Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 114 - Sixth Person

"It's nothing I just lied about never being in here, and that's all." I said, "Is that enough?" 

"In here?" she asked. 

"This house- no it's not a house but yeah Mansion. I told her that I have never been in this Mansion of yours," I said. 

"I understand, but why?" she asked. 

"Why?" I replicated her sentence. 

"What?" she got confused. 

"Huh? What are you saying?" I replied. 

"Wait, you said why?" she said. 

"What? When did I say 'why'?" I asked. 

"What's happening?" 

To be honest I don't know myself what is happening here. 

"Stop!" Lily exclaimed. 


"I asked you why did you lie to your mother about not knowing this place?" she said, "And no saying why, when, or what this time." 

Her voice seemed a bit stern but also childish. 


"Tutututut- I told you no why, when, or what," she said as she stopped me. 

"Alright," I said. 

It seems like she isn't going to let me go anytime soon. 


"If I tell my mother that I have been in here earlier when I was meeting with you mother she will find out that I have been in some kind of trouble in school and she might get worried," I said, "I have had enough of all those things, I don't want to bring back those memories again." 

"Ohh…" she might not know exactly what I meant by 'memories' but she got the hint that it's not something that I can reveal to her. 

"But why didn't you just say that you came to meet me or my twin brother?" she said. 

I can't reply to this. I didn't think of it that way. 

"What's done is done. Let's just not get into it too much," I said. 

"Allen…!" I heard my mother's voice. 

I turned around and was about to leave Lily behind but she caught up my sleeves and stopped me. 

"We'll talk later again," Lily said.

"..." I didn't respond. 

"What happened?" I asked. 

"It seems like they want to meet you," she said as she glanced at the same person who brought us here.

"Mother, you wait here with Lily while I go and have a talk with the person," I said. 

"Yes ma'am let's go to the garden and wait there," Lily outstretched her arm towards the opposite direction, "We can wait there for Allen."

"But," she wanted to go with me and I couldn't do that. 

"Mother, they said that they wanted me right…?" I said. 

"True… but if anything happens to him I won't be leaving this place, you understand?" she said in a stern voice to the man in a black suit. 

"... I understand~," he said. 

What's happening to him? Why is his voice more polite than earlier? 

"What happened this time?" I asked as I confirmed that we are considerably away from my mother.

"What do you mean?" he asked me. 

"What? You called me here for some reason right?" I asked. 

"I am not allowed to give out details freely," he replied, "I am only instructed to show you the path." 

"Fine…" I said. 


I felt the dark and gloomy atmosphere throughout the room. 

"Allen you are here," it was a familiar voice but the face was hidden. 

"?" I still didn't see the person's face completely. 

"I have something to tell you," he stepped towards me. 

Ah, it was Harry. Lily's eldest son.

"What is it?" I asked. 


The door behind me closed up while the person who guided me down the hallway stood near the door. 

What's happening? The room is gloomy and the feeling I am getting isn't good either. Did something happen?

"We found the man who infiltrated your school," he said. 

"And…? You didn't possibly bring me here just for that. 

"And what if I did?" he asked me with a curious look on his face but his eyes seemed depressed. 

"Give it to me. I don't like playing riddles," I said as I remembered my time with that person. 

[That person- Mr. X] 

"Straight to the point? Here you do," he said, "Do you remember this person?" 

An image was displayed right in front of me and something was labeled under the photo in bold fonts. 

[Cizor Crytine]

Who is this? 

He had a mustache but not a groomed one, a messy one. His eyes are swollen a bit and have a mole right in under his ear. 

"I… might have seen him," I said. 

"Really where?!" he exclaimed.

"I have seen him roam around our neighborhood. I thought he was just a homeless man. But not the last time I saw him… it was like 3-4 months ago," I said. 

"Wait, how can you be so sure you last saw him 3-4 months ago?" he asked me. 

Well, it's natural for him to ask this since people tend to forget recent events easily but I didn't. 

"Apparently he was seen trespassing someone's house and got arrested," I replied. 

"Allen, you know that this isn't convincing enough. Tell me the full story," he asked me. 

I guess fooling an adult isn't as easy as fooling a teenager. 

"The house that he was caught trespassing was mine," I said.

"Interesting," he said, "If he was caught then he must have a criminal record somewhere…" 

"I suppose," I said. 

Where is he getting at? 

"Then how come he has a clean slate?" he asked. 

"... Wait, do I have to answer that?" I asked. 

"Of course not," he said as whispered something to the person standing at the door. 

"Wait a minute," he said as he typed something on his laptop. 

Now that he's quite downed a little I can get a good look at the room. 

Well, I suppose it hasn't changed much anyway except a white screen right in front of me. The rest is the same layout as the last time. 

"Here," he said.

A video was played. 

[May I ask your name?] 


[Sir, may I know your name?] 

I noticed a man wearing a blue police dress while the man standing in front wearing a black robe and a face mask hiding his half face. 

"This video was of the jail where that person was held in. On this day someone bailed him out," Harry said. 

"So…?" I am still not getting the relationship between that person and this video. 

"He has no criminal record at all. Where is it?" he asked. But not me, "To never get into trouble with the police his records were erased and that's when he got in with the HYDRAs. The HYDRAs whole existence is unknown but the only people we were able to identify were either killed or on loose."

Now it makes sense. 

HYDRAs real boss is unknown but to do their dirty work they can't do it themselves or otherwise, they might get on the police's radar. So, they took people with no livelihood. Like that homeless guy. 

That person had nothing left so they used that vulnerability and told him to do their work. 

"But is he dead or on the loose?" I asked. 

"Dead," Harry replied.

"How…?" I asked. 

"We found his whereabouts and formed a team of certain few… including your school's Principal," he continued, "He was just inside our palms and that's when he was killed. The cause is unknown but it seems like he ate some poison sometime earlier."

So, HYDRAs knew someone was going to catch that person so to remove the only piece of evidence that could lead to them, they erased his entire existence just for their tracks to be hidden. That's a nice move, to be honest.

If the only source of information is removed it's technically impossible to catch the culprit. 

"This person was charged for theft, bank robbery and even assault. After getting caught once he was released by the person on the screen," he said. 

"How do you know all this? Weren't his records removed?" I asked. 

If the records are not there then how come he knows all this? 

"Someone I know got their parent's killed and this person was present at the time of the murder. But he was given money to be quiet and that's how I know all this," he says, "No matter where you are, someone is always watching you and that is how we know about his real records." 

Why does the story seem similar? 

"Also watch this-" 

He again played the video but this time it was different. 

"Which direction did the target go?" it was a familiar voice.

"In the northwest direction. 50 meters ahead."

Wait, he is the one who interrogated me. That guy, so he really was with them

And the earlier person was the Principal. 

What is she doing here? I know she is involved in this but I didn't know she was involved in fieldwork. But now that I remember her shooting 3 people at once seems plausible for her to be here. 

"Beta Team is covering the other side." 

It was dark, I could hear the rustling sound of grass. Is it a forest? 

"Why did he even come here?" The Principal asked. 

"Who knows." the Old man replied. 

[Alpha Team we have found him but…]

"What is it?" the Principal asked. 

[He is dead.] 

"It was the Principal, wasn't it?" I asked, "Whose parents were killed that day. That person was the testimony but she was devastated by the fact that person refused to talk." 

"..." he didn't respond. 

"Don't need to answer that," I said. 

His silence was enough for me to know the answer. 


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