Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 146 - One Step Ahead

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"So what do we do now?" Alex looked at me. 

"Why are you looking at me?" I asked. 

"What? You stopped Lily so I assumed you thought of something… or am I wrong?" He seemed confused. 

"It's true that we have to talk with her but the one moment she leaves her house is when she goes to a dangerous place and if we were to kidnap her on the way that wouldn't end well." 

"Why? Wouldn't that solve the problem all together? We took her in the car and then we can have a talk with her easily with no distractions!" Alex said with a confident look. 

"Tell me, do you happen to have a big garage where we can keep her?" I asked. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" 

"Please don't tell me you thought she would be quiet about that, would you? She might accuse us of kidnapping and eventually be jailed."


"Anyway for now let's just leave since we got no lead to move into. What's the next time she leaves her house?" I asked Lily. 

"..." No response came. 


"..." she constantly kept on staring at that ally. 

"Lily." I shaked her off and that brought her to her senses. 

"W-Wh-What?" She was perplexed. 

"When will she leave her house again?" I asked again. 

"I don't know… The President only gave me the information about her getting involved in this. Coming here was my spectaculations." 

"So no lead, huh. Do we have to come here again tomorrow?" Alex asked.

"... I think yes." 

"Too bad then. Alright then, same time tomorrow." I said. 




With the clock's longest needle half past ten pm made my entrance dramatic. 

"Where were you this late?!" Mother asked. 

"I… was with friends…?" 

"Friends? And who were they?" Mother interrogated while Father seemed to be getting a kick out of this situation. 

'Does this look funny to you, Dad?' 

"Who were they?" 

"Alex," I said. 

"... Really?" 

"I am tired so I am heading to my room. You can call Alex if I was with him or not," I swiftly tucked out my shoes and went straight up to my room. 

Mother also didn't raise any kind of question after that.   


But to think that girl went that path. I don't know what led to that but if she is involved with drugs then there are chances the police are also going to get involved. If so, isn't it good to back down and wait for the right opportunity? 

But I don't have much time. The Student Council must be trying to find something about me, I can't just sit here ideally and wait for the opportunity to strike me. 

Then what?

Should we threaten her to not leak our faces after kidnapping her? But on what grounds that will work? Do we bluff her that we know she is the one who uploaded the video? 

But she is using drugs and there's a possibility that she isn't someone who could be threatened. Using drugs is already too risky. 

But there is also a possibility that if she is on drugs then she isn't a person with much confidence. She could be influenced easily. 

Both seem plausible but only one is true and it's up to me to decide which of them is it. 


The next morning I went to school as usual. On the way Alex tried to approach me but I advised him not to. 

The gazes that used to be of suspicion seemed to have been turned into sympathy, pity, and maybe more. 

Well I was assaulted by someone so it's natural for them to look at me that way. 

But the people who weren't sharing the same view as the most still looked at me with hatred. 

But why? 

I know why, because they still don't believe me. And of course there will always be people who have different views than others. Two Schools of topic.

Ignoring them I went to my classroom. 

The first one to encounter me was Selene, she was sitting in the same row as mine, looked at me and instantly reverted into another direction. I wonder why? 

Beside Selene sat Alex but apparently he wasn't here yet. 

Other than that Peter sat in the far left side of the room. But I couldn't see him directly. Because the people have been staring at me non-stop. 

"Tch!" someone clicked their tongue but was it at me? 

I unnoticed it was the seat of Anna's friend and she looked at me with hostility. 

As I sat on my seat I noticed Anna getting all fidgety. I wonder why that is? Is she scared by the fact that one of my enemies got eliminated and was pulverized completely? 

If so, then I guess it had just more than one silver lining. She might have to move ahead with precaution and with that she has to work accordingly in order to protect herself. And since the only way to protect herself is to be faithful to me, she has to disclose everything. But at this point she might not reveal the name of that boy yet. I need to put pressure on her. The incident with Roy ought to do it. 


Classes went by and soon it was lunch break. And yes, this time I paid attention in classes since I have been lagging behind a lot. I need to cope up with the class. 

As I stepped outside the classroom, the silence that was maintained because of my presence seemed to have been finished. 

The class became a public place with no restrictions of sorts. 

But I didn't have time to hear their conversations. 

I walked to my usual spot and soon met Iris there. 

"Has been too long, Mister Celebrity." she said. 


"You think?" 

She was more chipper than usual but soon changed when she got accompanied by her attendant, Olivia. 

"So you got something?" I asked her, ignoring her- f-r-i-e-n-d. 

"Hmm… yeah I did find some interesting things actually." She said, 

"So? When are you going to tell me?" I asked. 

"Now, dummy. Anyway, I got to know about Henry." 


"Henry, red head, Discipline Incharge. You don't even know their names yet?!" Iris seemed surprised and Olivia seemed to have made a funny look. Or more like she was looking at a funny thing and mimicking that. 

"I am not the one who was supposed to find the information about them," I said in my protest but it was still declined by the fact that I don't even know the enemy. 

"Henry used to live in another city so the only thing that I could see from the record was that he transferred here in the first year and soon got inside the Student Council," she said. 


"That's… quite a face. Going on, I did some background checks through some connection from my fathers contact!" she confidently and shamelessly said, "It turned out that he transferred because of the incident that took place in his last year of middle school." 

"What happened at that time?" I asked. 

"It seems that he got caught in some sort of trouble with a son of some politician and of course when there is power they misuse it. He was about to get expelled but was spared when someone from our school helped him get transferred here. Some sort of money transaction was made." 

"From our school? Who?" 

"Apparently that's where our President came in. He is the one who helped him with that trouble." 

"... That's surprising." 

If he did that then it's for sure that Henry is loyal to The President. No, it's more than just loyal. 

"Right?! Even I thought that. But that's all I could gather," she said. 

"That's it?" it's more surprising that she could gather only this much. 

"Hey, you know how much trouble I had to go through just to know this inside information? A politician was involved so of course the information wouldn't come that easily!" 

She puffed while Olivia seemed to have been unfazed by the sudden sullen on her friend's face. 

"Still this isn't enough. Try digging further on them." I said. 

"Well that's a given but in exchange tell me one thing." 

"What is it?" I asked. 

"You are the one who uploaded the video, right?" she asked with a huge smug on her face. "I know for a fact that you uploaded that video. Just admit it." 

"Sorry to disappoint you but I wasn't the one who uploaded the video." 

Technically I didn't but if we see it from the Principal's perspective I did. But who cares if no one knows that. 

"Huh?! Don't lie to me. I know it was you, you just don't want to admit it." 

"I really didn't. Even if you force me to say it, it would still be a fact that I didn't upload it." 

"Eh… I really thought I caught you…" she seemed disappointed. 

Anway stop sulking about such things and do some real work. 


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