Guliza on the side was a little calm at this time.

Think of any possibility in your mind!

Wang Xiangyi is similar to Wang Xiangru, which is different in age.

Jiang Feng’s men were arrested in old age when the two appeared.

If they really caught the wrong, then the real Wang Xiangru looked younger than Wang Xiangyi.

Wang Chao is Wang Xiangru’s son and a alchemist.

Thinking of this, I can’t help but look:

Yinshou Dan!

She suddenly wanted to understand.

Wang Chao must refine the extension of Yishou Dan to Wang Xiangru, so he looks younger.

Wang Chao had expected that the younger brother would send someone to catch Wang Xiangru.

And Wang Xiangru and Wang Xiangyou have always been inconsistent!


Guliza instantly figured out everything, and she was annoyed.

It’s abominable!

Holding his fist tightly, the evil spirits in the eyes are substantial:

“Do you want to borrow our hand and kill your second uncle?”


Wang Chao smiled slightly.

Guliza’s calm face set off a ripple. Since Wang Chao knew that he was not Wang Xiangru in his hands, he came to the appointment today.

What is the purpose?

I heard Jiang Feng’s opening before asking questions:

“What do you want?”

Jiang Feng really can’t guess!

He gritted his teeth tightly, and a trace of fine cold sweat had been blinked in front of his forehead.

There is a kind of small and transparent.

Wang Chao looked at Jiang Feng quietly and saw the fine sweat on his head, and laughed:

“I want you!”


Jiang Feng couldn’t help but stunned, and the other party had to exchange him with a third sister.

This is also something he can’t ask.

As soon as the third sister was rescued, he launched an attack.

He believes that Wang Chao must not be his opponent!

Gu Liza on the side is completely opposite to Jiang Feng’s thoughts. Wang Chao is definitely not a blind person.

What happened here was within his plan, and his real purpose was the younger brother!

However, she didn’t understand one thing. At the night of the occasion of the Shangri Hotel, the night when the third sister had an accident, Wang Chao obviously had the opportunity to kill or seize the younger brother.

Why didn’t he do it at that time, did he want to see his brother ugly?

Is there any reason for Wang Chao before, dare or not to kill the younger brother? And now the time is mature?

There are countless ideas in Guliza, but no matter which one, the younger brother exchanges it.

“Why, dare not?”

Wang Chao looked at Jiang Feng jokingly, and suddenly laughed, meaninging, “If you dare not, then I will take your three sisters …”

“Can you talk about it?”

Jiang Feng has already made up his mind, and Baba is not allowed to exchange the third sister by himself.

“Of course, but I know you are afraid of me!”

Wang Chao stabbed him.

I will be afraid of you?

Jiang Feng changed his face and felt that his personality was insulted.


With a sound, you have to exchange the third sister in the past.


Guliza and Zhu Yanruo sounded almost at the same time.

Zhu Yan Ruo shook her head crazy, with tears in her eyes. She never wanted her younger brother to fall in Wang Chao’s hands.

Guliza naturally disagreed, directly in front of Jiang Feng, watching Wang Chao coldly:

“who are you?”

“Who do you think I am, who I am!”

Wang Chao smiled with a smile, a deep look.

In her heart, she admires Guliza’s insight, and she seems to have found something.

I don’t know if she can kill it smoothly for a while, after all, she is a bug in the original book.

“You are not the people of this world!”

In the information found by Guliz, it is clearly recorded the life of Yan Jing Wang Chao!

And Wang Chao’s biggest hobby is to soak girls!

But Wang Chao in front of her, during the time she sent someone to monitor, never found a woman!

And in a short period of time, he learned alchemy and conspired her father Jiang Dong.

Normal people are absolutely impossible to do.

I am afraid that there is only one possibility that can make him so great. The original Wang Chao was taken away!

Jiang Feng endured and endured, and he took a step forward and side by side with Guliza:

“Wang Chao, if you are still a man, you will let my third sister, I and you with strength!”

With strength?

Wang Chao couldn’t help but laughed:

“I am a man, but you are not!”

Jiang Feng’s face changed, the massecum muscle was tight, and suddenly sneered:

“How to know if you don’t try?”

Guliza knew that Wang Chao deliberately took this, ridiculed and angry.

But the other party didn’t know. After waiting for another two months, the younger brother was the real man!

Hearing Jiang Feng said so, Wang Chao’s sight moved to Jiang Feng’s lower body subconsciously.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw that Jiang Feng’s little guy was born again!


Guliza is really bug!

This can help him grow back!


A red fire shot in the eyes.

The change happened too fast, and Jiang Feng couldn’t respond at all.

I just felt that the crotch was hot. After that, the painful pain came, and the painful expression suddenly showed the pain, and hurriedly covered the crotch with both hands.

“The guy I cut off, without my permission, I can’t be reborn!”

Wang Chao’s smile was mild, and a harmless expression on humans and animals.

“Wang Chao, you are a beast …”

Guliza’s face was a little embarrassed. She couldn’t think of it. Wang Chao actually broke her brother’s brother again!

At that moment, she really wanted to rush out and slabs Wang Chao directly!

But reason tells her that Wang Chao can hurt people with eyes, and it is definitely not ordinary people!

Before Jiang Feng realized the fun of the new brother, he lost again. At this time, his heart was angry.

He hurriedly stopped the blood with his aura, and looked at Wang Chao with a pale look, and he couldn’t wait to tear him.

“I’m too lazy to play with you, don’t change it, say a word!”

Wang Chao’s face was exhausted for a moment, and his eyes were deeply murderous.


Jiang Feng quickly adjusted his breath, and the king of the Korean king walked step by step.

As long as he changes back to the third sister, he must kill Wang Chao himself.

Today, you can only survive him here!

When Zhu Yanruo saw Jiang Feng coming over, the urgent tears burst out, crying loudly:

“Brother, don’t come over, I am willing to die for you!”

When she was very young, her father told her that this family was the biggest!

Without their younger brothers, they would not survive.

With a ruthless heart, biting his tongue hard.

The blood flowed down the corner of the mouth and looked very scary.

Wang Chao waved his hand and sealed Zhu Yiruo’s mouth, making her speechless, and waited for Jiang Feng to come to the door with a smile.

Jiang Feng looked at the appearance of the third sister, and her heart was broken, and her footsteps were unconsciously accelerated.

If Zhu Yan couldn’t speak, he really didn’t want to watch the younger brother die for her, shook his head crazy, tears were like the pearl of the line, and he couldn’t stop dripping.

At the moment Jiang Feng was about to approach Wang Chao, a flying knife stabbed like a lightning, and he inserted Zhu Yiruo’s heart straight!

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