Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 144 - Message From Who?

Parting ways with the cute little girl, Rika, I decided to take a walk around the city. It has been time since I went to a mall or some other complex. 

Alright then, let's just move to a movie theater and then look around some clothing shops. Ah, also I need to tell my mother about my outing and getting late. 

It has already been 11 in the morning. Without me realizing it was already this late. I went out at around 8 and then to a 24x7 open department store. Small talk with Lily and then my encounter with the little girl. 


After a 15 minute walk I was in front of a shopping complex and what else, a movie theater was also in it. Well yeah there are usually theaters inside but the seats and the service provided at certain places are just not good. 

As I went to the counter, I was handed a pamphlet. 

The cover ebing the outlet of the mall. 

I must say it's quite large for a single person. I mean there are 5 floors and each floor is filled with numerous shops and with all these people around I am starting to feel suffocated. 

THe 1st floor consisted of shops related to clothes. All were considered multinational shops. Casually I entered one of the stores and guess what, the moment I saw the price I was kind of hesistant to look any more. And it was the lowest one there. Do people really like to wear these pricey clothes? 

I understand having branded clothes gives you a certain delight but still I prefer a decent one. Once in a while okay but not every time. 

With a brief disappointment I exited the store, the clerk there saw me with suspicious eyes. 

'You didn't take anything, right?' is what he must be saying. 

Ignoring his suspicious glare, I left the shop. Since every single shop has those detectors, the clerk couldn't help but feel a bit ashamed. 

After clearing out the first floor I moved up to the second floor. Where the main theme was of shoes. And I also needed a new pair of shoes so I decided to look into it. If not buying then at least have a mind frame of the style I like. 

After taking a look around the shop I exited it with a disappointed look. They had a nice collection but not the ones that I wanted. 

For an hour I wandered around and decided it's a waste of time. The moment I like a shoe, the helper in the shop would come by and show me similar styled shoes but with slightly different alterations. 

That wavered my decisions. 

'Sir, how about this?' 

'This one was the most bought last month.'

'I think informal would suit you more.' 

'Here, it's available in our shop only.'

In response to all these questions was, 'Is that so…? I will look around a bit stil.' 

Moving onto the 3rd floor. 

It was a food court. The entire floor was almost packed. I mean, did the entire city come here? It's a weekday so why is there so much crowd? Is it declared some kind of national holiday that I haven't heard of? 

I skipped the 3rd floor and went directly to the 4th floor. 

It was the floor that only consisted of movie theaters. 

Throughout the entire floor all sorts of posters were displayed. I must say, the posters these days are quite intriguing. I mean look at that one, the man standing in front of some sort of balck hole and beside it were some opaque images of few others. What is that? A sci-fi movie? 

Not only just posters, a wide screen was displaying the most grossing movie of the month. Just with a few minutes of trailer I was interested to watch it. And what else, it has been quite some time since the release and yet the movie is one ladder ahead of others. 

It's decided I am watching that movie. The main story revolved around a person caught up in some sort of time dimension and with the interference some sort disortments occurred in the real world. 

I moved towards the counter and noticed the line was longer than a limo. The counter was specially designed for that movie only. And watching that long line I felt an urge to watch the movie leave. 

But I wasn't the only one. The morning shows were all booked already. 

Half of them left disheartened. Well for me, I took a ticket for some other movie. Since I don't want to wait till afternoon. 

The movie starts in a couple of minutes. I quickly dropped by the snacks counter and ordered a medium popcorn with a small coke. 

While I was waiting for the order, I noticed something. Almost everyone in the line beside me was standing in pairs. 

Ignoring them I entered the movie hall and got to my seat. It was not entirely in the middle but slightly in the right part of the hall. 

In a couple of minutes people started to pour in and it was completely filled. And of course people would sit beside me. 

Lights went off. 

And fortunately, the people around me were quite good. They weren't talking or even if they were, I couldn't hear them. 

The movie started. 

The start was dramatic since the main lead was crying and recklessly throwing around things. The bell rang and right before he could open it the screen went blank and something in small letters displayed. 

2 Months Ago. 


The movie was almost 2 hours long. So I had to sit there till the end because the movie was coming to its climax. And I am not going to lie but the movie was pretty good actually. 

The hero got betrayed twice by the same girl. And then the revenge came. It was a pretty normal movie plot but the execution was pretty nice. Almost everyone was so engrossed in it that even in the interval half of the people went out. 


And with the main lead getting the female lead the movie came to an end. For a moment there the hall went silent. But soon enough people started to chatter about the movie. 

I didn't have anybody to talk to so I just left the hall silently, talking with my own conscience about the movie. 

It was already noon, 2pm. I straight out went to the food court hoping the mob had cleared out but I was wrong. Not only did they increase but the noise coming from it was also irritating. All talked so loudly that even if I would have worn headphones I would still hear them. 

So instead I departed from there and to the top floor. 

It was an open place with no terrace. It was built on the terrace of the 4th floor. 

It was windy but not much. Only to flick a few of my hairs. A couple of restaurants at the corner and in the middle a small garden. 

And ESPECIALLY it was quiet and calm. Even though there were people they still talked in low voices. 

With the main motive to fill myself up I went to one of the restaurants and ordered something that I couldn't even spell correctly. Still, it was delicious. And of course it cost me much more than it would have in the food court. Nevertheless, it was worth it. 



As I was waiting for the lift I got two message notifications. 

I wonder who it is? 

I looked at it from the locked screen notification and saw a message from my mother asking me when I will come home. To which I instantly unlocked it responded with a 5 Minute Sticker. 

Double Blue tick was noticed on it. 

The other one was from an unknown number. 

Before I could open it, the lift arrived. 

A couple of people came out and few got in like me. 

It wasn't big enough for me to stand separately and read the message so I waited to get out. 

With no other stops we reached the end quickly. People got out before the ones outside could get in. 

With nothing much to do in here I left the place behind and started to walk beside the shade created by the trees. 

I took out my phone and unlocked it to read it. 

"Not someone I know." 

I muttered to myself and opened it. 

[I have found when she leaves her house. And it's today at 9pm. If you have time, come and meet outside in front of your house at 8, I will lead the way.] 

Is it Lily? 

It's the first time I have received any message from this number so it could be a coincidence and someone mistakenly sent it to me. But the possibility of that happening is also very low. 

Let's just see who it is at 8. 


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