Cut open the palm, the sacrifice to the goddess of abundance requires blood as a medium. In fact, pig blood is the same, but the wound will recover after the sacrifice, so it is more convenient to use your own blood.

Reciting the sacrifice prayer skillfully, Rand came to the kingdom of the mother goddess.

One of the mother goddess's tentacles reached out, and the tip of the tentacle was wrapped with a dazzling ruby, which was handed to Rand.

As if it compressed endless vitality, this perfect ruby ​​seemed to be pulsating with the land.

Back to the altar, Rand's character panel had an extra line of words.


Gender: Male

Ability: Sacrifice exemption

Blessing 1: Black Goat Mother's Desire (reached the limit)

Blessing 2: Desire sharing (7 days temporary)

Will: N] (expandable)

Although it was only a brief contact in the kingdom of God, Rand still roughly understood what the mother goddess meant. There were other cultists nearby, and the mother goddess hoped that he would take something from this cultist.

Doesn't that mean he really became a messenger of God? Now let's see who dares to say that Rand is a fake messenger of God!

However, he didn't pursue the matter of Rand's wool-pulling before. Rand couldn't be sure whether the behavior of the goddess of abundance was instinctive or rational.

Rand hurriedly left the sacrificial room, intending to test the temporary ability lent to him by the mother goddess.

See the messenger's hurried look, and the two lurking at the door of the sacrificial room didn't bother him immediately.

They were not in a hurry. They would not forget this hatred in a short time, and the tax collector would not leave the barony in a short time.

And they had no intention of acting on their own, and were ready to consult the messenger of God when he came back.

Rand came to the outside of the den. The strange blessing of the Black Goat Mother's Desire brought him a prosperous vitality, a strong physique and a decent perception.

In his field of vision, he randomly found a hare foraging, aimed, and then used the second blessing - Desire Sharing.

At the moment when Rand used his ability, the hare seemed to be frozen for a moment, and then suddenly became manic. After searching for something everywhere without success, it rushed to the tree trunk beside it.

Half an hour later, Rand looked at the bloody lower body of the hare and scratched his head awkwardly. He finally knew what the effect of his will N was.

This Black Goat Mother's thirst seems to bring a strong desire for reproduction after reaching the top level.

His will exempted this side effect, so he still looks normal.

But once this blessing can be shared with other lives, beings without sufficient will will lose all reason due to the endless desire for reproduction.

Although in addition to the desire for reproduction, the corresponding enhancement will also be shared, but for people with insufficient willpower, this is obviously still a strong negative curse.

In other words, the attributes of a unit are strengthened, but the unit is out of control, and it cannot distinguish between friend and foe, and the desire to attack is greatly enhanced.

Divine skill! This is simply a divine skill!

Rand feels that he is now invincible.

At this time, in the village of Takina, everyone looked unhappy after being heavily taxed by the baron's tax collector.

The village chief in boots stood in the middle of the crowd. He was not as humble as when he knelt down to beg the tax collector to reduce taxes. At this time, he stood straight and looked down at the villagers who looked up at him.

Seeing that everyone had gathered, he, as the only person in the village who could count, spoke out desperate data: "Even if we reduce the amount of food we eat every day by half, we can't survive the summer, let alone wait until the wheat matures in the fall."

There was an uproar in the audience. Although they had no mathematical knowledge, their long life experience told them that the village chief was right.

Even if all the food was concentrated and accurately distributed, it would be impossible to survive the summer. In fact, even if they wanted to survive this spring that was already halfway through, they had to be thrifty.

If they didn't prepare early, they would definitely starve to death before the day of the grain harvest.

The village chief waited quietly for the villagers to talk noisily for a long time before signaling them to be quiet and continued, "Normal farming can no longer support us to survive, so we need some other methods."

He touched the rough calluses on his hands. In addition to the calluses from farm work, there were also traces left by practicing wielding weapons.

He was originally a bandit, but he retired when he was old and joined a village, became a villager, and then slowly became the village chief with his own ability.

I wanted to live a peaceful life farming, but now it seems that there is no such opportunity.

He waved his hand, and a young man who looked very similar to him came over with a big bag. He opened the package, which contained a bunch of cold weapons, and even a magic crossbow with strange patterns, but it seemed to be damaged.

This place is located in the north of the continent and belongs to the territory of the Northern Union. Although it is not like the barbarians in the northernmost part who like to lick blood on the tip of the knife, it is not like the spineless serfs in the southernmost part who have only seen farm tools and never seen weapons in their lives.

Seeing this scene, they already understood what the village chief wanted to do with them.

They talked about it for a while: "We don't have any means of attacking the city, nor do we have any insiders in the Baron's castle. There is no possibility of threatening the Baron."

"What the hell!" The old village chief said that he didn't mean that at all: "Why should we fight against a solid castle and a well-equipped army."

"What do you mean?" The villagers below were a little puzzled.

"Aren't there many villages like ours?" said the village chief.

"But aren't they also persecuted by the baron like us?" A young, naive villager asked.

"Does it matter?" The village chief patiently explained: "We are not the only ones who are charged such heavy rents. Now everyone can't survive. If we don't take the initiative, I'm sure we will be attacked by nearby villages soon."

"Why don't we strike first?"

"Those who are willing to come with me come and get weapons." The village chief looked at the villagers below who were still healthy. Since he came to this village and became the village chief, he has tried to lead these people to live a better life, so they are still healthy, at least not to the point where they can't hold weapons.

At this time, this health is a huge advantage. He plans to simply train these people and then go to other villages to rob.

As for whether he would be caught and hanged by the lord if he started a bloody conflict between villages without authorization, that was something to be considered later. In any case, a man with hot blood that could not be frozen by the wind and snow in the north could die in battle, but he must not starve to death.

Chapter 14 The Mother Goddess's Mission

In fact, Rand hesitated about whether to complete the Mother Goddess's mission.

Looking at the situation of the cultists before, it is obvious that the goddess of abundance is an unquestionable evil god.

He is just a fake messenger who is trying to get some wool and get a bug. If he really completes the will of the evil god, he is somewhat suspicious whether doing so will lead to the development of the den out of his control, or whether the world situation will change if he is a little self-indulgent.

In his previous life, he was a modern man, but he had heard of the butterfly effect.

After testing his newly acquired temporary ability, Rand returned to the den and asked someone to call Taner over.

Due to the arrival of the tax collector, the den intelligence personnel that Rand had distributed had shrunk, so he did not know that the nearby villages had been preparing for war for a long time.

However, since he had already guessed it before, Rand did not neglect to arm and train the people in the den.

Q: How to arm the villagers cost-effectively?

A: No armor! Spear and large shield!

Q: What's cheaper?

A: Small shield and slingshot!

Now everyone in the den has a slingshot, and the small shield is still being made. This kind of shield, which only needs to be split into pieces and then add a handle, is very simple to make, but it can still block arrows shot from ordinary people and even resist one or two flying axes.

Seeing Taner coming, Rand immediately asked him to get ready and go hunting cultists together.

"Lord God, what are we going to do?" As a paladin who is good at thinking and likes to make full preparations before taking action, he naturally has to make full preparations before taking action.

"Let's go hunt cultists."

"Okay, I can go at any time!" As a paladin, hunting cultists is naturally his specialty.

He has no choice!

After saying that, his mind turned a little. What did you say just now? If I heard correctly, we are going to hunt cultists? Then what are we now?

So we are not cultists?

The Paladin thought for a while, frowned, he seemed to understand, just like when he was in the Torch Church, he called the Mother Goddess Sect a cult.

If the Mother Goddess Sect called the Torch Church, wouldn’t they also call them a cult?

Now it seems that the real difficulty of undercover is about to appear. Although he has made mental preparations, it is really painful for him to turn swords against his former comrades.

Or, can he get out of it?

Rand saw Taner in a daze and reminded him. Taner quickly came back to his senses and apologized: "I'm ready."

According to the perception of the mission target given by the Mother Goddess when she gave the new blessing, Rand took Taner with him.

In fact, it would be safer if he could bring the elves, but Rand was worried that she would go up and give it for free, so he thought about it and gave up. If she turned against him directly, it would be more trouble than gain.

In the village of Kaerba, the closest village to Takina, which is a little far from the den but can be regarded as a neighboring village of the den, two people in red robes are preaching here.

The despair that has grown here attracted them to come.

As the village chief of Takina and Rand expected, all villages were equally taxed with heavy taxes that could lead to death.

And the villagers here have already understood that it is impossible to survive until the harvest with only the remaining supplies.

But they don’t have a village chief who is capable of leading them to rob, so most people are in despair at this time. Maybe in the end they will pick up farm tools or hidden weapons to rob passing merchants or attack nearby villages.

But now, they haven’t adjusted so quickly.

Now is a great time to spread the faith of the God of Struggle. The red-robed people came to the door of the village. The clothes of the Torch Church were also red robes, but unlike the warm red color of the Torch Church, their red robes seemed to be soaked in blood and full of disgusting bloody smell.

Looking at the confusion in the eyes of the villagers who looked up, the two red-robed men smiled under their hoods.

At the same time, Rand and Taner also faced two red-robed men. Their target was Takina Village, but they were blocked by Rand and Taner on the way.

When he saw the two red-robed men from a distance, Taner was actually struggling violently, because he could not defeat this seemingly weak but easily subdued the most senior elven ranger.

Therefore, it seemed that he was powerless to the death of his two comrades. He even thought about begging, but when he thought of the opposition between the two sects, he suppressed his thoughts painfully.

Until he got closer, he found that it was actually a cult.

He Taner announced that this three-headed sect topped the list of cults he hated the most. How could there be a cult that likes to wear red robes? Wouldn't it be better to wear green robes or black robes?

Wearing a red robe, he thought it was a member of the Torch Church from a distance, which made him feel painful and entangled for a long time, and almost exposed the fact that he was an undercover.

So the current situation is a dog-eat-dog fight between the two cults.

Although calling himself a dog sounds a bit unpleasant, he has no psychological burden to participate in such a fight between cults.

Rand certainly didn't know that Taner's inner drama was so rich at this time. At this time, he was already concentrating. In order to let him defeat the two cultists, the Mother Goddess even personally gave him another blessing, which meant that these two cultists would definitely not be easy to deal with.

The two red-robed men looked at Rand and Taner, and then looked at Taner in unison. This man who looked like a Torch Church Paladin with armor style was obviously more threatening.

They lifted their red robes and then saluted: "Gui hello, what can I do for you?"

Rand saw that the two cultists could actually communicate, and was about to ask them what they wanted to do that they were targeted by the Mother Goddess, maybe he could get some information.

But the moment Rand opened his mouth, the two red-robed men started.

The red liquid arrow with a strong bloody smell pierced Rand's face, but the knight beside Rand was prepared, pulling out the short one-handed sword at his waist and cutting the blood arrow off.

Seeing that the two cultists had no intention to communicate, Rand activated the Mother Goddess's Blessing 2 without hesitation.

After releasing it, he immediately said to Taner: "Let's move away."

He didn't know what the will of the two cultists was, but he estimated that his ability should not be very low.

Sure enough, after Rand and Taner, who didn't know why, retreated, one of the cultists froze.

At this time, except for endless thirst, his head couldn't think of anything, of course, except for his companions at this time.

The other person wanted to rush over, but at Rand's signal, Taner kicked his leg off.

Then some indescribable events happened.

Now Taner regretted why he had eyes and was forced to watch such an explosive scene, a big man was gasping, and the other was screaming, doing something that people couldn't bear to watch.

Until his lower body was bloody and there was no sign of stopping, Rand scratched his head awkwardly and signaled Taner to give them a quick death.

Taner was silent, raised the sword, and took the two heads off their necks.

I got another chance to perform today, but I'm not happy at all.

Chapter 15 The village war begins

The village chief of Takina Village didn't know whether he should be thankful for his foresight, as they were now attacked by other villages.

Although it was night, he could still vaguely recognize a few familiar faces through the light of the torches.

They were neighboring villages. Kaerba Village and Takina Village had always had a good relationship in the past, and occasionally there would be marriages, but this also meant that both sides knew each other well.

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