Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 134 - Free

[Hello everyone. 

I have pretty bad news to share. As much as I like to write the novel I think I can only continue this for a month more or less. I haven't been able to give my all in my tests because of this but...

But I don't regret it. 

So I am still going to try my best. 

Also, one more important thing, I am in a pretty tense situation. I am having a cold and above this a runny nose that isn't letting me sit and write the full chapters. 

If anyone would like to volunteer to help me a bit for the time being I would really appreciate it and of course, I might be able to reward the person as well when the time comes. 

That's all. Now just enjoy the chapter.] 

As I was following Harrison I was obstructed by the gazes and couldn't find the perfect reason to stop him. 

I should just wait for the time being till Lily finds out about that girl. 

I wonder how much time she is going to take now. If she won't come late this afternoon I might have to go to her. 

I might seem desperate but I am desperate. I can't let this one thing that could end all this go. 

The only problem that arose was that video. 

Although they have zero evidence showing I have shot someone or anything about the rumors being true. They just have 'that' video that could be used as evidence showing the disrespect and blighted the school's honor. 

"Oh-ho~ Who it is…" I heard an irritating voice that I didn't want to hear at all. 

"Roy," I said. 


"Did you hear something?" I asked him. 

I felt like I heard something. 

"H-Huh? What are you talking about… anyway," he seemed shaken a bit but changed the subject instantly. As if he was trying to hide something. 

"How come you are alone? Oh, sorry you are always alone," he had this smug on his face. 

"How come you are talking sh*t always?" I replied. 

I don't feel like talking to him at all. He is the last person I would want to look at. The irritating feeling I get from him is the second worst thing. The first, being that weird thing inside me. 

"! Mind your tongue Allen…!" he exclaimed. 

"Me? Aren't you supposed to mind your tongue and everything else that comes along with it from me?" I said as I took a step closer. 

"Huh?! Don't make me bash your head against the wall," he said as he tried to intimidate with his weird looking eyes and most of all he was trying to show his muscular strength in front of me. 

I mean dude- I have seen people far stronger and more mindful than you, is what I was thinking all this time. 

"Roy, I think you forgot what happened that day," I said, "By any chance did you forget what happened that day?" 

He has been acting like this since that math test in the Principal's house and today also. 

Did he forget what I did to him that day? 

That can't be possible since it's not a thing that he could ever forget. I mean he cried in front of me. What else could be more embarrassing than that? 

"H-Huh? What are you talking about…?" he sounded confident and was also able to make his usual facial expression while saying that but his words certainly didn't match his shiverings. 

His legs were completely losing ground and his hands were shaking to a point that I was able to see his hand's impression shaking through his pockets. 

"Really? You don't remember such a thing?" I asked him. 

"I don't know what you are talking about…" he said with a laugh that could easily be discredited from his usual arrogant one. 

What's he playing at? 

I know for certain that he hasn't forgotten about the humiliation he received that day, if he didn't he wouldn't be shivering as of now. But the question is how come he is acting like this again? He was acting pretty silent until recently. 

"By any chance did the Council say something to you…?" I asked him. 

"Huh? Why are you mentioning them now…?" he asked. 

"Do you remember the lethal weapon you were holding that day?" I asked him. 

"!?" He took a few steps back. 

That's right, he wasn't in possession of that thing anymore. It's with the Principal. When he collapsed I was able to hold onto it but since I didn't know where I should keep it, I took it to the Principal. She already had a cupboard full of things that aren't supposed to be in a cupboard. 

"Oh did I hit the mark?" I asked him as I slowly took a step towards him. 

"... S-Step back," he said as he pulled both his hands in front of me. 

It was good enough that there was no one around. It was a deserted place so I could do anything to him right now. 

"Step back? Why should I? I am not even doing anything to you… yet," I said. 

"I said… step back…" he said as his hands were shaking, still held up against me. 

"Tell me Roy… do you really not remember what happened that day…?" 


"The day when you dragged me inside that deserted room," I said. 


Hands of his touched me around the chest region. And by the time his hands and my body had made contact he had already hit the rock bottom. 

There was no more space behind. He was already pushed against the wall. His hands were feeling since, with just the slightest push they went back a little. 

But he still had some fight left in him. 

"You brought some of your allies as well… remember that yet?" I asked him. 

He forced his eyes shut and tried to look the other way. 

"No, no. You shouldn't look away or lose eye contact. Tell me in the eye and say that again that you don't remember what happened that day," I said. 


"Roy, don't you remember when you pulled the knife at me?" I said. 


"Don't you remember what happened next…?" it was only a couple of inches away now, his face and mine. 

He was acting as if I was swallowing him whole. It's weird. 

First, he acted as if he was above me but when I was right in front of him he was acting like a cat in the rain. It's weird. 

And that's when I noticed it. 

It wasn't him acting like this because he wanted to. He was doing that because someone forced him to. 

The place where no one is watching is a place where a digital eye watches. 

"Roy you… who told you to do this?" I asked him. 

"..." he didn't say a word. 

"Don't play the victim here okay? I am supposed to be dead if I weren't to do all that to you," I said. 

"..." he still didn't say a word. 

"Roy this is the last warning I am doing okay? Just tell me who told you to do all this and I will let this go otherwise I might have to end things for you here and now," I gave him the first warning. 

"W-What are you talking about…?" he spoke. 

"Tell me who told you to do this? I know that this wasn't your doing, someone persuaded you and I also know something behind the scenes is going on with you and it's pretty shady so tell me and I won't bother you anymore," I said. 

"I don't know what you are talking about," he still didn't break through his own wall. 

"Alright then," I said. 

I took out my phone and messaged someone that was not too long ago added to my contact list. 

{}-> For the Person Allen Called

[]-> For Allen speaking


[Can you talk to Roy about 'that' thing?] 

{... Are you sure? I mean you could have used him.}

[I could use you.] 

{Aren't you being too straightforward with that? At least try to hide it a little.} 

[Yeah. Anyway talk to him and also take care of him since it's time to eliminate people. It's enough of this.] 

{... Again, are you sure? You don't want him to add to your ally list?} 

[Just tell me your answer and your opinion please.] 

{Okay, okay. Consider it done and just hand him the phone. I have to talk to him personally.} 

I separated my phone from my ears and lent it to Roy. 

He hesitantly took it and placed it right next to his ears. 

In just a few moments I noticed his eyes becoming blurry. A drop of water that felt like crystals rolled down his cheeks. And not too long after his entire face was covered with water. 

I couldn't tell exactly what was going on inside Roy but I know for sure that he was going to be free from all this.


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