The scene of Taner kneeling down, the scene of Taran hesitating and struggling in front of the goat, and the fight with the village of Takina flashed through his mind. Rand wanted to ask something, but it felt a bit boring.

He was not a messenger of justice, and he should even be said to be the leader of an evil cult, but at this time, the revenge that could not be called revenge was still very satisfying.

After that, all the wealth of this barony would become his.

The Northern Union was composed of seven kingdoms and some duchies. This crescent territory belonged to the Frost Moon Kingdom, and the king of this kingdom chose to lead the expedition in person when Lunsa invaded, and then died with his eldest son in the front of the Lunsa Kingdom.

Now the second prince and the third prince each pulled a group of people, and no one was convinced, ready to fight for the throne.

Soon, after the armistice agreement was signed, the Frost Moon Kingdom and the Lunsa Kingdom would fall into civil strife.

And this civil strife, as long as he handled it properly, it is very likely that he would be recognized by the human kingdom for his rule over this area.

After all, there are always some mercenaries who will obtain the status of nobles and even actual fiefdoms in important battles, and Rand intends to play a very important role in the civil strife of the Frost Moon Kingdom.

To avoid more trouble, Rand finally stepped on the baron's head and stepped his face into the muddy soil.

Then he loosened his legs and waved his hand while the baron struggled.

Taran trotted over and saw what Rand meant, and was a little unbelievable.

After repeated confirmation, Taran picked up a wooden thorn on the side of the road, aimed at the back of the baron's head, and stabbed it hard.

This should be dead, after ordering some people to be alert, let the rest come to clean up the battlefield, clean up the blood, internal organs and corpses, and Rand must not reveal any flaws in the next plan.

Rand didn't know how many stories this baron had after that, anyway, today, the story of this baron ended.

Stretching, Rand said that he needed a seat, and at this time, Ses or Selai would always move a seat very cleverly.

After feeling someone passing by behind him, Rand sat down skillfully.

Then his whole face froze.

The seat under him was definitely not a normal one, it was warm and soft.

Rand was immediately terrified, could it be that Seth had used his tentacles to make a seat for him?

He quickly looked back and saw that Rand's heart and lungs had stopped suddenly.

It was not Seth's tentacles, but Lysa's back.

Lysa was trembling slightly at this time, as if she was struggling.

Taner saw this scene, turned his head slightly, and then winked at Seth and Selai who were a little at a loss there.

Seeing Seth and Selai did not move, Taner remembered that he had not taken off his helmet. After Taner opened the visor, he winked at Seth and Selai again.

This time they finally understood, turned their backs, alerted the surroundings, and stopped looking at Rand.

Lysa's body trembled slightly from time to time, her face flushed, and her eyes were wet, but now because she lowered her head, Rand could not see it.

Rand looked at the people around him who turned their heads away very tactfully, indicating that he did not want them to be so tactful at all.

What should he do now? He has become a pervert who makes his subordinates kneel on the ground and use them as chairs. He is very curious about his bottom line.

Now that he has become a pervert, although Rand still finds it difficult to keep his expression, he is not so uncomfortable at least.

After all, the lost integrity cannot be taken back.

Pinching the waist of the "chair", the touch is quite soft, and Lisa also cooperates very well and moans softly: "Please, please reward me for a while longer."

It's not easy to find this opportunity, she doesn't want Rand to suddenly stop sitting.

"I, I will become a qualified chair." Lisa bit her lips tightly, her red lips sunken by her pearly teeth, and her eyes were full of mist.

Lisa is trying hard to bear it, hoping that she will not get lost in such a huge stimulation.

If she gets lost too early, she may not be able to maintain the shape of the chair, oo~

Rand thought he was going to let go, but when he heard Lisa's voice, he had to withdraw his hand awkwardly. Sure enough, he was not a pervert, and he was really dwarfed by the real pervert.

I don't know if Lysa is tired of holding up her body, but she is very tired now. To be more precise, she is sitting on pins and needles and sweating profusely.

Lysa is quite qualified as a chair. Although she trembles from time to time, she is generally stable.

Rand can't hold on any longer. He lowers his head and looks at Lysa again, and meets her eyes when she looks up.

Her moist golden eyes, pearly teeth biting her lips, fair skin and the soft moan that only Rand can hear make Rand unable to control himself.

As soon as their eyes meet, Rand turns back embarrassedly.

Ellie and Olenna feel isolated. They originally wanted to come over to ask Rand how to calculate the reward after the battle, and then they saw this scene.

They can't understand at all that the elf ranger who was so smart, reliable and powerful before was actually being used as a chair.

This is more shocking than watching Rand treat Taran before.

What handle did this god's messenger hold that allowed him to bully and exploit a top ranger like this.

Now Ellie and Olena were a little at a loss, and they didn't dare to ask for compensation, lest they end up like Lysa.

Olenna whispered to Ellie: "It seems, I feel like Lysa is also happy, is this the legendary education?"

Chapter 32 Expansion, negotiation, situation

The process of taking over the Crescent Territory was very smooth.

Due to the baron's extortion, the Crescent Territory has now been reduced from 10 villages and 1 town to 4 villages and 1 town, including the No. 3 den.

If the No. 1 den is included.

Then there are 5 villages in the Crescent Territory at this time, but the population of the villages has more or less decreased. Now, compared with the pre-war period, the Crescent Territory is estimated to have only one-third of the population.

Because the remaining villages had received funding from the den before, they did not encounter any resistance during the acceptance process. After negotiations, most of the materials forcibly collected by the baron were returned.

These remaining villages agreed to Rand's conscription and expressed their willingness to pay taxes to the den after the autumn harvest.

Although Rand did not claim to be so, all the people in the Crescent Territory have actually recognized Rand as the lord of this land.

Of course, it may also be because these ignorant villagers do not understand what is legal principle and what is claim.

Just like when the Kingdom of Rensa attacked, the lord of the barony changed, and the villagers at the bottom could do nothing and could not understand the meaning of it at all.

All they can see is the amount of tax.

However, Rand can be regarded as stepping onto the chessboard for the time being, but I don't know if he has the chance to become a chess player.

Now this land has recognized his right to rule over the current population of 400 households in Crescent Territory.

The loss of Crescent Territory is smaller than expected, which may also be because the size was good at the beginning. The population of 400 households is estimated to be 1,500 to 1,600 people, which is still a very good number.

At this time, as one of the few literate and arithmetic people in the den, Taran was sent to the town as the temporary prime minister, but there would be no one in the No. 3 den, so they could only be temporarily autonomous.

For the scarcity of education in this era, Rand felt the dilemma of no one available for the first time so deeply.

It seems that the popularization of education for believers should be added to the schedule. If you don't learn mathematics well and can't read in the future, you will be kicked out of the sect!

At this time, Ellie and Olenna sat on Rand's left and right, helping Rand to deal with documents.

At this time, due to the rapid expansion of the strength of the den, there were more things in all aspects.

Taner was not in the hideout at this time. Because of his excellent riding skills, he had been assigned as a messenger to deliver messages between villages.

At lunch time, Ellie stretched her body. For the first time, she found that her literacy and arithmetic, which she thought were just so-so before, could actually play a good role.

Olenna picked out the processed documents one by one, piled them together, and then piled the unprocessed documents on the other side. Then she made a cup of leaf juice that could be called tea for herself, Rand, and Ellie.

Rand looked at Olenna, who had a graceful figure. As a top-level swordsman, her figure was perfect. When she was quietly processing documents before, she had a contrasting quiet beauty.

A perfect secretary, but unfortunately she can only be used temporarily now.

Lunch was bread, fruit pulp, and fried meat.

The bread fermentation technology of this era was outrageous, and the bread that was barely fluffy was full of alcohol.

The fruit pulp was fine because it was very fresh.

The fried meat was very pungent. Perhaps due to the lack of spices, the taste of the fried meat with only salt was still below the standard of being edible.

However, during this period of time, Rand has gradually become proficient and can eat it without changing his expression. In his heart, he secretly swore for the ten thousandth time that he must spend time to develop food technology.

Ellie and Olenna were originally well-dressed, but they were definitely not so picky when they went out on adventures, and they could still eat the ordinary food in the hideout.

There was no conversation during the meal, and Rand ate all the food skillfully.

Rand looked at Ellie who wiped her mouth after eating, and brought up the old matter again: "How about it, do you plan to cooperate?"

"You are almost in control of this place now. We can actually cooperate now. There is no need to wait for a while." Rand asked to wait for half a year before, hoping that she and Olenna would find a sufficiently complete team to cooperate, but now it seems that it is not a bad idea to start directly. The Frost Moon Kingdom does not seem to have the intention of taking over here.

Rand took the handkerchief handed over by Olena, wiped his mouth, and said, "Are you so anxious?"

Ellie nodded, not hiding her anxiety.

Rand glanced at Olena, and then Olena left the table and took out a piece of parchment from the sacrificial room.

"This is the military report collected from the baron." Rand introduced.

Ellie took it, glanced at it quickly, and her expression became solemn: "The king and the eldest prince of the Frost Moon Kingdom died in the war?"

Rand nodded: "Now the second prince and the third prince have each pulled a group of people to fight against each other. Even if there is no civil war, the domestic situation will be unstable for a long time."

Ellie felt a little absurd at this time. She was actually in a mountain valley, discussing national affairs with a cultist envoy, who seemed to know a lot about the Frost Moon Kingdom.

Scratching her head and thinking carefully about the international situation course her sister forced her to take, Ellie thought for a while and said, "Are you going to take advantage of this and get the status of a noble?"

"Yes." Rand said, "It is almost impossible to establish a new orthodox sect now, so I plan to join them first."

Ellie rolled her eyes. She found that Rand was still planning to promote his cult of the goddess of abundance, but the cult's philosophy is indeed worth learning. She has also memorized the thin page of doctrine during this period.

"So who are you going to support? The second prince? The third prince? Or the fourth prince?" Ellie's good memory allowed her to quickly recall the national conditions of the Frost Moon Kingdom.

Rand blinked and found that Ellie, who was only slightly smart in his impression, was more knowledgeable than he had imagined. It would be a waste of talent to let such a person go on adventures. He should be used as an aide.

Now, Ellie is in his hands for the time being. It's time to absorb her knowledge.

And Olenna, I really want a secretary like her, reliable, gentle and powerful, so that many things will be much more convenient, but unfortunately they are currently loyal subjects of the White King.

Rand's understanding of the Frost Moon Kingdom is limited to some vague memories. This seems to be the first faction mission of the player. A large number of players choose a faction to join, and then fight hard.

In the end, the winner was the fourth prince who came out of nowhere.

At that time, most players did not know the existence of the fourth prince, and Rand now is the same. If it weren't for knowing the general trend, no one would pay attention to the fourth prince.

The reason is very simple. The fourth prince is a bastard, and his maternal power is almost zero.

But Rand is still hesitating whether to bet on the fourth prince. It is too strange for a bastard with no power to get the final throne.

What did he rely on to win? Personal charm? This is ridiculous.

But Ellie actually noticed the fourth prince at this time, which surprised Rand.

Chapter 33 Trust, beautification, and the upcoming plan

Rand learned a lot about the internal situation of the Frost Moon Kingdom from Ellie, and learned a lot about the current situation from the letters between Ellie and her blood relative, the White King.

If Ellie and the White King could not communicate through letters, the White King would have sent someone to find her long ago.

The current lord of this crescent moon barony was originally the Black Brown Earl, and the Black Brown Earl supported the second prince.

The national strength of the Frost Moon Kingdom was weaker than that of the Lunsa Kingdom. Moreover, as a member of the Northern Alliance, nearly half of the country's military forces stayed in the Far North Fortress Group all year round to defend against monsters in the extremely cold land.

Therefore, when the Lunsa Kingdom attacked, it was difficult for the Frost Moon Kingdom to organize a sufficient defense in time.

And the old king didn't know what was wrong with his brain, and he led the eldest prince to the expedition in person, and then the whole army was annihilated.

The defeated army was unable to continue to organize resistance, and was killed, captured, or missing.

If the Lunsa Kingdom didn't think it was worth it, the capital of the Frost Moon Kingdom would have been breached.

If we only look at the invasion of the Frost Moon Kingdom, then the strategic choice of the Lunsa Kingdom is very correct.

Although the capital has the most wealth, when all the nobles retreat into the castle.

Choosing to plunder the countryside can also make a lot of money, just like the original baron of the Crescent Moon.

It's a pity that this person will never be able to take the wealth away.

However, the subsequent progress of the Kingdom of Lunsa has resulted in a lot of losses overall. Perhaps they did not expect that the Principality of Mist would be so difficult to deal with.

Rand blushed as he watched Ellie praise him in the letter to the White King.

Ellie and Olenna, who was standing next to him, also blushed. It was a rather strange feeling that three people who were not good at lying were making up stories and looking at each other.

According to the White King, she had originally intended to come and take Ellie home in person, but because she was stuck recently (actually Ellie was blocking her from seeing), she let her have fun outside for a while.

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