Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 165 - Shunned

"I was right! He did not kidnap a child…!" Alex turned around and yelled. 

Wait, what? Kidnap? Me? They all suspected I kidnapped her? Well based on her cuteness maybe people will kidnap her.

"Anwya, Rika do you want to go to the Student Council to wait for your brother or go with me until your brother comes?" I asked since she was fidgety from the beginning. 

"I will go with you." She said in a low voice. What happened to your brave self from before? Nervous? Based on the situation she must have been surprised. 

"Alright then." I pulled her hand and walked towards my class. Of course the gazes didn't entirely go away but I have been used to it plus going around a cute child makes all the worry go away. But hey, why do I keep thinking that way? It's the first time I have ever been feeling so normal. With all the hectic situations going around me I was hardly able to get a breather but with her around I feel a bit more at ease. I wonder why that is? It's not like I have known her for that much time, she is almost like a stranger to me. 

"Why are they all staring at me?" She asked as she pulled my shirt a bit. 

"More like they are staring at me. You don't have to worry about anything." I said. 

"Okay." Look at her. Acting timid. For god's sake how can a person change this much? Children are true actors. 

I got in the classroom and for a moment there everything fell silent. I could hear the gulping son of the person sitting in front. The next moment all of them looked at Alex who seemed to be sitting in the middle of the classroom with a small circle around. 

"See I told you 'Allen is coming with a girl in hand'! Believe me will you?!" Alex exclaimed. 

To be honest it's kind of funny to see all of them shocked. 

"I don't know what kind of speculation you all are making but I would really appreciate it if you all would be kind enough not to scare her?" I said it out loud. 



Hearing their response I suppose they aren't that inhumane I predicted they were. At least they can act as a sensible person in front of a kid. 

"Where did he pick up the kid from?" 

"Is she his sister?" 

"Sister? I didn't know he had a sister." 

"Excuse me but do you want to come with me…?" Anna's friend, who I had a small dispute with not long ago asked Rika. 

"Me…?" Rika asked as he clenched me tightly. 

"Hey, I thought I told you not to scare her. Are you deaf or what?" I said as I stepped in between. 

"Huh? I was talking to her and not you. Also you must be the one who is scaring her!" She said, "I don't believe what Alex said so tell us straightforward who she is?" 

"I don't think I am in any way inclined to answer you." I said. 


"Wait a minute will you. Let's talk this through once and for all." I stopped her and turned around. 

I walked to Selene and said, "I think there is some misunderstanding so I need to take care of that so wait with her, okay?" 

"... Okay…" she let go of me and went towards Selene. 

"You will look after, right?" I looked at Selene. She got flustered but she soon realized it was a necessary thing to do. 

"O-Okay…" She said, "I will lo-look after her…" Rika seemed conflicted whether to agree to it but I reassured her. 

"Now let's deal with you." I said. 

"W-What??" With my sudden change in demeanor she was taken aback.

"Let's talk outside. You wanted to, right? Anyone who also wants to have a talk with me, let's move outside." I said. 


A few stood up but the one that surprised me was Peter. Why? It's getting more and more difficult to understand human beings. Am I losing my edge? 


A few of them came out but the only person I was most concerned about was Anna's friend whose name I don't even remember. 

"What's your deal?" I asked. And of course it was a collective question and not directed towards just one. 

"What do you mean 'What's our deal?' Aren't you the one that is causing problems here and there?" She said in an intimidating voice along with her supporters. 

"Huh? Did I ever touch you or any of you? Never did I ever hold a conversation with you but you act as if I have been getting on your nerves ever since the beginning. I don't get your issue with me." I said. 

"You are suspected of a murder and who knows maybe more we don't know of so because of you our school students are in constant guilt of letting someone like you continue coming to school." She groaned. 

"... Is that all? I thought you had some definitive proof that proves my crimes but you are only relying on some rumors spread around and the guilt you talk about, I don't see any guilt. I see each and every one of you walking around happily, going to a cafe with friends and going out on weekends but never have I seen any of you feeling guilty. So what's all this fuss about? Aren't you just trying to corner me up, huh? T-" 

"That- Were you-" She tried to cut me in between but I had enough people cutting me in between. Always thinking their voice matters more than mine. 

"Oh just shut the hell up will you?" I said arrogantly. 

"W-What?" her eyes widened up. Shaking hands. Not just her but the entire group seemed to be frozen up by the fact that I was now talking back. That's right, till the point I have been provoked by many but I only retaliate to those who tried to strangle my further steps. I have been trying to ignore these muggles till now but this ends now. They are the core of all those rumors circulating around, they are the real weeds in the school. 

"If you say those things even a small cold will think of you as idiots. Accusing me of something that took place in someone's imaginations and you made it look like it was real. Shut the fu*k up will you?" I clenched my jaws tightly. Maybe a vein might pop out so I had to control it. 

"...B-But because of you my parents are worried..!" She exclaimed. 


"Yes, that's right." 

Sheeps gathering together to defend against a wolf? 

"Now that's a 'YOU' problem and not mine. Either you convince them that it is just a false accusation or that you are just too embarrassed to say a word since you are the ones that are causing the rumors to spread." I retorted to the groundless counter attack. "And if I ever see either of you or anyone glaring or even taking a peek at me I might have to do something about it. Just like I did with Roy. And you better circulate this around just like the rumors." 

Peter looked at me and he seemed to be having fun watching me. "I think Allen is right. I mean have you or anyone seen him fight first? It has always been a third person provoking him," Peter said. 

Wait, what? Is that the reason why he came here? He very well knows his hierarchical standing in school, and now that I have finally shunned all these people he just needs to support me. No war can be won alone but there is always a spark necessary to start it and I just did that. 

Anyway I left them behind. On the way I encountered another weird looking person oh wait it's not the weird looking person but I had tried not to notice that person. 

"Wait up. I need to have a talk with you." She said, "Allen." 


I walked past her ignoring the call. And she should very well know it by now that the only reason I am acting like this is because of her incompetence. 

"I said I need to have a talk with you!" She grabbed me by the shoulder. 

"I believe I don't have anything to talk about. And can you not put pressure on my shoulder? Unlike you I am still a child." I shrugged her hand.

"Child? Your ways haven't been making it clear enough." She said, "Either you have a talk with me now otherwise" 


"I might have to use force." She said, "I also don't want to use violence." 

"Force? I believe I have already demonstrated that to you." I replied. 

"Don't get cocky you brat. You think you are some kind of big person but in reality you aren't." She said, her voice was starting to become shrugged. 


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