Seeing Olenna's complete disbelief, Rand became a little anxious, inexplicably not wanting to be blamed for such a thing: "My ability is temporary, and there is no way it will have a permanent impact."

Taran, the leader of the bandit village, can testify, but unfortunately Taran is not here now.

Rand's language suddenly became pale.

And Ellie was still rolling on the ground.

Ellie thought very rightly. Due to the power of the White King, Rand could not really do anything to these two people.

Otherwise, if the White King keeps asking questions, there may be holes left.

And this was completely intolerable to Rand.


Rand suddenly remembered the elf's small leather whip. As long as it was not whipped very hard, it seemed that it would not really leave any scars.

Rand, who was suddenly emboldened, sat back in his seat. He still planned to ask Ellie why she was so insistent. Is this relic so important?

Rand's impression of this relic activity was still limited to exploding CGs and priceless artifacts.

Fortunately, the protagonist group did not gather together for unknown reasons, otherwise it would have been troublesome. The identities of the protagonists in the protagonist group exploded one by one. If they were all involved, Rand would feel like he would ascend to heaven on the spot.

"Why are you so obsessed with the ruins?" Rand motioned Ellie to stop moving. "What do you want? There is absolutely no need to risk your life to go to the ruins, right?"

Ellie stopped rolling and stood up, dusting herself off.

Because her sister lacks a weapon that matches her identity, and this relic seems to have a suitable one.

But she wasn't sure whether she should tell this cultist such precious information.

But she soon laughed. This kind of cult den could not possibly pose a threat to her sister, and even if he spread such news, no one would believe it.

She immediately said: "My sister lacks a useful weapon, and that ruins seems to have a suitable one. I have been taken care of by my sister for so many years, and I want to repay her."

After saying that, she felt a little ashamed. Not only had she achieved nothing this time, but she had also hurt Olenna. If she didn't handle it well, she would have hurt her sister. She clearly wanted to do something, but nothing was done, and it even had the opposite effect. .

But now, since the price has been paid and the handle has been grasped, there is nothing to be afraid of.

"We have tentatively established a trusting relationship now, haven't we?" Ellie found a stool to sit on and her expression returned to seriousness. "Although the process is very unpleasant, now we have a basis for cooperation?"

Rand admired Ellie's psychological quality very much. She had just been left with a dark history, but now she was able to talk about business seriously: "What good do I do?"

"You can invest in us, and we will give you part of what we gain from the ruins."

It's a pretty good proposal. You don't have to take risks and you can still get benefits.

But Rand still decisively refused: "It's impossible. If you die in the ruins, we will still be troubled by the White King."

"I have a way to deal with the Iron Golem." Ellie said.

Rand sneered. He recalled the cg of the ruins event. It was so difficult that the protagonists gathered together and almost wiped out the whole group. Now you are the only one with a superior. Rand personally thinks that it is not as good as three protagonists gathering together. Qi is suitable for adventure: "Do you think the only danger in the ruins is the steel golem?"

"Have you investigated?" Ellie seemed to understand something and asked very smartly.

Rand did not refute. In a sense, he might indeed know the ruins better: "Not now."


"You are too weak." Rand said mercilessly: "Wait until you at least have enough strength."

Seeing Rand's firm stance, Ellie observed Rand's current residence, stopped entangled, turned around, and planned to leave with Olenna.

"Wait a minute." When Ellie and Olenna stopped and turned around, Rand started writing on the parchment with a quill without explaining too much.

The two of them were not in a hurry and stood quietly waiting.

Olenna and Ellie both have brown hair, and their eyes are the common blue, but under the same conditions, some can be as ugly as a troll, and some can be as exquisitely crafted as a sculptor.

Just like Olenna and Ellie.

Olenna and Ellie are both dressed in standard northern clothing, except that the weather is hot now and they are not wearing fur vests.

Looking at them quietly at this time, they felt a bit like sisters. Olenna was slightly more mature, and her hand was habitually placed on the hilt of the sword at her waist. Maybe because of what happened last night, her posture was a little strange.

Ellie was a little more agile, and her posture looked a little uneasy like Olenna. Although she just stood there quietly like Olenna, her eyes were restless and darting around.

Rand finished writing and handed it to Ellie.

"Relics Development Plan"

In short, after Ellie solves the steel golem at the entrance to the ruins, promote the ruins as an adventure holy land, and then let a large number of adventurers go to the mine. When the progress is almost complete, the den party will go out to pick peaches in person.

And since the den is the village closest to the ruins, when the adventurers come, they can also make a lot of money from their food, supplies, accommodation, and medical care.

Of course, the premise of everything is that Ellie must cooperate with the publicity and find a way to deal with the steel golem at the entrance to the ruins.

Ellie read it carefully, looked at Rand's young and handsome face in surprise, and felt a bit of fear.

A cult den with powerful strength and exaggerated potential. There is even a divine messenger who descends through the den through unknown means.

And this divine envoy is not only familiar with the culture and camps of the human world, but also has such a refreshing development mind.

It can be said that if this child is not eliminated, it will become a big problem in the future.

Seeing that Ellie had finished reading, Rand said: "In half a year, if you can gather a complete adventure team that can complement each other in all aspects, then we will have the possibility of cooperation."

At this time, Rand also needs time to buffer. He needs to find a way to kill the barons stationed in the Kingdom of Narensa first, and then occupy the magpie's nest and actually control the barony. Then, he can come to this country. Amid the civil strife, they fished in troubled waters and obtained actual claims to this territory.

If it is not handled properly, no matter how well the den develops, it will be nothing more than a wedding dress for others.

After getting such a detailed plan, Ellie was a little hesitant.

If a cult den with such unlimited potential develops, then Ellie will become a sinner.

Ellie closed her eyes, thought for a moment and said, "I want to live here for a while."

She planned to stay and observe. Since Rand was rational, there was still a possibility that this den was not actually a particularly evil cult.

Recalling the bloody smell of corpses she smelled last night, Ellie smiled to herself, maybe her current behavior was just deceiving herself.

Olenna looked at Ellie with a heaven-falling expression, wondering if Ellie was controlled by this evil angel, but she did not dare to show it in front of Rand.

Rand looked at Olenna's expression with black lines on his face, thought for a while and decided to ignore it, and said to Ellie: "Please do it, but the food and accommodation are not free."

Chapter 26 Lysa’s Ambition

After leaving the sacrifice room, Ellie confirmed that this room was called the sacrifice room by other believers, but it was actually Rand's bedroom. There was no place where sacrifices could be made.

There is something strange about this cult den, except for the smell of blood that I smelled yesterday, which is more in line with the image of a cult den.

From the rest of it, it looks like a relatively vibrant human village.

The villagers are not like the imagined cultists, who are either chattering or contemplating evil plans.

The villagers in this den are either farming, logging, or feeding livestock.

Ellie can only say that the disguise is really true.

After they walked a little further and returned to the room arranged for them yesterday, Olenna looked at Ellie worriedly: "Let's go back Ellie, it's too dangerous here, and there's a weird atmosphere everywhere."

Ellie said helplessly: "Olena, you don't think I am controlled by that Rand, do you?"

Of course Olenna doesn't think so, but she still has some suspicions that she was too affected by last night's events. After all, Ellie is still young and may be addicted to that kind of thing. This is very dangerous. She may stay here for a long time. , Ellie's life will take a twisted path.

This is absolutely unacceptable to Olenna.

"No, Ellie, I just think there is no need for us to cooperate with them. After we go back, as long as we forget about this incident, everything that happened here will pass. After all, as long as we pretend not to remember, the envoy will not record the video. Let it go."

"Then wouldn't it be in vain for us to come here?" Ellie sat beside the bed. At this time, the sheets had been destroyed, so there was only a bare bed board.

"We walked such a long way from the royal capital here, and then wandered around in the mountains and valleys for five or six days, and finally we were recorded by that bastard."

"The price has been paid, why can't we charge some interest." Ellie said, anyway, he can't do anything to us now.

"Aren't you really afraid of him..." Olenna said worriedly.

"So what." Ellie said, "If my sister never has a weapon, those disgusting monsters will not give up."

Ellie tugged on her collar: "For this, even if I really have to lose something, I won't hesitate."

Olenna looked at Ellie worriedly, worried that she was just saying this and had actually been tempted by the evil angel, but she couldn't think of a practical solution.

For the first time, she felt that the superior strength she was so proud of was so powerless.

Force is useless, and the role of identity has been used up, making it meaningless at this time. Now she seems to be no different from an ordinary weak woman with no strength.

Even her life experience and wisdom are not as good as Ellie who is younger than her.

Dong Dong——

Knock on the door.

Lysa walked in after getting permission.

Olenna and Ellie both blushed a little at this elf who was watching them last night.

"Voluntary labor, are you interested?" Lysa asked.

"What does Rand mean?"

"No, what I mean is that you don't actually have to have much prejudice against this place. Whether it is a cult or not is not decided by people."

Olenna is the highest-level swordsman, an agile duelist who uses swift swords, Ellie is the highest-level warlock, and Lysa is the highest-level ranger.

If you add Tan'er, the heavily armored knight, it will actually be a very complete adventurer team. If it were in other fantasy game worlds, it could actually be called a legendary adventurer team.

If such a team is lucky, they may be able to complete epic stories that will be sung by bards, such as slaying a dragon, defeating the devil, and saving the princess.

But what Lysa invited Olenna and Ellie to do this time was a reconnaissance mission. Although Rand didn't say it, Lysa had already felt his desire for the Baron of this land.

And a smart ranger should know how to detect the terrain in advance and plan the route.

There happened to be two idle people with good strength here.

Lysa said: "If you agree, I can introduce you to the scenery of the hideout."

Ellie sneered disdainfully, but didn't say much: "Okay, provided you don't do anything disgusting."

Lysa knew that there were still many misunderstandings between the two sides, but since these two were willing to stay, the misunderstandings would be resolved sooner or later.

This is just a group of people who want to survive in this world.

To be honest, she was still looking forward to seeing what the smart Rand could do. In her eyes, this somewhat perverted and unkempt god messenger, although he didn't see any combat power except for his perverted ability that he didn't know where he came from.

But, he must be qualified to be the king.

Therefore, today she only collected a small reward. Lysa touched the whip mark on her waist, gently held her fingers with her lips, and after feeling it, she took the initiative to set out to clear the obstacles for Rand's plan.

At this time, Ellie and Olenna didn't know that Lysa was a pervert. They just thought that this female elf ranger was a little strange, but it was normal for people in the cult to be a little strange, so they didn't ask much. After a little preparation, they set off with Lysa.

Rand didn't pay too much attention to the movements of Ellie and Olenna. He could fully understand that Ellie wanted to investigate the strength of the den. After all, the method that could defeat the iron golem must be priceless.

If the den didn't have enough strength to control this area, it was possible that they would not choose to cooperate, but Rand was not worried, because after reading his plan, these two people would no longer think that they could go down to the ruins and complete the adventure to obtain the artifact.

And he just got some important information.

The mediation of the Torch Church has begun, and it is estimated that it will not take long for Rensa to withdraw.

And this is a good opportunity for Rand to attack the baron. At this time, the den forces equipped with iron weapons are far more powerful than the baron who has been transferred away with most of the troops, and Rand is not worried that the Kingdom of Rensa will pass by here when withdrawing.

This area is remote, and the previous attack here was entirely for the purpose of surprise. When the army withdraws, there is naturally a flat road to take, and it is unlikely to pass through this place.

And this baron, presumably he does not want to share the looted goods with his colleagues, it is impossible for him to specifically call friends to go with him.

The training of the villagers in the den has never been neglected recently, and the real battle against the regular army is coming.

Chapter 27 The Greedy Baron

The barony where the den is located is crescent-shaped. Rand does not know what the official name is, anyway, he calls it the crescent.

The baron of the Kingdom of Lunsa stationed here is looking at the military newspaper at this time, knowing that the withdrawal is inevitable.

He thought he would be very depressed, and he was also one of the most radical war factions in the country.

He was the first military noble to lead the army to attack the Northern Union.

But later, because he offended his superiors, he was excluded and fell into this rural corner.

But now it seems that compared to those nobles who put all their wealth on the line and fought desperately on the front line, but got nothing in the end, his current job is so comfortable and lucrative.

After arranging his tax collector to collect a lot of taxes, the cost of his military expedition has been fully recovered, and there is still a lot of surplus.

He knew that there was unrest in the village below recently, but what does it have to do with him?

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