“What did you say? Who died?”

Guliz’s face condensed and unconsciously raised his voice.

Sister is dead?

How can this be!

Before sending the eldest sister here, she helped the eldest sister check her body. Except for the abnormal IQ, everything was normal!

How could it die?

Jiang Feng’s eyes were staring bigger than cow eyes.

“You say it again, who died?”

“The lady asked the one who brought back Gao. Gao Shuyuan, Miss Gao …”

Gu Xi’s sullen sound responded, and the heart was scared.

What was going on, he didn’t know. He only knew that the owner of the family went to support the eighteen people who supported the young lady. They were intercepted halfway and fled only one!

Then the owner killed Gao Shuyuan!

He was stunned and told Guliza and Jiang Feng that he knew.

“Do you mean my father’s big sister?”

Guliz looked at Guxi incredible.

The old family, the entire family, came from the sky and lived in a small town, the purpose was to escort Jiang Feng.

How could his father hurt the people around Jiang Feng?

Seeing Guxi nodded, calming his face, he rushed into his father’s study directly.

Jiang Feng’s eyes were red, and he was behind Gu Lizha.


Guliza pushed the door away and was seeing his father Gu Youheng sitting in front of the desk, looking at an ancient book!

“Who allows you to come in without knocking on the door?”

Gu Youheng’s sharp eyes pierced Guliza like a knife, and at the same time, he scattered an invisible force.

Directly bombarded Guliza and Jiang Feng out of the study!

The door was closed and closed again!

Guliza and Jiang Feng both fell to the ground.

Jiang Fengqi clenched his fist suddenly and smashed the ground.

With a bang, a huge pit appeared on the ground.

He turned over and jumped up, trying to find Gu Youheng theory.

But Guliza was pulled.

Guliza knew his father’s temper. Although they came to the lower bound to help Jiang Feng, they had a condition to submit to Jiang Feng. It was when Jiang Feng was stronger than him!

But now, Jiang Feng Mo said that he is worse than her father!

Coupled with the loss of seventeen generals in the clan, his father was not angry.

“Brother, don’t be impulsive, first ask!”

Guliza knew that his father would never kill innocence. If the elder sister really killed him, there must be a reason.

Jiang Feng’s fist was loose and tight, tight and loose, and slowly exhaled.

After all, the biological father of the six sisters, he must understand the truth before making plans!

Seeing that he had no opposition, Gulizo went to the door again and knocked gently!


The sound of Gu Youheng came from the house.

Guliza pushed the door and walked in. First, he looked at his father and asked:

“Father, why do you kill my elder sister?”

Gu Youheng put the desktop in his hand on the table, raised his deep eyes and looked at Gu Liza and Jiang Feng.

He didn’t answer her, but patted his hands.

The sound of footsteps from far and near, walking into a man who had no noses and ears and bandaged.

“Uncle White?”

Gu Liza frowned and looked at the man in front of him, and some didn’t dare to confirm.

“Miss, we go to support you eighteen people, and I was intercepted halfway. Only I escaped back. The position of our ancient family was exposed!”

Gu Tai Bai’s voice was cold, and his tone was angry.

“What does this have to do with my elder sister? My older sister is now a two -year -old child. Don’t tell me that she exposes your whereabouts!”

Jiang Feng looked at Gu Taibai.

“Master Jiang Feng was right. It was indeed Gao Shuyuan’s leakage of our trace, let Wang Chao intercept us halfway!”

Gu Taibai said seriously.

Jiang Feng and Guliza couldn’t help but look at it, how could this be!

“We found this on Gao Shuyuan!”

Gu Youheng threw a micro mobile phone in front of Guliza, “There is also the news sent by your elder sister to Wang Chao!”

Guliza picked up a watch -sized micro mobile phone and opened the information. The first one was the information for Wang Chao, and the time to send information was only more than one hour later than her for help!

“Impossible, the eldest sister will never betray us!”

Guliza couldn’t believe that the eldest sister was the most loyal to the Jiang family, and even loyal to her.

How could she betray the Jiang family and help Wang Chao?

“I don’t believe it, this must be your sister, forged information!”

Jiang Feng was even more unbelievable, and felt that all this was an excuse for finding the ancient family after killing!

“You turn down, and the voice information of Gao Shuyuan and Wang Chao!”

Gu Youheng’s face was expressionless. In his eyes, no matter who he was, daring to move to the ancient family’s head, it was unforgivable!

Guliza rolled down quickly, really saw a voice information, opened the play, and the voice of the elder sister came: I have successfully arrived at the ancient house, and I will pay attention to safety!


The room was quiet.

With this voice, even Jiang Feng and Guliza, who trusted Gao Shuyuan, were a little shaken.

The muscles on Guliza jumped a few times without controlling, and the afternoon of the elder sister became stupid!

What kind of agreement did she reach with Wang Chao that day?

But the eldest sister’s life is clean, why did he betray Jiang Feng? Be betrayed the Jiang family?

She was puzzled.

Outside the ancient family courtyard, the two ancient families were dug on the mountain.

“Hey, this girl is so beautiful, but unfortunately!”

“What’s a pity, she killed our 17 people!”

“What is her disease?”

“Paralysis above the cervical spine!”

“What’s the meaning?”



When the two were discussing, they suddenly heard a bang, as if something was broken!

“what sound?”

“have no idea”

“Well, how do you have a hole in this head? It’s like a wormhole!”

“It may be when the owner kills her!”

“Nonsense, the owner patted in her chest … hissing …”

“Do you want to tell the owner of this?”

“Forget it, one more thing is not as good as one thing, buried!”



Gao Shuyuan was dead, and the protagonist was angry!

The protagonist gas transport value -500, the remaining gas transport value 1500

The host villain value +500, the villain can be worth 12500

Wang Chao heard the system’s prompt, glanced at the phone, and said with a smile:

“High -tech, really good!”


A bodyguard came in and bowed back, “Master, all those fighters have brought back intact, and experts are hired!”

Wang Chao’s first head, as if he was talking to himself:

“Thank you for your weapons!”

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