The next morning, Jiang Feng caught people, guessing that Wang Chao should return to Nandu and called him.

After a long time, the phone was picked up, but the other party did not speak.

Jiang Feng had to speak first:

“Wang Chao, I’m Jiang Feng!”

“What’s up?”

At this time, Wang Chao drank morning tea leisurely.

He had already guessed that Jiang Feng would call to negotiate with him, and he had to treat it seriously!

Jiang Feng was stunned. He couldn’t hear any emotions from Wang Chao’s cold tone.

Does Wang Chao care about his father at all? Still didn’t guess that his father was caught by himself?

Regardless of the reason, the opponent’s arrogant attitude, in the first round, he lost.

Take a deep breath and throw a thunder directly:

“Your dad is in my hands … if you don’t want him to die.”

“It turned out that you caught it, let him go!”

Wang Chao did not wait for Jiang Feng to finish his words, and cut off his words directly coldly, his tone was like ordering.

Jiang Feng’s mouth was drawn, and Wang Chao was so arrogant!

He was caught by Wang Chao’s father. He really didn’t care about his father’s safety at all?

No, absolutely not, he must pretend not to care, the purpose is to put pressure on himself!

Thinking like this, the eyes are overflowing evil spirits:

“I want to see your father, exchange my three sisters and my four hands!”

The corner of Wang Chao always smiled. There is a sense of vision of a cat to play with a mouse, but the cooperation is still cooperating:



Hanging the phone, there was no extra nonsense.

“Hey, Hey …”

Jiang Feng looked up at Guliza. For a moment, he felt that Wang Chao was calm, as if he was abducted by his father.

Guliza listened to Wang Chao’s words throughout the process, and there were countless questions in her heart.

For a moment, the only thing that can be explained now is that the handle in the hands of the other party is more important than his father.

So there is no fear.

“Sister Liu, we secretly sneaked to Wang Chao’s house at night to see if we can find the third sister!”

At this time, Jiang Feng had no score.

Wang Chao finally said a good, but did not ask the exchange address.

The more the other person is, the less he is in his heart.

“I have sent someone to check it, and I can be sure that the third sister has not been hidden in Wang Chao’s villa!”

Guliza shook her head. After learning that Wang Chao left Nandu, she sent someone to sneak into Wang Chao’s villa. After looking for a long time, no trace was found.

She can only confirm that the three sisters must be in Nandu, but Nandu is so big. If you want to find someone, it is similar to the sea.

Now all the men have been sent to find the whereabouts of the third sister through various channels.

But there is no news at all. She is worried that the third sister’s end is like the second sister!

“Now Wang Chao knows that we have caught his father, will he call the police?”

Jiang Feng looked at the mobile phone with the black screen, some difficulties, this phone call did not play the effect he wanted.

However, he was worried about the third sister and didn’t want to wait.

The longer the time, the more dangerous the third sister.

“Oh, he should not call the police, and even if he calls the police, the south is the world of our Jiang family!”

Gu Liza smiled coldly and didn’t worry about it. Seeing Jiang Feng a little irritable and soothing, “Don’t contact Wang Chao again today, wait for him to contact us!”

Time passed little by little.

In the blink of an eye, it was noon, and Jiang Feng didn’t wait for Wang Chao to call.

For a moment, he thought it was not Wang Chao’s father that he caught.

But judging from the news he got, the person he caught was impossible!

The more you wait, the more anxious, pacing back and forth in the room.

“The master of the palace, there is a courier in the same city outside, saying that you need to sign it yourself!”

At this time, Xiao Zhao walked into the villa.

“City Express?”

Jiang Feng stopped and was confused.

He hasn’t bought things online, why is there any courier in the same city.

But out of curiosity, I came to the door of the villa.

A small truck was parked at the door, and the truck driver wore a red gray clothes marked with the ‘59 City Express’ s sign.

Seeing Jiang Feng, opened the door of the truck and handed a list:

“Are you Mr. Jiang Fengjiang? You sign!”


Jiang Feng did not rush to sign, but walked to the car and looked at the car curiously.

“The cargo list is written on the cargo list, a total of 620 pounds!”

The truck driver handed the list to Jiang Feng, and fingered one of the packaged paper shell boxes on the car.


Jiang Feng frowned unhappyly, and he never bought meat at all.

I just wanted to refuse my visa, and suddenly smelled a faint bloody gas in the box.

This blood has been treated with special technology, but as a fairy, he has several times more sensitive to his nose than ordinary people, so he can smell it.

After turning his mind, pushed the truck driver and jumped directly into the carriage.

Open a carton at hand and look at the meat inside, and his face becomes irony instantly.

After gritting his teeth, opened another box with his fingers white, and it was still chopped meat, plus a skull.

Jiang Feng’s eyes were scattered with horrible evil spirits, opened the last two boxes, the blue tendons on his forehead rose, and his eyes were red.

His four most powerful men were killed and sent over.

It must be made by Wang Chao!

“Mr. Jiang, are you okay?”

The truck driver didn’t see things in the box. He only saw that Jiang Feng’s face was extremely bad, and he was still shaking and asked with concern.

The murderousness in Jiang Feng’s eyes is substantial.

The body suddenly moves,

There was only a virtual shadow in place, holding the driver’s neck in his right hand, rushed forward a few meters, and hit him on the iron railing on the edge of the villa.

The truck driver is just an ordinary person. How can he bear such a big impact? He only feels that the five internal organs in the body must be shattered, and his face is pale, and he spit out a large blood!

“Say, who made you send it?”

The murderousness on Jiang Feng’s face became more and more strong. He believed that the driver in front of him must be Wang Chao.

“Keke … It was sent to you in a meat shop in Qinghe District …”

The driver’s face rose purple, his eyes were full of fear, and his breath answered weakly.

He now feels dizzy, and he will faint soon!

Jiang Feng’s eyes were ruthless, and she was about to cut off the driver’s neck, and suddenly the phone rang.

He took it out and looked at it, and it was actually from Wang Chao, and decisively pressed the answer button.

“Give you a gift, I hope you like it, you will decide on the location of the trading place!”

The tone was cold, and he seemed to have a little smile. He hung up the phone again without waiting for him to respond.

Jiang Feng was angry and turned to Xiao Zhao:

“Go, cut off Wang Xiangru’s hands!”

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