Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 122 - Peter's Truth Part-2

[This will be in 3rd Pov. It's my first try so it might not be good, so if you would just please try bearing it for a couple of chapters.] 

The sunlight glistened upon the whole city. While the few were awake before the sun came up, the others were still asking for a few minutes while covering themselves with the blankets. 

Among those, through a certain window light dawn seeped into the room. 

As a result, the one curling inside that white blanket of his knew he had to leave since it was his first-ever day for his High School. 

With a smile brighter than the sun, he threw the blanket that he was snuggling and paced down to his door. 

"Woah! You scared me, Peter!" As the door opened he saw a familiar figure that he has been watching for over a decade. 

"Morning…!" he said as he hugged her mother. 

"Uff! Someone is in high spirits today…?" she said as she hugged him back. 

"Well it's my first day," he said, "I have been waiting for this since kindergarten." 

"Hahaha… you better be washed up nicely then," she said as she was mesmerized by the smile of that boy, "Breakfast will be ready in a few moments till then get ready." 

"Okay!" he said. 

Just like that he dashed down the stairs and slid down the bathroom. 

"High School here I come," he said as she watched himself in the mirror. 


Soon after getting all dressed up his mother called out to him. 

"Peter…! Are you done yet?" 

"Coming…" Peter replied back as he came out wearing the uniform. 

Just past the entrance of his house, his mother was standing right beside the flower vase she had bought a couple of days ago. Waiting for him.

"... So…?" his mother looked as if she was expecting something, "Aren't you forgetting something?"

"Umm…?" Peter was dumbfounded. 

Well, his mother knew that her son won't understand it so instead she took the lead and gave Peter a hug. 

While it seemed like a normal hug, the emotions behind them were incredibly high. 

"Mom…?" Peter wasn't aware why she did that. 


Peter can't possibly understand what motherly love is, yet instead of resisting it he welcomed it with open arms. 

Her mother was just delighted to watch her son go to a high school, who was just a little baby in her eyes not long ago.

Although Peter hasn't moved his home ever since he was born, the path he took today was entirely different. Not just the direction but the scenery was lightened up by the golden fingers of sunlight. 

Just right in front of the entrance of his new High School, he admired its structure. 



While walking he heard a distant voice calling out to him, in reaction to it he turned around. 

"... Andrew…?" He seemed a bit surprised to see him. 

"You also got in here?!" Andrew was much more surprised than Peter. 

"Yeah… But how come you are also here?" Peter asked. 

"Well, I got in with the BasketBall thing," Andrew said as he jumped a bit in excitement. 

"Really! It's the same for me," Peter was surprised and glad to know that. 

Although Peter was elated by the fact that he got into the school that is considered in the Top 5 in the whole country he was also bereaved by the fact that he won't have any friends from his middle school. 

"I guess it was fate that led us here," Andrew said. 

"Maybe," Peter said, "Let's get inside. We don't want to be late for the first day, right?" 

"We certainly don't want that," Andrew said and dashed down the path, "Who comes last will be called Poop for a week…!" 

"Wh- Wait! That's unfair," Peter said while wearing a smile. 

One day Peter was following his usual routine, practicing basketball with his teammates during the P.E. period. 

"Hey! Let's divide into two…" someone among the crowd suggested. 

"Yeah, we can do that." 

"Let's do that." 

Not long after it was decided that the class would be divided into two teams. 

"And… I chose him," Peter was made the captain of one of the teams, no objection was there to that decision but for the other team, some were fighting over it and after multiple futile attempts to make a person captain ended up in complete failure. 

In the end, it was randomly chosen. 

With the whistle blown in the court all the worries everyone was having cleared up and eyes aimed directly at the one ball that was up in the air. 


It's the most basic thing, the one who takes the ball first is the one who can be one step ahead of your opponent. 

Peter was the one who took the ball. 

Soon, everyone realized that Peter isn't someone anyone can take on. He was dribbling between players so easily that he made the fool out of the rest of the teammates. 

But instead of showing resentment, they admired that thing, maybe because he was friendly with most of them. No, it's because everyone knows how much effort Peter has placed in to get to this point. 

Except one. There was a certain someone who didn't want to lose to Peter.

But that didn't concern Peter. He played like usual and while Peter was scoring one after the other basket, the opponent team didn't let this lose interest in the match, rather it turned into a competition. 

It began with One Pointer and soon it turned into a three-pointer.

That match soon was converted into a competition about who can defeat Peter, no, who can match Peter's fluid movements and stop his constant strikes. 


The match ended with a result of 43-16. 

Peter's team won by a milestone. Well, in the first place it wasn't supposed to be called a match. 

"Hey!" while everyone was deadbeat after getting slaughtered by Peter someone yelled that made everyone jolt for a second. 


No one knew who that shout was directed towards. But Peter got the gist of it and stood up in an instant. 

"Why weren't you passing the ball!?" 

The one who was yelling like some crazy man was Peter's friend Andrew. 

"A-Andrew… calm down and tell me what happened," Peter tried stopping him. 

"That stupid sh*t was- I don't know what he was doing!" Andrew exclaimed while the boy tried to gasp for air at the corner of the court and seemed pretty scared. 

"Either way it wasn't like we would have won," a sly comment was spoken by one of the boys that were sitting there. 

But the one thing to notice, the one thing that Peter noticed was that that sole boy was the one who wasn't half breathed. He seemed perfectly fine. 

"Your name is… Allen, right?' Peter asked. 

"Who cares! At least the gap wouldn't have been this big if we were just to pass the ball…!" Andrew screeched. 

"Big deal…" Allen said half-heartedly. 

That ticked Andrew even more and she shoved Peter aside as he charged at Allen. 

Watching that happen almost everyone was shocked but the one who wasn't fazed even the slightest bit was Allen. 

Although Peter felt like Allen was more fragile than an average person yet he also felt something contradicting. 

After colliding with muscular, older, younger, shorter, and taller people through basketball matches he could make a few things about a person. And watching Allen he felt convicted. 

Watching that, Peter lunged forward and stopped Andrew from taking another step. 

"Andrew!" Peter tried calming him down but it was a futile effort.

"Peter step aside…!" 

"What is happening here?!" before this commotion was about to turn into something big the teacher stepped in. 


Realizing the situation, Andrew falls back but still, his glare scared that boy. 

Shivering in fear, and with the sudden scream and getting yelled at must have caused that boy trauma. 

Watching him, Peter was about to extend his arm but before that, another person took that position. 

"Why are you scared?" It was Allen. 


"I don't know your name tho," Allen said. 

Watching both of them Peter wandered something- 'You don't even know his name?' 

"It's Ryan…" his voice seemed pretty low. 

Even Peter hardly heard a word but he certainly saw his lips move a little bit. 

"Then Ryan," Allen said, "What are you scared about…? Just ignore him. It's not like you will have to stick with him most of the time." 

Hearing that Peter was found dumbfounded. 

"Who thinks like that…? That's not how you cheer up someone who is feeling down," Peter talked to himself. 

"Peter, let's get goin…!" While Peter was waiting for the right moment to step in their conversation he was called by one of his friends. 

Since he couldn't just say 'no' to him, he left behind both of them. 

Watching them talk normally, Peter noticed the shivering and the scared atmosphere seemed to have been erased.

"Who is that boy…?" is what Peter felt watching that. 


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