Chapter 201 God said, this world needs black silk

Lu Yu's body is getting better day by day. At the end of the first month of the lunar year, he began to grow new skin. The new skin is not as thin as before. Although it is still tenderer than the skin of normal people, it can withstand light.

"Bai Hong, the matter here is over. You can go back to the mountain." He said to the Tiger Roaring Master who followed him without turning his head.

"What do you mean? Aren't we going to find the lord?!" Ran Teng Shiro looked at the Fusang Gods who were sitting like a mountain in front of him in disbelief.

For a while, the two punched, palmed, elbowed, and kicked. It seems that the sense of attack is very obvious.

If this person is ordinary, he will definitely be able to become a top-notch expert in their forces. But at this moment, he is full of evil and fearless.

Fortunately, although the dishes made by his lord this time are also weird, at least the taste is not as unique as that bowl of soup.

The implication is that neither side will leave immediately, and it is completely unnecessary to be sad and worried now.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene. They all knew the strength of Elder Huo, which was why they did not dare to openly refute Elder Huo's proposal just now.

However, what was shocking was that the two groups of talisman fire not only did not go out, but became more vigorous, turning into two groups of purple-red flames, quietly suspended in the dark sky, like the eyes of a demon, staring at me closely.

On the contrary, the Taoist saw the three of them, a trace of surprise flashed across his face, and then walked towards them.

Duke Ningguo did not say the rest of the words, but just glanced at his son with an imperceptible look of expectation. This time he brought his son out to let him get in touch with more outstanding peers.

It has been a long time since the general was brought back by Long Fengyun. They are very familiar with each other. In addition, Long Fengyun understands animal language, so there is no obstacle in communication. The general can understand the instructions given by Long Fengyun. Long Fengyun also taught the general some instructions in his spare time. He has long wanted to train it into a military dog, no, a military wolf.

It was already the evening hour when they set out, and the sky was getting dark. After more than an hour of travel, it was almost the evening hour. Everyone had to consider the issue of accommodation.

With Long Fengyun's help, Yin Yue said two names that felt okay. Yin Yue thought that the father was three characters, so she gave the two children two-character names.

Yin Ruojun was a little annoyed. This girl was really good at fooling people. He glanced at Shen Hanluo's ugly face and couldn't help laughing. You sneered at me just now, you deserved to be called Yun Ye's son by Mo Xi.

Lan Mengxue couldn't bear it anymore. Seeing Meng Xinyu crying, she looked at the person in front of her who liked her and paved a way for her, but she couldn't shed tears.

"I shouldn't go," Shao Yuyan, who was alone, avoided this kind of script that was curiosity killing the cat.

When the old lady got up, she saw a young man next to her, and just nodded to him, indicating that the trash can could be thrown away.

With the Gan Jiang sword in hand, Sunan's combat power has been improved by more than one level. After this trick was used, the sword energy instantly lifted up the grass of the entire football field.

One day later, the hall was empty, and only a shocking long sword and a jade slip with a voice were left on the seat of the leader.

"I'm sorry, I don't have any drinks like coffee here for the time being." Ye Chun apologized to the two.

After saying this, Elder Mei waved his sleeves and blew away the clouds and mist behind him, revealing a gap for one person to pass through.

For a moment, the two looked at each other, Li Xuan was full of murderous intent, but Ye Haoran looked puzzled. Although he and Li Xuan were born in opposition, he would not let the other party have such a strong murderous intention.

Master is right! As a preacher and a guardian, you can't have family concerns. Once you have a family, you have concerns. Once you have a family, you are most likely to be controlled by others.

Before Shadow could finish his words, Hong Fei suddenly covered his mouth and glared at him. The latter suddenly realized and stopped talking.

The fifty-year-old man sighed, the knife in his hand fell to the ground with a clang, and he held the child tightly in his arms and slowly closed his eyes.

After saying this, Fan Jingyu pushed the door open and left without giving Ye Haoran and Xuyun any chance to think. In this regard, the two did not say much, after all, they had already said almost everything they should say in private.

Wang Ling was good at close combat, jumping up and down on the horse's back, extremely flexible, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that he was at a disadvantage.

From Hou Daoren's words and deeds, it is not difficult to infer that this thing may involve the mystery of the Golden Immortal or even a higher level, otherwise his Golden Immortal realm would not threaten him, a True Immortal Fighting Five Trash.

"Damn Poison Scorpion Society, don't let me run into them, I must destroy them!" He gritted his teeth and said.

Why, why did it end like this, what did I do wrong? I let the people around me become like this, I have been slowly becoming a man, why do you still treat me like this.

Bai Weiyang, who was treating Xun Yi's injuries, had noticed the extremely eye-catching blood hole on his shoulder early on. In terms of the severity of the injury, it was at best an ordinary skin injury, but the real reason that made his scalp numb was that there was a circle of graffiti around the wound, like a black ink painting, and even flashing a faint blood color.

"Xixi, have you heard anything about Jingyun recently? How is she working in your company now? Are the people in the Jiang family treating her well?" Gao Lanzhi hadn't heard anything about Fan Jingyun for several months, and asked Lan Xingxing several questions about Fan Jingyun in a row.

He called several times, but Zhang San didn't respond. He was puzzled. Why was Zhang San shaking all over? He was sweating profusely, and his eyes were full of fear.

The owner of the bun shop was instantly delighted. He looked up and down at Yue Yi, and sighed in his heart that this was really a treasure. No, it was more than a treasure, it was a treasure.

Shen Chao's bleeding had stopped, his face was pale, and he lay there breathing weakly, as if he would die at any time.

Endless broken worlds were attracted, and under the pull of an indescribable majestic force, they flew backwards towards the Great Wilderness World.

Zhou Fan's eyes reflected a ray of innate divine light. He was not unfamiliar with this, and was even very familiar with it, the innate sacred origin essence.

Jun Wu came to his senses and realized that it was not a good place to stay. He pulled Ruhua and ran away. Liu Ziqi chased him and shouted, "I saved you, why are you running? Why don't you even say thank you?" Just after he finished speaking, there was a "plop" sound, and Jun Wu and Ruhua fell directly into the river.

Chapter 202 Fishmen, Mermaids, and Nagas

The fiefdom obtained by the second son of Earl Feihu is adjacent to the inland sea.

This inland sea is very large and connected to the outer sea.

More than a dozen countries border the inland sea.

And there are countless marine creatures living in the inland sea.

Some of these intelligent or slightly intelligent marine creatures have a serious impact on coastal countries.

At least fishing and trade on ocean routes will be affected by these aquatic intelligent creatures

Cheng Lingzhi was kissed again, staring at him with a twitching mouth, kicked him with his foot, and turned away angrily.

Most likely, he thought there was something going on between her and Huangfu Yixuan. After all, he was the prince, and it was embarrassing for him.

Cheng Lingzhi felt dizzy, and then the world spun around, and then she lost consciousness.

Situ Haoyu looked at her, and seemed to be a little puzzled as to why Cheng Lingzhi asked that, but still said, "I called." He called him to find out how badly her hand was injured.

Who else could this be but Qian Mei? Isn't this the Qian Mei that Tianming has been looking for for so long? Before, Xiang Ziyao had at least shown up in the Ninth Palace, but Qian Mei had never appeared. I didn't expect her to save me. Has her skill reached that level?

He should have rolled up the car window, but his fingers stopped there, and he watched Ye Zhenzhen run out in dishevel.

I know that Lin You must be in a very complicated mood today. He likes Ai Jia, and he hopes Ai Jia is happy. But now, Ai Jia is walking into misfortune.

Gao Jianli's face suddenly showed a helpless look. He didn't expect that Dao Zhi was still in the mood to laugh in this situation.

Xiao Wei and others saw her and asked her enthusiastically if her cold had healed. Cheng Lingzhi nodded warmly. Everyone felt relieved and said that they would go to dinner together after get off work to celebrate. Cheng Lingzhi did not refuse.

After the King of Thieves Meng Sanxing finished speaking, his eyes showed a hint of fierceness and looked at the Persian enchantress Alice!

Shu Yi nodded slightly and didn't ask anything else. He comforted Bao Yan a few words and led Mu Qier away.

Meng Yueyun shouted loudly in her heart, but she couldn't bear to take her eyes off Ying.

"You are really stubborn." Leng Muchen looked at her. Her indifferent attitude was only for him. Moreover, she was so concerned about Hongcheng, but she was cold to him and avoided him if she could.

Compared to Wanren Di, Zhan Feihen now looked much more embarrassed. It seemed that because he was immersed in the ruins, Zhan Feihen's clothes were already tattered, and he looked like a beggar on the street. There was also a pool of blood on his gray beard, which looked so dazzling.

Because Sun Yu and Shan Feng both needed experiments, they were given rooms on both sides of the maintenance room, but there was no space technology expansion.

He placed the compass in the center of the Savage City. Suddenly, the sky-high flames broke out directly, and a violent hurricane swept across the center of the Savage City. At this moment, a red teleportation array instantly appeared in front of Duan Chen.

"It's staring at Yuan Shuai!" Su Man suddenly thought of whether all this was caused by the black cat, but Su Man was discouraged that he could not see the real form of the black cat. Fortunately, with the guidance of the girl, Su Man fired a shot at the distance slightly to the left of the statue's shoulder.

He had never hugged her like this before, but she never thought that one day, it would be under such circumstances that she would get such a hug from him and feel the warmth of his embrace.

Avoiding the branches of trees growing in the air, Tiantian bent down slightly and passed under the branches, ignoring the harsh sound of branches and leaves scraping against her body. They were all wearing special protective clothing, which was waterproof and scratch-resistant but not soft enough, but it was very useful equipment in the forest.

The picture jumped, as if it was related things happening at different times. What are movies and rewinding? Is it another specific language from a place she forgot?

Slowly, the faces of the two people got closer and closer, and Conghan's face became hotter and hotter, but Conghan liked this feeling very much, it made him feel that Lin Feng also loved him.

"I don't have any money now. Leave your address and I will return the principal and interest to you." The young man in red said solemnly.

But in the United States, Li Moran did not expect that the former Chuchuxia was also invited by the company for training.

It suits her fresh temperament, flying youth, and bright smile, attracting everyone's attention.

How could he not see her? They still have many ties. She doesn't have many friends, and Gu Tianlang is one of them. She doesn't want to give up her friends.

She doesn't want to, and she doesn't want to. She doesn't want to make herself like Chuchuxia again, and wait until she regrets it, and then she knows that the man is her favorite.

Su Xia avoided his gaze a little awkwardly. For a moment, she actually felt that she didn't know how to get along with the person in front of her.

If he continues to stay in Jiangcheng, he will be suppressed by the Pei family in the future. He will not even be a street rat.

"Thank you, brother." Nana likes to eat tomatoes very much, especially raw. At this moment, she is happily sitting on a chair beside her and eating with relish.

Unfortunately, this pitiful expression of pear blossoms in the rain, reflected in Li Yan's eyes, only felt hypocrisy and anger. Even touching it felt dirty, he circulated the true energy in his body, and directly shook Liu Wanxuan away a few feet. He looked at her with contempt as she fell heavily to the ground like a filthy reptile, without any mercy.

A wound appeared on Xu Zhe's arm, and there was also a scar on the chest of the big leader.

With the help of several archangels of the angel clan, they all successfully merged the godhood and became powerful main gods. Afterwards, after explaining some tasks, they returned to their respective god territories under the leadership of Antonio. Especially the god territories damaged by the war, need to be restored.

Chapter 203 The instructions of the King of Canhong, and the maid costume in progress

Everyone looked at each other, and all walked away silently, leaving Jiang Yifan standing alone. After a few minutes, he found out where the people were? Why was he the only one left?

Fang Susu ordered a cup of American coffee and put three bags of sugar in it. When she looked up, she saw Zhan Rou frowning and staring at her.

The calamity with the purest lifeless vitality descended. No matter whether those people were ready or not, they had to choose to face it.

Jun Feiyu frowned: "What does this mean? It seems that this is not the first time I have heard you say this?" He asked curiously.

Xiu Qiqi raised her hand and touched the tip of her nose. She felt that the "candy y" was a bit pitiful. Instead of being beaten like this, it would be better to fight face to face. If she was demolished, she would be demolished.

He and Bo Qinghuan protected Ye Qingcheng under their bodies. After the surroundings calmed down, they looked up and looked around.

Emotional changes led to psychological regulation. Cheng Dajun had just balanced his pace and breathing, and the next second he realized that there seemed to be someone following him, and it was someone he didn't like to see so much.

But if they chased in the wrong direction, I'm sorry, just let them go. Ajiu promised not to stop them. At most, he would secretly lead two sheep from the back of the team to take some things.

"Mother?" Zhao Ling rubbed his head, his whole body was sore, and the wounds would pierce his heart if he moved a little, especially his two feet, as if they were stepping on the tip of a knife.

Xu Qichang made a prompt decision and immediately sent people to hunt down the second son of the King of Rebellion. Neither he nor Pingnan Hou took the second son of the King of Rebellion seriously. The old man was caught, and the tens of thousands of troops of the King of Rebellion were defeated. How big a wave could a fish that slipped through the net make?

He was so frustrated. His wife eloped with someone, and he couldn't go to her house to make trouble. All he could do was pretend that he didn't know their whereabouts.

Since Bian Bing didn't reveal the matter of killing Cao Cao, Jiang Yue and others didn't make it public for the time being.

If selling the water of life is equivalent to controlling the lives of the people on Earth, it will have a greater influence on the major forces than the Jiangzhu Group. Maybe someone will want to hunt him down all day long.

After this episode was serialized, the comic circle in District 11 also began to discuss this episode in great detail.

However, everyone outside the venue could see clearly that the dozens of feet long water dragon was darkening at a speed visible to the naked eye from Su Mo's feet.

Yu Chen was stunned. The ability to sell a single volume of comics meant that they might have to contact an animation company, and it was more likely that he would come forward.

However, Zhong Bufu's expression became more and more solemn. Because after turning three circles, he actually felt dizzy. This gambling game actually contained the supreme illusion?

After worshiping the ancestors, it was already noon. The family had a happy meal, and the relatives came to the door.

So Su Mo made a simple preparation. Then, he said hello to Zhuge Hong and others, and rushed to Fengling Ancient Town a day in advance.

Under Zhu Dong's gun, the soldier insects rolled and piled up on the ground. Soon, hundreds of soldier insects were strangled in front of the gate, but Zhu Dong and others knew that more insects would come later.

"No, Liu Chuan, I ask you to consider the overall situation again. If they really let me go, the Qingcheng Empire will be finished! You have no idea how much my father likes me. He is willing to do anything to protect me! At that time, surrender is possible!" The second prince said with a pale face.

Wang Chao put away his chopsticks, made a face, and quietly looked down on Su Fengzi with a look of "Are you mentally retarded?"

At this moment, everything around changed amazingly. The knife actually came out of the wall inside the eighth floor! How is this possible! There is not a single crack in these materials, how can it produce a knife?

Shopkeeper Qian really didn't move his chopsticks, but just drank by himself and said, what you see today is the last batch of bricks. The bag was sent with the bricks. I think Boss Jiang might know him.

Yuanyuan recalled that when Zhou's mother asked her if she was willing, Zhao Jingyi's cold face instantly forced into her mind, and the imposing aura was so oppressive that it made people feel suffocated.

Ye Chen's attitude yesterday seemed to make Su Le feel that Ye Chen seemed to be waiting for some opportunity to deal with this matter.

The police officer guarding the other side of the road rushed from a distance. He shouted loudly and waved and shouted desperately at the diners in the barbecue stall. Xing Conglian's eyes swept across the faces of all the people nearby. Some were terrified, some were dazed, and some even had a terrifying smile on their faces, but among all the people, not a single face belonged to Shen Lian.

Aunt Qiu nodded, looking at the door in the direction of Qiyunxuan with a frown, obviously a little uneasy.

After learning about Su Le's accident last night, I immediately prepared to book a ticket online, but the train tickets were sold out, and there were only tickets for this morning.

At this moment, her clothes were messy, revealing her white skin, her black hair was tangled, her eyes were moist, and her slightly opened lips were panting... Zhao Jingyi couldn't help looking at Lin Xi like this.

She was not polite at all, and she called her sister intimately, her voice was crisp and sweet, and Qiao Sang felt sick and wanted to vomit.

"Min has also lost contact." Another angel whispered, what on earth is going on, why did they lose contact one after another.

Chapter 204 Olena joins

Thinking of this, Lan Youming's eyes suddenly flashed with a brilliance, like a swordsman who finally admitted himself, and began to face his fragile heart head-on.

The river clouds covered the Yuanpu, and the river water flowed mercilessly at dusk. The returning sails were just set up by the wind on the reeds, and the guest's dream could not help but rain on the back of the tent. The flowers on the island don't understand how to keep people, but only make deep sorrow endless. White sand, smoke and trees, where are the geese landing in Cangzhou?

Wang Zhaoqian asked Lin to take off the clothes covered with blood and mud, and then put her hand on a sensor of the machine.

The soldiers explained their principles to the people clearly. As long as they cooperated, they would leave after the investigation was clear and would never commit any more violations.

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