Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 140 - Broken

'You aren't the only one coming…' 

I did want to say that but I shouldn't. 

While I was on my way to the second floor I noticed not just one but the entire Teacher Cast moving around the floor, while the teachers were busy with something the students were both outside and inside the classrooms. 

I had expected some ruckus but this is beyond that. At most, I believed the Teacher would contact the Site Handler and that would solve the problem. 

But yeah by that time many would have already shared since not all students pay attention in class. 

[The Head Teacher Along with the Student Council Is Required to come to the Principal's voice. Consider the Matter Most Important and report ASAP.] 

An announcement was made for the entire school. Although the sound was mixed a bit with the mechanical voice, I could still make out, it was the Principal. 

It was staggering and the shivering in the voice was clear from her since I am the one who triggered all this. 

"Move! Move! Move!" pushing aside the mod, our homeroom teacher thrashes forward in that cramped place. 

Yes, that's right. It wasn't just Roy who was in trouble but the entire school. 

Not once, but multiple times, incidents have taken place and none were something to be proud of. And with this, all the accomplishments are hidden behind the curtain of one certain video. 

"Where is Allen…?!" 

"Where the HELL is ALLEN?!" 

Among the mob of the second year on the floor, I heard a distinct voice, but I ignored it and tried to blend in with the crowd. 

But that wasn't good enough for me to escape. The yelling kept on increasing and soon the entire floor went silent. And made a circle around me. 

"Who is it…?" I turned around and saw a certain figure I hoped to have fallen into despair. 

But I was wrong to assume that, how can I forget that humans are the beings who linger to their very end… 

Just like him. 

Yes, Roy was standing in front of me, eye completely red and swollen up a bit, while his half shirt was out and the other half inside. And hair felt like it just passed by a tornado. 

He came yelling at me but I didn't falter. 

"Allen… take that thing from there…" Although he was soo loud a minute ago, he is quite quiet {It is Intentional and now after this explanation, the fun has been finished…} now. 

"I don't know what you are talking about," I played the dumb actor. 

He took a couple of steps more, while he was walking he didn't glance straight at me, not even once. 

He stopped right in front of me and for the first time he looked up, directly in my eyes. 

Now that he is up this close, I could see his eyes aren't completely fine yet. They are still swollen and it might take more than just a few hours to calm them down.

"Allen… I am not kidding… that's enough… just delete it… my future is to take Allen…" 

He had a slight laugh but his eyes were starting to gather water at the ends. Also, his hands were frantically shaking constantly. 

"As I said… I don't know what you are talking about," I said. 


I haven't mentioned this but I wasn't in the video. 

Before uploading it I blurred my face from it and now it's just a person who wishes to keep himself safe from being again attacked by Roy in case of Roy retailers again. 

"What's he doing here?" 

"Isn't he a killer at this point?" 

"He always acted all mighty. And remember when he started a fight with Allen that day?" 

"Yeah… is he coming at Allen just to release his pent-up anger…?" 

"I wish he would just go away from here…" 

[Roy! Roy is ordered to report to the Principal's Office. RIGHT NOW.] 

Another Announcement was made. 

"If you really wish to blame it all on me, why not I come with you? That way everything can be cleared, right?" I said. 

"R-Rig-Right! You should come with me!" he exclaimed and was also brimming with slight hope. 

He took my arm and was just about to drag me but I forced myself and released from his grip and said, "Roy, you don't have to get physical with me." 

Although his reputation was even below at this point, this sly comment of mine made it even worse and the last hope he thought to have in his eyes is again now finished but I could see slight lingering. 

I won't let him get the last hope. 

If I can't have an ordinary life, why should he? 

I might seem like a villain here but I am just a broken character. With whom things have been done a teenager shouldn't have. If I can't have it, why should my enemy? 

"..." Roy looked at me frustrated but he had this much consciousness to make out that, if he were to make another wrong step, it wouldn't matter if accept that I uploaded that video or not. He wouldn't have any place to return to. 

Soon we walked towards the Principal's office, the same place I stormed outside not long ago. 



The area around the Principal's office was empty. Or more like a deserted place. It must have been because all the teachers called in. 


As Roy was about to open the door, the knob automatically circled around and was pulled open. 

"W-Wha!" Roy jerked back with the sudden appearance of the teacher coming out. 


While the teachers made the exit they all stared at gazes even though I hadn't felt myself. It wasn't pitying, or it was anger it was more like- I can't describe it but if I were in his shoes, I wouldn't feel very comfortable. 


We both silently slid in and noticed the Principal standing right in front of her desk and on the right hemisphere of the room was the entire Student Council. And when I say the entire Student Council, it also includes the President as well as Aamber. 

"What is Allen doing here?" the Principal asked the most obvious question. 

And the other waiting in anticipation. Yeah, not just the Principal but those heads beside her were also surprised to see me. 

"Apparently Roy thinks I posted the video on the School Forum. So, I came to clear out my name from getting disgraced," I said. 


The Principal slammed down a bunch of papers on her desk and also looked pretty pissed but she couldn't say a word. 


The silence grew larger but no one to interrupt. 

"Ma'am what are we going to do now…? We need to at least remove it from the School Forum as soon as possible…!" The President urged as he took a step forward. 

"You don't have to tell me that. Why do you think I called the teachers? They will try to handle the Forum problem. Our real problem is how to get out of this before it 'degrades' our school any further," the Principal glared at me but I was unaffected. 

All eyes were on me except Roy. He was too troubled by his situation. 

"Why don't we declare it as someone trying to disgrace our school and film it…?" one of the Council members proposed an idea. 

"That's an option but it wouldn't matter if it was proven to be 'true'," the Principal said as she took a glance at Roy, "This might even escalate to the point where Police might start an investigation. Based on how our school is pronounced we can't let it just slide by some slander. We need solid proof to back our innocence." 


"Roy, why did you bring Allen? He isn't related to this," the President said. 

"H-He uploaded the video on the Forum!" Roy broke out. 

"How do you know if it's him?" the President asked. 

"H-He… did that in front o-of me… right before he le-left the room…" Roy mumbled but the room was too silent that we could still hear him clearly. 

"Allen uploaded it…? Allen, did you post that video there?" the President turned to me. 

"I did not," I replied.

"Are you sure you aren't lying? If you are caught lying you might have to face severe consequences and worst-case instant resignation," the President said. 

"On what basis? Even if I did post it, I just posted a video online, is that a crime now?" I asked him. 

"Posting something isn't wrong but this isn't just 'something', it's much more than that," he said, "So tell me, did you or did not post it?" 

"I didn't," I answered. 

"Show me your phone," he demanded. 

"... Here you go but you won't find anything there though," I extended my hand and gave it to him. 


After taking a look at my account and stopping in my gallery he asked me, "Why is this video on your phone?" 

"What?!" The Principal was the most surprised. I guess in that panic mode she forgot I also have a thing called gallery that keeps all my photos and the reason why the President found the video that fast was because I rarely click photos. 


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