Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 127 - Plan To Catch Her

The cell phone vibrates me awake. I reach for it, hold the bright screen to my squinting face, and set it for thirty minutes later. I hate mornings.

I-don't-know-how-many minutes later, I open my eyes to see the grey out my window. My eyes shut with the sudden burst of light forcibly pouring inside my eyes. Still, I took the blanket and covered myself like a snail inside its shell. 

The cell phone again. I tried to turn it off but my arm kept on reaching the wrong place so I opened one side of the blanket and pinpointed its correct location. I should get up. Is what I have been thinking for the past hour or maybe more. 

I actually like cloudy days. They are warm, hot coffee. They are staring into grey, feeling soothed by it, letting it cover you like a blanket of introspection. Your whole world is what is right in front of you because everything else is consumed by fog. A veil over the world. 

My eyes open again and I know they must stay open. I have slept far too long. I don't want to get up. Oh, I don't want to. Why must I wake up only to suffer even more? 

With that mindset I was in a pickle, the more I consume my time thinking that the more it's going to take time and the more it's going to take time the worse for me. 

I am going to be late for school. 

Still, I have too much-unfinished business that needs to be taken care of. I can't stay like this for too long. Even if I try to escape from reality by going inside a dream, eventually I have to accept the truth. 

"..." I groaned a bit but still threw aside the blanket that was covering me from that relentless sunlight in frustration. 

Soon after I was completely awake, I checked my phone as it was the sole reason why I am being cranky, the first thing in the morning. 





There were like zillions of alarms set and at the interval of five minutes. Who did this? Who dared to do this, huh? It's for sure that I didn't do it. 

Why would I do such an evil thing to myself? That sound of the phone ringing is the worst thing for me. 

I am all calm and pleasantly sleeping and then all of a sudden there's this vibration all of a sudden and along with it the sound adds even more fuel to the fire. I hate alarms. 

If I were to state the most hated things by me, Alarms will easily dominate everything and will take the first place. 

"Allen did you wake up…!?" and if the alarm wasn't enough, my mother is also there. 

She is also not so different from the alarm. Instead of those vibrations, all the other characteristics match. 

"Yeah…" I replied back. 

After swearing for a couple of more minutes I calmed down and went on ahead to dress up for school. 

With nothing else to complain about, I left the house and soon I was met by Alex… again. 

I don't know how but he pops us whenever. It's like he intentionally chose to come at me. 

Otherwise, we would meet every day, wouldn't we? 

"Allen," he said, "What will you be doing about IT?"

He was staring at me eagerly. 

"I don't know…" I replied vaguely. 

"Huh? Aren't you supposed to plan something? It's the first time we were asked to choose our seat partners…!" he exclaimed. 

"You tell me then, who will be willing to become a partner with me?" I asked him. 

"What? There are a lot of people out there…!" he said enthusiastically. 

"Then name those people," I said. 

"Well, there's …. Oh him- that's right you have him-" he tried thinking of a name but the moment he imagined the person's image sitting alongside me it vanished. 

"Alex, let's just finish our talk here. I don't want to embarrass you even more," I said, "I appreciate your help…"

"What? Even more! What do you mean by that…?" he exclaimed about the wrong part. 

"Well there's that- and oh that's right it's there-" 

"... Allen you are making it even more worse than it was so let it go…" Alex said as he understood exactly what I meant by those nonsense words. 

After successfully capturing another person I was able to utilize Peter to its full strength. I used his influence to reduce those rumors and all the things related to it. 

But I didn't try to do it excessively, otherwise, it could have been repulsive because the more it affects the more its drawbacks are. 

So I only reduced it to only a certain extent. 

And only by the end of the day, the gazes were reduced a bit. Peter's popularity isn't a joke. That dude is loaded with admirers. 

But that day didn't just end up like that. Later that afternoon I met up with Lily. 

{Yesterday's Afternoon}

"Lily," I said. 

"Allen," she said as she gazed at me and scanned the surrounding area. 

"What's the status…?" I asked her. 

"Well, first of all, I don't believe this place is a good place to hide if we are trying to reduce any chances of getting caught together," she said as she made a remark. 

"Why? What's the problem here?" I asked her. 

"Why? Just look around, Allen. This place is swamped with people and who knows maybe there will be students from our school as well," she said as she constantly looked all around. 

"Relax. You just said that this place is swamped with people. If someone were to be here they wouldn't be able to discrete us and the rest of the crowd," I said, "It's a good camouflage as compared to the empty classroom." 

"... That's true…" she agreed. 

Apparently, the place I told her to meet after school was Central Park. And with all those crowds it was the best option to not get caught. 

If we were to be in the classroom, there was a chance that we might encounter another student. And if we were to choose to talk while walking, it was possible that we might get caught by some student. 

And the last option, she came to pick me up from my home wasn't an option. I can

I can't let my mother suspect me of anything.

So with all other routes blocked I decided to choose this place, Central Park. A place where numerous people come.

"Let's begin now," she said. 

"Sure," I gave her the signal to go. 

"So our culprit is this girl. It is the same girl that I mentioned earlier and this girl studies in our school," Lily said as she showed her laptop screen to me.

"What? Our school? Really? Which year?" I asked. 

"She is in her second year, the same age as us. But-" she paused.

"But?" I looked at her as I diverted my gaze from the laptop screen to her. 

"She has attended the school for like only a week or so in total," Lily said. 

"Huh? That's not possible," I said, "Isn't there some kind of rule that a student has to come to school for a specific number of days. And I am pretty sure that that number is nowhere near 7 days in two years." 

"She is an exception. She is going through some kind of health problem. Although it isn't any serious but through her father's influence she has been exempted from most of our school's regulations," Lily said, "And guess what." 

"What?" I asked. 

"Including all her days in our school she was present on the same day you were on that STAGE," Lily said and emphasized the time of her appearance. 

"Well, well isn't that too convincing?" I asked her. 

All the specifics of the incident match to her, but if it is the work of the Student Council they wouldn't be so careless. 

"I thought of it as well. But the only problem is that she isn't in contact with anyone except Harrison. Also, she doesn't usually leave her house as her appearance has only been once a week or maybe once a month," she said. 

"How do you know all this?" I asked her.

"Well her father and mine are somewhat close. Or used to be. So, I have met her a couple of times and no more than that. That's when I came to know that she doesn't leave her house," she said. 

"All things considered and taken note of, how are we going to catch her?" I asked her. 

If she had dug this far, she should have at least thought of a plan. 

"That's why Allen you should have reached out to me earlier," she seemed proud of herself, "I have a plan to catch her…" 

Her voice vibrated in my ears. That's the sound of me getting out of this hole. 


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