Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 157 - And That's How You End Things

With that line, I don't know how but he seemed to have gotten angry and tried to mumble something, but with his lower jaw hanging off he wasn't able to say it clearly. 


I moved closer to him as I noticed some slight movement along his mouth.

"Oh really?" 

I am still confused how he has this much confidence after this.

The words he used were- 

{I… don't care… how much you beat me… you still won't be the same as him… I will come at… you again… when you walk alone… when you pee in the washroom… I will always come at you… watch your back…} 

Is what he said, although he was suffering from pain throughout his body and especially his face, he still seemed confident and I could feel the smirk looking down at me again. 

This got a little irritating. I was already fed up with him and the entire Student Council, not for proving me guilty, but because of the treatment. 

"Oh really?" I said. 


That's right, he wasn't smirking now… I am. 

As his wide grin seemed to be vanishing, I stroked him again at the face, or more like at his mouth where I could see his teeth. 

Not once, but to the point where his teeth feel down. The middle two teeth seemed to have fallen down while he shaked in pain, I didn't stop. 

He looked at me with confidence even in this situation. Is he still looking down at me? 

I grabbed his hair, pulled it up. He showed signs of pain but never let out a single sound of it. Not now, not before. That's when I noticed it. 

"Now I get it… You have been just trying to mck me, aren't you? That's why you seemed to be confident till now." 

The grin seemed to have shrunk while mine grew larger as the moment passed by. 

I landed a crushing blow at his gut. With every weak spot, I landed a brutal hit, to the pont he even spit some blood from his mouth. And that's when I, for the first time I saw a sign of fear in his eyes. 

Nonstop, I continued to hit him, to the point he fell unconscious. 

"I guess it's now over," I said. 

I noticed my arm colored it, of course none of it was mine. While clothes with small shades of red mixed at it, like sprinkled water on a dry cloth. Seeing the scene, seeing the scenery reminded me of the time when I was on the island when I go- 



What the hell was that image just now? I held onto the one of the sofas nearest to me. What the hell was that? THose images of people lying down, blood dripping at the corner while my hands covered in red… What was that….? 

"Mh-Ek…" Before I could ponder further I heard a faint voice. 

It was Iris, she was here all this time. 

I went outward, hse got scared as the sound of footsteps got closer. She was shivering. 

"Hey, it's me." I said. 

"W-What…?Allen…?" Her voice was staggering. 

"Yeah it's me. Who do you think it was then? Don't tell me, you hoped that I would have lost…?" I said as I helped her stand. 

"I-I never said that-Remove this thing from me…!" she exclaimed. 

Although she was pretty scared a few moments earlier she sure is playing her usual self pretty early. If I had to choose, I would prefer the timid Iris but reality sure doesn't bend your ways. 

"I think it's better for you to not see your surroundings as of now." I said. 

The room was as if a tornado passed by, everything was scattered, broken. Among the rumpled room there were three people lying down and one being in a serious condition. If she were to see this, I am pretty sure she would pass out. 

"W-What?!" I held onto oher arm and dragged her out. 

Based on when I entered the room, there were supposed to be two people behind this door but not anymore. I guess they were instructed to leave the moment I got inside. Henry sure was an arrogant person. 

"Go to the stairs, Peter and the Principal will be waiting for you there. Tell them everything but make sure to ask them to meet me once before spreading this around. Also tell them Henry did in order to lure Allen there. The rest ask me, i.e., Allen himself." I instructed her as I revoked the cover on her eyes and pushed her out as I closed the gate again. 

"W-Wha-What…?" She was a bit surprised but I am sure she will handle everything. 


I slammed the door shut. I don't know whether Iris went or not, but that's the least of my concern. I had to take a look at these lying bodies first. 

I went towards the one at the corner, he was half consciousness. I slapped him in order to wake him up.Although it took quite some time and a certain number of slaps, it was worth it. He woke up but wasn't really in a good condition. 

Moving onto the next, not so different situation, I sprinkled some water in order for him to gain his senses back. 

And the remaining was Henry. I got over him and slapped him on the cheek. And of course they were no means some soft ones, I let out my leftover frustration at him. 


"Alright so you are up. What do you want to do now?" I asked him. 

"Wh-y are you over me…?" He asked. 

"Do you want another beating to regain your senses?" I showed him my fist. 

He jolted back in fear. "I was bea-beaten…" He was taking quite some time to come back to reality. 

"Don't fret over it for long, just tell me what are you going to do now? Are you going to snitch me to the teacher for beating the crap out of you?" I asked as I held on to his collar. 

"Of-f Cou-ourse not…!" He said. 

"Then? You are just backing down…?" I questioned him. 

"What do you want…?" He asked. Although his way of talking was turning back to normal, his eyes were still not settled down. 

"I want many things but you can't give them all so how about we talk about what you can give me." 


"Back down. Not just you but all of the Student Council." I ordered. 

"T-That's difficult… I can't control all of them." He said. 

"Does that look like my problem?" I asked. He frowned. 


"Yeah right, it will be too difficult for someone like you. How about you stop most of them?" 


"You thick skulled bastard. I mean take down as many as you can in the Student Council or don't tell me you are a pimp even among them?" I asked. If this won't work then he is so useless, even useless than my phone. At least my phone is capable of doing some things even without not many contacts. 

"... I can't betray the President…" He said. 

"Huh? Are you stupid to the core? I am not asking but making an order." I slapped him a couple of more times in order for him to know his position. "Just do as I say otherwise, say bye-bye to this school permanently. Not just this one but to the entire school. Kidnapping the daughter of the Chairman, even your dear president won't be able to help you when Iris testify against you." I rebuked. 


"Just say yes, dammit." I slammed his head on the ground. 

"O-oh-Okay… I will do it, I will do it." He cried. 

"You should have said this earlier," I said. "Make sure you do it and you don;t need to answer this but I know the President asked you to suppress me. So relay this message to him." 

[I know your secret. If you don't want it to spread around back off the Entire Student Council.] 

I let go of Henry's collar and stood up, as I tried to shake dust off my pants. 

All seemed bewildered, but it wasn't much of a concern to me. I left the room. 

In the distance, I noticed the Principal standing waiting for someone. I wonder who? 

The distance between us got closer, I was just about to pass by but she grabbed me by the shoulder. 

"Where do you think you are going?" She inquired. 

"Home." I answered

"What did you do to the students inside?" 

"Nothing, I just returned the favor I suppose. Tit-for-tat." 

She stared at me but she knows I won't be telling her the details this easily. 

"Don't play the hard ball. Based on your personality I know you did something wrong again." She sighed. 

"Henry along with two other inside need some medical attention, sooner the better." I said. 

"Huh? What?" She seemed confused. 

"Just take a look at it yourself. Ah, and don't worry about handling the consequences I have taken care of." I said. 

Hearing me, she rushed to the Council room. 

As I was descending the stairs, I heard a scream calling out my name but I didn't care to take a look back once and left the school building. 


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