Wang Chao watched Guliza under the ground. He did not expect that this Guliza could still be transformed!

This is about because Jiang Feng was originally against the sky in the original book, and Guliz’s talent was not weak.

Stepping on Guliz’s head, I didn’t know that this time it was not dead.

His spirit cannot be locked now, as if she is not personal at all!

“Six Sister!”

Jiang Feng was lying on the ground, and he thought that the six sisters would die.

I can’t help but start to regret, why should I be impulsive just now and start the mechanism directly, just destroy Wang Chao!

It’s too late to cry now!

When Jiang Feng was sad, he suddenly felt a shock from the ground, and then he was pulled to the ground!

Wang Chao could not lock Guliza, but he could lock Jiang Feng.

Seeing Jiang Feng disappeared, he suddenly turned back and found that Guliza, the original place, also disappeared!

“Oh, never die!”

Wang Chao was almost sure that he directly hit his head. Guliza hadn’t died yet, either the other party used any magic weapon, or he was not dead.

His eyes followed Jiang Feng’s trajectory and found that Jiang Feng arrived in Qinghezhong’s office building.

Then, there was a loud noise, and the whole sky seemed to burst.

I saw the highlights of the Qinghe people appearing one by one.

Immediately afterwards, those highlights gradually expanded, and it was a fighter one by one.

The red light was revealed, a bombardment, a large pit fried on the ground, and the fried dust permeated in the air!

The fighter aircraft fired crazy towards the ground. The red light was intertwined like a fine network, covering the entire Qinghe people.

Over the surrounding, hundreds of combat robots broke the soil.

They sideways their arms and shot the engine gun.

At the time of ascending, countless crushed stones were mixed with soil splashing everywhere.

The smoke rose up, forming a huge dusty cloud column.

Wang Chao was flooded by the rotten stone.

“Wang Chao, your death is here!”

Jiang Feng stood on the top of the building on the fifth floor of Qinghe, and his eyes were endless excitement!

These high -tech equipment are Jiangdong’s largest invention in their lives, automatic aiming, automatic recognition of human beings, and has the function of not killing the other party.

And this bullet is made of millennium cold iron, which can penetrate 20 cm of steel plates. In the realm of the royal spirit, no one can hold the bullet penetration.

Moreover, the scope of the offense of Qinghezhong was set in advance.

Therefore, at this moment, within three kilometers of the square, only in this building is the safest!

Looking at the continuous shooting of fighters and robots, there was a trace of pleasure on both the face of Guliza and Jiang Feng.

Wang Chao still did not escape their palms!

After a moment, the sky stopped attacking! The robot also stopped!

On the open space in front of Qinghezhong’s office building, potholes, as if there were hundreds of thousands of troops, a tragic war happened here!

“Hahaha, Six Sister, the mech stopped, Wang Chao must be dead!”

Jiang Feng laughed a few times, and his excited eyes were red.

He believed that his father’s invention was that only the office building under his feet was safe within the three miles of Fang Yuan. He did not see Wang Chao Chong in.

The mech stopped attacking, which is enough to explain that Wang Chao is dead and I don’t know which big pit buried!

“It should be dead!”

Guliza will restore the previous voice. She kept staring outside the building and did not see Wang Chao running out.

Wang Chao finally died!

“Father, the second sister, the third sister, the fourth sister, the fifth sister, you can rest in peace, I have avenged you!”

After Jiang Feng was excited, he informed the dead relatives.

But when he thought of Wang Chao just a life, he couldn’t wait for Wang Chao to die worse!

“Brother, don’t be sad, and me, Xiaoqi and elder sister to accompany you!”

Guliza was a little moist at the corner of her eyes at this time, and touched Jiang Feng’s head gently!

At this time, the fighter suddenly moved!

Guliza and Jiang Feng stunned in their hearts, and there was the same idea:

Did Wang Chao die yet?

The sight follows the position of the fighter’s muzzle.

It was found that their attack target turned out to be a dozen coffins brought by Wang Chao.

Bang Bang! It was another shot.

The lid of the coffin is shot through!

There is a clicked sound in it!

“Six sisters, is there a living person in the coffin?”

Jiang Feng stared at the coffin without blinking, and was very curious in her heart, what exactly was in the coffin!

Guliza was also curiously, but she always had an ominous premonition!


The lid of the seventeen coffin was smashed almost at the same time. In the coffin, 17 people jumped out!

Those seventeen people’s eyes are scarlet, and the muscles on their bodies are abnormal, especially the nails on their hands, like a sharp blade, sharp!

“Uncle Yang …”

Guliza saw the middle one at a glance, but it turned out to be the uncle in her family, Gu Qiyang!

She was afraid that the fighter would not kill Wang Chao, so she sent some people in the clan, and a total of eighteen, headed by Gu Qiyang!

Looking at other people again, his face became frightened!

Why is his tribe be here?


Jiang Feng didn’t know Gu Qiyang, but when he saw these people, his face became ugly.

His father Jiang Dong was like this before his death!

The words of the two have not fallen!

The muzzle of the fighter has sprayed the flame!

Da da da……


Guliza stopped loudly, but that was high -tech, where would he listen to her!

Countless bullets were shot densely.

Seventeen mutants were scratched into a sieve instantly, and those who fell on the ground could not die anymore!

Fighter and robots stop attacking!

“It’s Wang Chao!”

Jiang Feng’s face became twisted again.

Wang Chao was dead, and he even came out to hurt people.

The corner of Guliza’s mouth was also trembling. This was all her tribe. From another world, she died here!

He died under their fighter!

Take a deep breath and barely restore the calm:

“I said why I couldn’t contact them. It turned out that Wang Chao was caught by Wang Chao. Fortunately, Wang Chao died, otherwise, they must die!”

At this time, a taxi stopped in Fulu Town.

From the car, he walked a very cute girl with a wireless headset on his ears and a selfie rod in his hand.

After opening the map and glance, the live broadcast was opened:

“The little lovely cats, good at noon, I am your new friend, Liu Xiaosi, today I live broadcast on the cat platform for the first time today. Today we come to Fulu Town, the suburbs of Nandu City. I will take you with you Go to the mysterious Qinghezhong Group to visit. ”

Speaking, I walked in the direction of the Qinghe people, and saw a row of drones flying in the sky from a distance, and continued to live a smile with a smile.

“Little cute people look at it, there are countless drones in the sky. People from Qinghe Zhong Group know that I want to visit and deliberately prepare for me …”

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