation.

Of course, there are also thanks letters from Xiao Xiaolei himself.

Wang Chao glanced at it, did not deal with it, and found the live broadcast of Xiao Xiaolei.

Rocket yacht aircraft carriers again sent a series of rewards.

Throw it out again!

As soon as Xiaolei in front of the screen saw this familiar ID reward, she laughed:

“Thank you Jinzhu Baba’s reward, love you!”

Crazy kissed the screen crazy, and then I threw a wink again, “Golden Main Baba, I can satisfy your requirements, and the facial foundation can be shy!”

Wang Chao laughed, ignored, and turned off the live broadcast directly.

Look up to the secretary:

“Have you remembered what to explain to you?”

“Remember, Wang Shao!”

The secretary nodded heavily.


A piece of information is sent over:

“Master, watch cctn news!”

Wang Chao looked at the information on his mobile phone, a smile on the corner of his mouth, and turned on the TV.

“At one o’clock this afternoon, a major car accident occurred in Ankang Avenue. Two passenger cars rear -ended, the bus exploded, and no one was in the car.”

After the host reported, the picture turned around and played a surveillance video at the scene of the car accident.

At the beginning, two passenger cars drove normally.

Suddenly, the front car had a sudden brake, and then reversed back madly.

The rear car suddenly accelerated and hit the car directly.

Then, a bang sounded.


The buses were blown directly into the sky, the thick smoke rolled, and the spark splashed.

After that, countless fried flesh, limbs, fragmented cloths, and scrap iron fell from the sky.

The huge impact shook the trees on the surrounding roads, and the ground directly exploded two large pits.

The scene is extremely miserable!

It can be confirmed that people in the two cars are definitely not the possibility of surviving!

Wang Chao watched the video expressionlessly and turned off the TV.

At this time, the door of the office was knocked a few times.

Hospital, premium ward.

Seeing that everyone left everyone, he directly locked the door from the room.

The eyes came to the bed with light, and asked softly:

“Brother, how do you feel now?”

“Sister Four, I’m okay, you’re going to be busy you!”

Jiang Feng’s anesthesia has disappeared, and there is no feeling of pain.

The body feels extremely good.

He originally wanted to drive everyone away, and he was quiet in the hospital alone. Who knew that the four sisters turned back again.

“It’s really okay?”

Yue Yue kneeled on the hospital bed, tilted his head and looked at Jiang Feng.

“Well, Sister Four has worked hard these days!”

Jiang Feng responded, hanging his head, looking at some of the collected information, and suddenly the phone sounded!

Jiang Feng was helpless, looking at the mobile phone that was still rang, and picked up his hand and picked up the phone.

“The master of the palace, it’s not good, there will be more than a hundred people who arrive at Nandu today, there is a car accident! No life!”

On the other side of the phone, a rough and eager voice came.


Jiang Feng heard this, and jumped up from the bed.

And his jump suddenly changed his face, screamed in pain!

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