Wait until the residual heat passes. Fortunately, the season is still humid and there is no sign of forest fire.

When we arrived in front of the golem, the giant snake had turned into charcoal, and the iron golem had completely lost its core, but the shell had not only scattered many fragments and swept away many trees, but also many remained in place.

There was no sign of being melted by high temperature.

Now the most dangerous obstacle in front of the "Relic Development Plan" has finally disappeared, and the overall plan can be started.

In addition, the recent letter sent back by Taner also mentioned that the relationship between the Second Prince Faction and the Third Prince Faction has become increasingly tense, and they should not have much time to come to this mountain valley to find trouble with him, the illegal lord.

Looking at the magic steel that was almost not deformed, Rand looked at Ellie: "If the amount is controlled, can we complete the cutting of these metals?"

Ellie thought for a while and nodded: "It should be possible."

Rand was a little excited: "Come and try it!"

If these metals with almost perfect properties can be cut, they can be made into armor and large shields, which means that a legendary soldier unique to Rand is likely to be born.

Ellie carefully dipped some potion with a feather pen and scratched it on the surface of the iron golem.

After a while, Ellie took out a dagger and gently scratched the place where the potion was applied.

Nothing happened.

Ellie was stunned. She used a lot of strength. The fine steel that was originally invulnerable to Lysa's arrows appeared scratched.

Seeing this, Ellie breathed a sigh of relief.

And Rand breathed there, his heart was excited. So, the legendary troops of the nest forces can also be put on the agenda.

Chapter 47 Greed, Malice, Action

Now only about one-third of the literacy textbooks have been written, but literacy and mathematics courses can be started first.

Let the believers learn first.

The course is scheduled every morning, starting after dawn, for an hour, and then let the believers go to work.

The literacy course is taught by Olenna, and Ellie sometimes helps. The mathematics course is taught by Rand, and the literacy class and mathematics class rotate every other day.

After the basic knowledge course, there will be a small class on Rand's doctrine.

That is, to allow the believers to understand Rand's new doctrine more clearly to avoid ambiguity.

Rand knocked on the small blackboard and asked: "If you need to clear the goblin cave in the wild, what will you do?"

No one answered.

Rand raised his eyebrows and skillfully called a name: "Cers, you answer!"

Cers was no longer surprised by being called. He stood up skillfully, thought for a moment, and answered: "Seal the cave entrance and then smoke it?"

"Correct answer, sit down!"

Many adventurers like to go in and fight the goblins when clearing the goblin cave, but this method is completely wrong. Once the cave entrance is blocked, they will all die after a period of smoke.

Most of the caves of wild monsters are unlikely to have any good ventilation measures, and there are at most two or three exits.

There are no high-value treasures in the goblin caves in the wild. After smoked, there is no need to reopen the seal of the cave entrance, just leave directly.

I don't know why they had to enter the narrow and dark cave. Do they think they can find some treasure in the goblin's nest? It's more like the goblin's treasure in the end.

The small class ended, and the believers left the classroom in an orderly manner. Due to the scarcity of paper, they couldn't have their own notebooks. Although they were very serious in class, the teaching effect was only average.

But Rand could only prioritize the development of papermaking technology before food craftsmanship, but it was still too early to have enough time to study papermaking. The most important thing now was to build an adventurer's holiday villa and deal with the malice of the Lake Source Baron.

After everyone in the classroom left, Rand also left and came to the office attached to the sacrificial room.

Seeing Rand coming, Ellie stood up and said, "The White King Calant has officially replied, and will start to help promote the ruins here in the near future."

"What about our project?"

"The first phase of the project has been completed, and basic facilities such as taverns, toilets, and some houses are already available for use." Toilets are what Rand said, which means places for people to relieve themselves. Feces will be transported to designated locations for composting by dung pickers.

According to Rand's idea, sewers will be built in the future to directly flow feces to the manure pit.

As for the second and third phases of the project, it depends on the flow of adventurers. If it is normal, there is no need to continue to spend money on construction. However, the large bath invested by Ellie and Olena as a luxury building is still under construction.

Mainly, Rand himself also needs a convenient place to take a bath, and if he wants to recruit high-end talents in the future, this will also be a very attractive facility.

"Is there anything else?" Rand continued to ask.

Ellie nodded, but sat back. Olena was responsible for this part of the affairs, although Rand still didn't know how they divided the work.

Olena said: "Baron Huyuan has begun to urge, and seems very anxious."

Rand frowned. It was very abnormal to be so anxious. After all, in the face of huge interests, dragons will have some patience, unless there is something wrong with the baron's finances.

"Did Lakehead also get conquered during the war?" Olenna had also read the letter from the White King to Ellie, so she was quite familiar with such things. "Yes."

"But this Baron Huyuan is alive?" The original lord of Crescent Moon Territory died in the attack of Lensa, which led to the later Baron of Lunsa Kingdom. However, this Baron Huyuan did not die. His territory was breached, but he was not deprived of his title. This is a very magical thing.

According to the noble law, a noble must defend his territory to the death. If the territory is breached and the lord of the territory escapes, he will lose the ownership of the land. If it is recovered in the future, the land will have nothing to do with the original lord.

Even some harsh countries will directly execute the nobles who escape. While the nobles enjoy so many privileges, they also have obligations, that is, the responsibility to defend the land.

But this Baron Huyuan still returned to his territory. There must be a lot of tricks.

And this Baron Huyuan is so anxious, it is probably because his finances are in trouble. For example, his territory has also been plundered by the nobles of the Kingdom of Lunsa, and there may not be many living people left now.

Now, Rand feels that the den is already walking on a tightrope, with multiple affairs running in parallel, so it is really difficult to face this dog who is so anxious that he wants to jump over the wall.

Although he doesn't know what the current situation of Baron Huyuan is, Rand and Olenna are in agreement. It is impossible to give money and food.

Rand thought for a moment, then said: "Speed ​​up the production of steel golem armor, and then arrange people to garrison the border. I think this Baron Huyuan should be impatient."

The Crescent Territory borders two territories, Huyuan Territory in the northeast, Heyuan Territory in the southwest, and the buffer zone with the Kingdom of Lunsa in the east. There are no noble lords in this buffer zone, only some people fleeing famine and robbers.

The current situation can only pull the untrained third-term soldiers to garrison in the northeast, and Rand also plans to go there to command in person.

After arranging everything, Rand walked into the sacrificial room. After completing the task of destroying the den of the God of Struggle, Rand has not come to hand in the task. Now it's time.

After reciting the tongue twister skillfully and bleeding a little, Rand disappeared in the sacrificial room and returned after a while.

Sure enough, the great, kind, wise, and supreme dark goddess of abundance is much more generous than the three-headed wolf of the god of struggle.

The thirst for sharing has been upgraded to double-hit, and it feels like it will become a group skill in the near future.

Rand was still very excited when he thought that a large group of people would start fighting with just a snap of his fingers.

However, as Rand expected, the task of eliminating pagans is a long task chain. After eliminating the pagan dens in the Crescent Moon Territory, the task becomes to eliminate the pagan dens nearby outside the Crescent Moon Territory. It is probably a long time before you want to leave the Crescent Moon Territory to eliminate the cultists, so there is no need to consider it for the time being.

After leaving the sacrificial room, Rand threw a crystal to Ellie.

Ellie took it and looked at it. She was not surprised and smiled: "Have you seen enough?"

Rand rolled his eyes, knowing that no matter how he explained, these two people probably wouldn't believe it, so he simply didn't explain.

Now the crystal is completely unnecessary. When they faced the giant snake that was bigger than the Iron Golem a few days ago, they lived and died together. At least he heard what Ellie and Olena thought about this period of time, and they have established trust between them.

There is no point in keeping this thing except that it will become a knot in their hearts.

In fact, Ellie no longer cares about this matter, but it is better to keep the black history in her own hands. After looking at Olena, Olena put away the crystal.

Rand stood there and thought for a moment, and asked, "Do you want to keep it for yourself?"

Olena's hand that put away the crystal paused, and she looked at Ellie again, thinking that what Rand said was really reasonable.

Pinch the crystal, and apply a little force, the crystal will crack, and then it will turn into quicksand and flow through Olena's fingers.

Chapter 48 The increasingly tense situation and the increasingly famous mercenary group

Taner looked at the fifty new soldiers and felt Rand's deep expectations and support.

Given the current population and economic situation of the den, it is not easy to train fifty full-time soldiers and equip them with weapons and armor, but the letter Rand sent never mentioned the difficulties of the den.

But Taner really felt this support and expectation.

However, the recent situation is good. As the strongest mercenary group in Black and Brown City, after completing several missions to eliminate bandits, Taner gradually gained the recognition of Earl Black and Brown and began to do more difficult and testing tasks.

Taner opened the "Reference for the Use of War Strategies", which was still a little damaged due to too many times of opening, even though he was carefully cared for. There were also a few pages inserted on it, which were answers to his questions when he was exchanging letters with Rand's envoy.

Now that autumn is approaching, the situation in the Frost Moon Kingdom has gradually become tense. The old nobles who pursue stability support the second prince, hoping not to change the domestic situation and maintain stability.

The force faction supports the third prince, hoping to strengthen the army and take revenge on the Kingdom of Lunsa. Although the Kingdom of Lunsa withdrew its troops, the army swept through, and the Frost Moon Kingdom suffered heavy losses in large areas of land.

Now that many nobles in the Kingdom of Lunsa have died in the war, the vacant territory is also in the midst of disputes and disputes, and there is definitely no time to take care of external defense.

If they can regroup immediately, there is a great hope for revenge, and at most they will be mediated by the Torch Church again.

But what is very interesting is that the strength of the conservative faction is stronger than that of the military merit faction, but not much stronger. Now the two sides have begun a military confrontation.

The same is true for the Black and Brown Earl. A large number of troops went to the border and began armed demonstrations.

Therefore, many affairs in the territory need mercenaries to complete.

But so far, no one thinks that the civil war will break out, except for Rand, who has now led a team to the northeast of Crescent Territory.

Taner led the mercenary group, which has now expanded to 150 people, and began to deal with the incident of Warcraft invading the village.

One hundred of these 150 people are the source of soldiers for the hideout, with the support of Rand. They are reliable and trustworthy, and belong to the team that Taner can rely on.

Another 50 people are a mixed force of prisoners, citizens recruited in Black and Brown City, and some volunteers. They usually do some unimportant chores, such as cleaning the battlefield.

Moreover, along with the new batch of recruits, there were also five scouts riding war horses. Taner didn't know what price Rand's envoy spent to buy such high-quality war horses. The scouts' horse riding skills were really average and needed more training.

Such strength was actually slightly weaker than some barons. In fact, it was stronger than the regular troops. A baron would have about twelve armored knights and twenty or thirty knight attendants on horseback. Such cavalry could suppress the Fengrang Mercenary Group, which was a group of infantry.

However, the mission the mercenary group received now was certainly not to deal with other nobles, but to fight against wild beasts.

The reason why the Black and Brown Territory was called the Black and Brown Territory was because this territory was rich in black and brown wild boars. The Black and Brown Earl also formed a wild boar cavalry regiment based on this specialty.

But if there were not enough soldiers to protect the village, these black and brown wild boars bred in the mountains and forests of the Black and Brown Territory could come out at any time to destroy crops and even hurt villagers.

Taner led the mercenary group to garrison in a village in the Black and Brown Territory. Truffles that could attract black and brown wild boars had been placed not far away. They were just waiting for the wild boars to appear and then clear them out.

Opening the "Reference on the Use of War Strategies" again, the last page said to act according to the situation, and the first page said something Taner couldn't understand: The best strategy is to attack the enemy's strategy, the next best is to attack the enemy's alliance, the next best is to attack the enemy's troops, and the worst is to attack the city.

Taner didn't understand the meaning of this sentence at all. To be precise, Taner had never seen such words before, and he didn't know what the meaning of Rand's envoy writing here was.

The wild boar appeared soon, much larger than the common wild boar, with a wider back, and looked like it could be ridden.

However, wild boars are wild and difficult to tame. Even if they are barely tamed, they are probably not particularly good mounts.

Taner imitated Rand's way of thinking, touched his chin, and felt that he could collect some of these truffles. In case he and the Black and Brown Earl were on the opposite side in the future, he might use them.

As the wild boar appeared, Taner ordered the soldiers in ambush to surround it.

Wild boars have an exaggerated sense of smell. In fact, people who are in ambush can be easily smelled out, but they cannot realize what these people's smell represents just by smell.

Taner took out the second strategy "Formation and Discipline" sent by Rand. In the open area, there is no need for any strategy to deal with these wild boars. The front row of big shields surround them, and the back row of archers shoot.


At the northeastern border of Crescent Moon Territory, Baron Huyuan can't wait any longer. Originally, the illegal lords here said they were willing to offer food and goods. He was still very excited. He thought he had squeezed a soft persimmon. When he received their diplomatic letters requesting delay, he suddenly felt that these people were like those villagers who prayed for grace time when they were taxed. They could be manipulated at will.

Originally, he planned to wait patiently for a while, so that he could get the money without any effort.

But yesterday, the creditor came to collect the debt again.

When the army of the Kingdom of Lunsa attacked, Baron Huyuan saw that the situation was not good and fled with his money. Logically, he should have lost this fiefdom.

Fortunately, the old king who was good at scheming and always maintained strict laws had died in the war, so he spent a lot of money to manage it and finally saved his territory.

Of course, there was also the reason that his territory was purely useless. The nobles in the country were now busy fighting for the throne. Those who were interested had no strength, and those who were powerful did not like it.

For this reason, he spent all his money and was still in debt, and the wealth of the villages in the territory was looted by the people of Lunsa.

Yesterday, when the creditor came to collect the debt, he humiliated him severely, so he was unwilling to wait for these ignorant people in the Crescent Territory to slowly accumulate wealth, and he wanted to come and rob it himself now.

At the entrance of the village on the northeastern border of Crescent Territory, Rand looked at Olena who was standing beside him with a serious face and said, "I can do it myself. You don't need to follow me. Have you forgotten the powerful strength that can kill even giant snakes?"

As he said this, Rand also gestured, recalling the scene when he faced a four-story-high giant snake and snapped his fingers without changing his expression.

Olenna smiled in agreement, unmoved: "This is also what Ellie meant. If something happens to you, all plans will be shelved, which is something we don't want to see."

Rand was not nervous at this time, and even had time to tease: "Aren't you worried about me?"

Olenna continued to agree: "Yes, yes, we are all worried about you."

"In fact, just let Lysa come." Rand said.

Oleanna felt that Rand was too insensitive to politics and said, "Letting the elves intervene in human disputes will bring a lot of problems. You know, the truce between the elves and humans was only a hundred years ago, and the hatred of the past has not been completely forgotten."

Rand nodded as if he understood, and then thanked Olena for her explanation and protection. It was just that Ellie suffered. Originally, both of them had to do the hard clerical work, but now it all fell on her alone.

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