Chapter 229 Darkest Moment

Yan An felt her heart beat to her temples, and her blood pressure was boiling. If she could see what she looked like now, her face would be covered with blue veins.

Zhu Yu washed up and went to the training room. As soon as she arrived at the door, she heard people talking, as if they were discussing the dinner issue during the public holiday today.

The terrifying energy rose, and her body slowly rose. Her hair and pupils turned red, and her facial lines gradually softened. The changing clothes turned blood red under the rendering of this terrifying energy.

Yang Meijuan looked at the caller ID, gave Chao Zhen a few winks, and then answered Yan An's call with fear.

On the other side, his wife Zhang Liu was about 35 years old, dignified and beautiful, and always smiling, which made people feel very comfortable.

Ling Jie knew that Shi Xiao was more or less powerful, otherwise he would not have injured Ling Tianhai with one move.

"Master, you really understand. I, Ye Li, am here on the orders of Princess Zixi to ask you to help me rescue Marquis Ying." Although Ye Li didn't know what the relationship was between Monk Duolai and Princess Zixi, he saw through the secret at a glance and spoke frankly.

In the anxious wait, Yun Ge finally delivered a secret letter from Pang Jia expressing his approval. After Xu Poyan got the secret letter from the Xiangting County Prince's Mansion in the Holy City, he immediately returned to Fengde Palace to present the secret letter to Empress Xuanren. Empress Xuanren finally felt relieved and decided to take immediate action.

The shopkeeper looked unhappy and pulled his face down, with a flash of contempt in his eyes, as if to say that you country bumpkins who have never seen the world, get out if you don't have money.

After the Tiancang Secret Realm, the families of the two empires of Lingxuan and Anye lost countless outstanding young people. At this time, the rumor that the Tiancang royal family was setting up a trap to kill the outstanding young people of the two empires also spread to the two empires. These families sent representatives to discuss with their respective royal families, hoping that the royal families would come forward to ask the Tiancang Empire for an explanation.

As long as there is this time, when the supporting human grandmaster arrives, the rear Yangcheng will be saved.

These guys are very strong, and even... give him an illusion that these guys should be stronger than the big soldiers of the sharp arrow commando.

Many people like this aquamarine crown. Fu Hailan lost the previous flower crown and joined the competition for this item.

She is nearly forty years old, but her figure is still slim, and she doesn't look like she has given birth to four children. Her eyes are clear and bright, her skin is not white but very delicate, she wears cloth clothes, and her body is clean.

This was bought by Ruan Jiaojiao from the Friendship Store when she was in a shopping mood. Occasionally, she gave a pack to the driver who was learning to drive, and the rest was taken by Gong Sao.

"Sister." Bai Xiu pursed her lips. She had always been hostile to Bai Ran, her half-sister.

Sitting by the car window, watching the scenery outside the window constantly receding, Bai Mo took a deep breath, calmed down and took over the system's hang-up mode.

"That being said. But when he came back, he didn't go to look for your grandfather and your father, nor did he come to look for your grandmother, but contacted you. It seems that the Wen family is still to blame." The old lady smiled bitterly.

Ruan Jiaojiao's request to Lao Jin has been in place. After buying the house and coming back, Lao Jin has been waiting in the front yard.

Sheng Xiangsi sat down on the recliner, hugged her arms, and looked up at the night sky with a wandering gaze.

"Wait, didn't you just say that the Phantom Flame Project is in Crossbell?!" Ellie hurriedly interrupted Ike's speech.

"Death... Really? In other words, the premise of the first two options is the death of a person, right?" Ike asked with a dark face.

Xue Hanshan and Gui Yanluo's faces changed slightly. A huge bloody mandala, with black air wrapped around its arms, stood in front of them and attacked the musket.

However, just as the joy of victory gradually spread throughout the Yingtian Army, a shadow approached the Yingtian Army's tent silently.

Narisa looked more attractive than Lucifer, and for some reason, Narisa seemed to have a kind of affinity, just like all kinds of flowers and plants around you, making you feel intoxicated.

But no one knew that when this boy who was considered an idiot left Yunjing City, he looked at the beautiful buildings in the towering city walls, turned his face, and never had a trace of attachment.

A pope present trembled slightly. He looked up at the huge figure, and he already had an impulse to kneel down and worship.

These pills were made by him when he was free, and they could not be absorbed by Yubingdie, but for Lin Qiong, they were extremely powerful.

"I know my limits. I'll leave the South China Sea issue to the troops. We'll lead the Global Special Forces Competition and the challenge we just mentioned. These two things don't require many people. We'll talk about it based on the situation when the time comes." Zhao Wuji said thoughtfully, with a confident look on his face.

Yun Cheng continued to eat without commenting, without even raising his head, which made Yun Juexiang feel powerless as if his fist was hitting cotton.

Wei Na got angry when she thought of what they had just done to her, and followed up and kicked him hard.

Isn't it just sending a few wreaths and tens of thousands of dollars? The boss's dinner out costs more than that.

Her voice was delicate and charming, like she was acting like a spoiled child, as if she had a hook that could hook a man's blood.

It was said that he was rich and powerful, and he could cover the sky with one hand, but at the peak of his career, he retired bravely and became a commoner.

Xu Kaihui took out all the stock in the house. Xu Fugui counted it and found that there were a total of 380 copper coins. He took out four silver dimes and Sun Daotang happily gave him back 20 copper coins.

Chapter 230 Coward Karin

"Didn't you help me? I'll repay you by saving your life." Zhang Liang smiled carelessly, looking at Goto, who was still very serious, as if he knew that this guy over 30 was probably thinking about something serious again.

After hearing Meow Meow's words, Madonna hummed sadly, then lowered her head, looking very pitiful. To be honest, she didn't think Meow Meow was disgusting now, which was actually different from the original book, because even in the original book, after seeing it again, it still thought that Meow Meow could talk and walk was disgusting.

"Sit down, Queen Mo, tell me, what is the purpose of your coming here, maybe I can help you." Shule's eyes flashed with a fox-like cunning, and the eyes looking at Mo Lianyi seemed to want to eat her alive.

Dong E Jiyi was so angry that she couldn't vent her anger and cried. Gao Zhulian didn't want to quarrel with her, and never cared about the family's affairs. She only knew that her medicine shop was either the business of the Ninth Prince's mansion or his.

"Suddenly..." Zheng Huiwen found Chen Fei's nervous look really cute, and deliberately kept him in suspense.

The invitation from the Eighth Lady was indeed delivered to Dong E Miaoyi, but Dong E Miaoyi didn't go in the end, because those days happened to be the days when Dong E Miaoyi gave the betrothal gift and the engagement banquet.

For example, the three sacred beasts are representatives. They are ordered by the Phoenix King to survey humans in the world. Only when everyone has a kind heart will it appear again and continue to protect humans. Of course, an old elf who has lived for an unknown period of time must have it.

Half an hour later, Long Qianjue, wearing a bright red wedding gown, and Lan Ziyue, wearing a bright red wedding dress, appeared in the hall together.

The solemn look in Lin Cangming's eyes made Xiahou Fei more convinced that she could only succeed this time and not fail. If she failed, it would not only be a problem of food, but it would also be possible to delay the war. She could not afford this responsibility.

"Farewell?" Jue Tu repeated the word, as if he did not understand the meaning of it.

An old iron-blooded soldier with great style led the team, followed by three obviously young iron-blooded soldiers, and surrounded by 12 heavily-armored iron-blooded guards.

Ji Wentian was also very happy. He had smelled a fragrance just now, and Luo Bingyao was sitting in front of him. Then the only one who could come in and out freely was Xin Wan.

The next morning, she smelled an unspeakable stench in the dimness, and she could not help frowning. Whose family overturned the swill bucket and did not clean it up?

He was wearing white clothes, his hair was tied up high with a hairpin, his body was leaning against the chair, holding a wine glass in his hand, shaking it gently.

The county system prevented the same clan from killing each other, but it weakened the control of the Qin court.

The strong man took the braised meat and tasted it, and couldn't help but praise: "It tastes good!" Then he quickly ate the whole plate of braised meat.

Although the box office of his movie was very low, he didn't want to be bought out by others at such a low price.

In fact, she was still a little reluctant to let Li He go. After all, they had been together for a year and had some feelings. It was just that she was blinded by money and was afraid that there would be no future, so she chose to betray Li He.

As a bell rang through the world, the palace appeared in front of everyone again. It had become complete, solemn, dignified, and magnificent.

"It will also become a means for many people with ulterior motives to use." Wei Zhuang had a cold face and a cold tone, which made people feel that he would draw his sword in the next moment. As for who to cut... haha.

If the sea beast goes further inside, it should reach the inland of the demon clan. There are a large number of demons living here. If the inland is destroyed, it will be slow for the demon clan to recover in the future.

Feng Jing sighed helplessly, and just when she was worried, Qin Yao's phone vibrated.

"Well, I can believe this. After all, with your swordsmanship, there is no need to take such action." Bella said.

The family of the Carlos sisters mainly uses water magic. Because they live in the north all year round, close to the snow-capped mountains, and at a high latitude, they are covered with ice and snow for a lot of time every year, so they are best at ice and snow magic in the water system. Bella and Anna are the best of the younger generation and are known as the "Ice and Snow Sisters".

After saying that, Xu Yong began to act, and at this time, the people next to him couldn't help but give Xu Yong a thumbs up. They also thought that Xu Yong was indeed very, very good.

But now it's raining, and from the perspective of environmental factors, it will cause great interference to the target's perception ability.

This is a rainstorm, just like it doesn't cost money, the rain dragon king in the sky sprinkles water on the earth all at once.

But Xu Yong laughed immediately, and found that these goblins did not live on the ground at all. Instead, they wandered around the territory for a while, found streams, searched for steep slopes near water, and then dug holes on the steep slopes with sharp claws.

The pupils of the two demon lords shrank violently, and a huge demon flame sun and a black tripod surrounded by nine black dragon emperors flew out at the same time.

His voice kept ringing in his ears, Feng Jing frowned fiercely, and then suddenly closed his eyes.

Chapter 231 The White King was urged to get married again and again

The reason why she was able to win Long Fang was not because of the so-called spiritual energy, but because of the posture of attacking by surprise. He knew very well that if such a situation happened a second time, it would not be so easy for her to win Long Fang.

The master and apprentice set out on the road to Wulie Country to seek the supreme Buddhist Dharma of the heroic state Wulie and the handsome stars.

Xingguang is different. She is weaker, but her brain is very useful. When she tastes the power, she will be more difficult to deal with than her countrymen.

So she bought some nice boxes, packed the remaining scar removal cream, took it to the clinic, and told Guo Lao about her ideas.

So now, when she saw Chen Cheng and Su Jiarui looking at each other, the memories of the past surged up again.

But now she had to reconsider other ways to get out. 15 knew her. Once she suddenly disappeared, it would definitely notice it at the first time, and it would be difficult to complete the revenge plan at that time.

At this point, it would be great if the last bit of potential of this body could be brought into play.

"No! You are wrong." Yi Lie and Zi Jie quickly got into the car and left the academy. The entrance was also crowded with people. After a long time, Xi Feng pulled the absent-minded Mu Xi out of the school gate and walked towards home.

Satisfied Fu Ruoxiong, bid farewell to his senior brother Hu Chaozhen, intending to shrink the mountains and rivers and go to Ziyuan Ming Mansion, which had changed for a long time, to find out.

"Xiu Xiu, how do you know my grandfather?" When I asked this question, I felt my whole body tense up.

According to the conditions set by the Japanese army, as long as the Chinese troops in Sui Province allowed the besieged remnants of the Kwantung Army to withdraw safely to Cha Province, the Japanese army would release the same number of prisoners and equip these prisoners with a rifle. This condition was discussed repeatedly by the Japanese army.

He was the greatest emperor of the ancient Roman Empire. In the late Middle Ages, he had earth-shaking power.

"Hey, why can't I find the knot of this rope?" After looking at it for a long time, she exclaimed.

After hearing that Qin Yuxiao had confirmed her doubts two days ago, the empress dowager hurriedly explained with tears.

Ye Mo's body was covered by the blue energy, like a thunderbolt breaking the army, piercing countless obstacles and rushing forward.

The casualties of the 12th Army and the 29th Army were almost close to 10,000. The troops retreated in a panic, lost contact with each other, and the troops were in chaos.

Boom! With a loud bang, the extremely heavy Void Thunder Pattern Cauldron instantly flew away, and thunders flew out from the mouth of the cauldron, emitting extremely terrifying power fluctuations.

Xu Fan looked unhappy, crossed his fingers and stretched his muscles and bones. At the same time, his neck swayed left and right to move his joints, and immediately made several joints cracking.

Amid everyone's exclamations, a tiger condensed from black mist suddenly appeared behind Yun Mo. The tiger opened its bloody mouth and was imposing.

Song Hao Nian is affectionate, not a fool. If you treat him as a fat sheep, he will immediately show his fangs and bite you to death. It is reasonable to exchange sincerity for sincerity. Qingsong can do it, but Zhu can't do it. Don't let others hold you back.

When the various workshops on Liangshan are in operation, money will not be a problem. The key is to have a way to sell these things and sell them at a high price.

"It's really abominable!" Although he expected the strength of the fungus corpse poison, it was obviously much more difficult to crack it, because the poison pattern was like an endless net, and it was difficult for ordinary witchcraft to reach the end of the maze-like network.

Then there was a "clang" sound, and the large volcano in the illusion was shattered like glass.

When the two horses met, Lin Chong's hand was as fast as lightning, and he had grabbed the horse's bit and pulled it hard. Lin Chong's whole body burst out with the momentum of kicking the snow black horse, and he flipped the warhorse to the ground alive.

The large amount of materials brought out from Han Town has not been processed yet! Qin Feng found a remote corner with no one around, and darkness enveloped the surroundings to prevent others from exploring.

On the demon side, the middle-aged man in black smiled slightly. He seemed not surprised by all this.

What shocked them was that Yu Gen didn't react at all, as if he didn't hear it.

Kuang Shi's sword lights flashed one after another, but the number of finger knives he shot down was limited, because the strength of the knife energy was not too weak compared to his sword energy, and his sword could not compete with the Miao-level karma of 200 people.

Yu Gen's face was ugly. The moment the young man appeared, he felt that all the true energy in his body was completely suppressed by a strange and terrifying force.

They have been walking in this desert for five days, and today they are finally going to get out of this ghost place. Speaking of which, even with the skills of Xie Wuji and the five flag bearers, they would be thirsty and sweat all over their bodies after walking all day in this rolling yellow sand, just like being fished out of the water, let alone others?

There was no road under my feet, and the weeds around me were getting higher and higher. Passing through this golden weed, there was a row of incomplete stone steps extending to the middle of the mountain. The stone steps were very old and covered with moss. The stone steps extended all the way to the courtyard halfway up the mountain.

Chapter 232 Return to Defense, Messenger, Surprise

Rand led his army to return to defense.

During the decisive battle with Pero's army, his reputation actually worked, and the effect was better than expected.

The only trouble was that the number of kills was not large, and because he needed to return to defense, he did not have extra troops to capture some prisoners to work.

This was undoubtedly a pity. The defeated army wandering in the mountains and fields would also affect the security of the territory.

It would be hard for Taran afterwards.

And he had to rush back to the Full Moon Territory immediately

The most fundamental rule of magic is to deceive people's eyes through props and techniques, and as a cultivator, you can complete many mysterious scenes without props.

Bei'an did not directly look at the situation in the hall, but monitored it through detection equipment and observed it through projection outside.

At that time, even Yao Lao said that only he could prepare this kind of foundation-building spiritual liquid, but now, something that is several times better than the foundation-building spiritual liquid has appeared, and Lin An can't help but think about it.

Tang Manyue flicked her fingers and shot out three silver-green light marks. The three masters fled dozens of meters and then exploded and died.

Luo Liang had to admit that Director Fu acted steadily and experienced. Even if he was cowardly, he was cowardly and openly, and it was natural.

The man murmured in a low voice, then took a breath, calmed the excitement in his heart, and walked in.

After that, Lin An went downstairs to buy things. King's appearance had no effect on Lin An. After all, he was useless at the critical moment.

Qin Zhen is an honest man, not a businessman. He knows that he can live so well because his elder brother Qin Lie pays attention to brotherhood, but the wife he married is ungrateful and never satisfied. Of course, he can't blame the eldest wife in return.

It was all given away, Li Qiuyu didn't have the nerve to ask for it back, and left angrily after suffering a loss.

Chu Xun caught the mockery in Sui Yiyi's eyes, and she was angry and wanted to go forward and pull Sui Yiyi to fight, but Chu Nan, who was beside her, seemed to know her next move, and stopped her, and apologized to Sui Yiyi.

"What do you mean? I know, you just don't want to carry me because I'm too heavy. What kind of brother-in-law are you? There are no brothers-in-law like you." Liu Wanrou snorted.

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