Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 15 - Remember...

Even though we were supposed to be safe up here, the trunk is not thick enough to withstand both of our weights.

The trunk is almost twenty centimeters in diameter.

"Hey, Selene, I don't think this trunk will hold on much longer. How about we find another place?"

"... Allen, I don't have the strength to move an inch anymore. I don't know how you are able to move even after so much has happened..."

"..." I could have said something but I still preferred not to say anything.

But... still, I know that this place is also not safe.

I looked around, now that my eyesight has settled I am now able to make out things more clearly but not clear enough to move around freely. It is still risky.

At that moment I remembered something which happened a few months ago...


Allen's Father POV

(Allen and his father is camping in a forest near their area)

"Allen what would you do if you are alone in a forest?" I said while putting up our tent.

"What do you mean?" Allen looked confused.

"Just hypothetical, if you were to camp here or in a forest alone what would you do?"

"Hypothetical... I don't know." by his looks, I could make out that he really doesn't know.

"Oh, boy. Think it like this, you went camping with your friends but some mishap happens and your tents catch on fire. You're all supplies are inside the tents. The fire increases drastically since wind is flowing and now you're the only option is to run away. What will you do now? Also, you are left alone in the forest since your friends have gone in different directions."

"Why would the wind be flowing inside a forest so much that it increases the fire?"

"... Allen just answered the question. Don't bother with the details, just imagine." What am I gonna do with this boy?

"Okay, first of all, I would try to find a safe place to sleep."

"Could have been food or water first but okay continue..."

"Then I would find something to eat and also water afterward."

"Okay, so... how would you find a safe place so that no wild animal ambushes you when you are resting or sleeping?" His answers were vague.


"You just said that you will find a place to rest but how?" saying things are completely different when it comes to execution.

"I don't know? Climb a tree..."

"That's right! You should climb a tree if possible because unlike humans wild animals cannot climb trees and it would be much safer up there unless a snake climbs up. Then you have to try killing it."

"So you are saying there is no place completely safe?"

"Hmm... we can make one. Like, look at this tent. No insect or a snake can come inside when it is closed right?"


"But the question is how to make one from scratch?"


"Try thinking it yourself while I set things inside the tent."



The tent was up and now I just have a place, a lamp and a few other things inside.

"And... Done."

"Allen, come inside." It was already getting dark even though we came in the afternoon. Time flies when we are having fun.


"... so, what did you think of?" Since the tent was not so big his only option was to sit beside me.

"Nothing. I couldn't think of anything."

"Allen you lack imagination. I gave you a hint 'tent' didn't that ring any bell?"


"Alright, I'll tell you. First of all, look around a forest. What do you see?"


"Yes, but not just trees there must be some lumber lying around or maybe a bamboo tree."

"Oh, right."

"Generally, it would be better if bamboo is available since it will be easier but if it's not there, our only option is to make one by using lumber. Normally if it is laying around that means that the tree was weak and fell so try finding only like four to five meters high."

"Then what?" he seemed curious.

"Just like tents have a kind of V-shaped upside down or take a pyramid for example. Gather three or more lumber big enough and try making the same shape as the tent."

"But how will they stay still? I mean even with a little bit of movement and they all will fall right?"

"Yes, that's right. For that, we would need a rope."

"Why would I have a rope if all my supplies have been burnt down?"

"Allen imagined. We are in a forest and there is a huge possibility that there will also be a banyan tree."

"What about it?"

"Allen, I think you should start watching those wildlife tv-shows."


"They have those rope-like things hanging down their branches. I also don't know what those are called. But that is not the point here."

"Oh, I know what to do next."

"What?" I said.

"We will tie those lumber all together at the top to hold them. Right?"

"Yep, that's correct."

"That's all?"

"What? No, does the tent only have those metal rods? It is covered."


"So we use leaves."


"Not just any leaves we will try to find something bigger, big enough to at least half the size the lumber used."

"Where would you find leaves that big?"

"We are in a forest. Any size of the leaf can be found there."

"..." he continued listening.

"Once we find the leaves, we will try covering it around the lumber and then tie them up."


"Now do you get it? Just saying that you will find a safe place is not as easy as at all."

"Right. But what should I do if it's nighttime?"

"Oh, that is a great question and I am glad you asked."


"At night you will not be able to see anything. But if it's a full moon it might be possible and observe your surroundings."

"But there would be so much less light so how would I observe things around me?"

"Only your eyes aren't usable at this time but your other senses are still working."

"What do you mean by other senses?"

"How do you think blind people live? They try touching things or try to recognize things by concentrating on their ears."


"I don't have personal experience but I would suggest you try to get things ready during the daytime. But in case you couldn't do it just try observing the things around you and try to figure out what to do next. That's all I can say."

"Alright, I'll remember that."

Allen, you should remember it. Sooner or later it is going to be useful to you.


Allen POV

I remember what dad said but still, I can't figure out what I should do?

He said to examine my surroundings but if I cannot see my surroundings clearly what should I be observing?

I still persistently tried but still, nothing.


I think I am also at my limit.

Even though I tried not to fall asleep, it was futile...

As I closed my eyes for a second my body automatically leans backward and at that moment I knew... I have already fallen from the tree.

I could feel the wind passing through every body part.

"Thud!" ouch!

Even though I fell directly it didn't hurt much and slowly... I lost my consciousness.


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