Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 170 - How The Tables Have Turned?




The only source of the sound was the turning pages of a book. In a situation like this, the person responsible would have been hearing an earful but that doesn't seem to be the case. The person responsible wasn't someone who could be talked against.


No one was saying a word but it was clearly written on their faces that I was the culprit. Still, the thing I was most concerned about was that the Principal seemed to be ignoring my entire existence aas she was constantly flapping the pages of her book. 

"Allen, so are you sure you aren't related to the incident?" The President asked again. 

"As I said, I am not related to it." I replied firmly. 

"Even if you deny the fact that you were related to him, how will you defend the fact that you tried to talk with 'PETER' and weeks later he committed suicide? As I have noticed by far, you aren't very sociable and on the other hand Peter seemed to be on the upper level of social hierarchy. How come you both had a talk and soon that boy dies? Isn't this suspicious?" He asked. 

Although he was maintaining his demonar quite well, I could see his true face, he was smirking. No, he was looking down at me. Just like the time he was at the 'STAGE'. 

"Again… I will be declining all these accusations but- How were you able to get hold of this information? You only mentioned that I am not very sociable so I don't have close friends so how did you get to know about this? Were you Stalking me? Or did you get this information from some other means?" I asked. 

"You-" He was about to shut me up but stopped as he noticed he was in the presence of the people that would make the final decision. Rather he was alarmed, as Harrison stepped in. 


"I am fine." He said in a low voice. "I don't consider this an important topic on how I got the information. That can be discussed at a later date. First we need to know the truth that hid till now." 

"I would like to know."

Wait, was she always in here? It was Amber who said that. Her figure was hiding behind the shadow of the curtains and I didn't notice her there. 

"Huh? What are you saying Amber?" The President asked in surprise. Based on his reaction, he must have not thought that one of his allies could turn their backs on him. Even I thought the same. Why is she stepping in now…? 

"Like I said… I want to know from where you got this information? It happened one year ago so talking about that closed case all of a sudden makes this situation more suspicious and now you put some information that could put him in jail if proven guilty. We better move on with caution before we dishonor our school's reputation if at a later date he was proven 'NOT GUILTY'." She said in a bold and scary voice. I don't know why she is helping me but right now… I will accept it graciously. 

"Fine." He said as he sneered at her but didn't make it noticeable. "I talked with someone from second year. He was horrified by the incident so he couldn't come up at that time but now that he did, I can't let him down. Also due to the situation being too highly classified I can't be disclosing the person's name. It's better to keep his identity secret. Will that be okay, teachers?" 

"... Fine." The Principal said. 

I was wondering if she was paying attention at all and it turns out she is. 

"Right. So Allen, care to explain now how you were having a conversation with Peter?" He asked. 

"... He wanted to ask me something so I just answered. It was nothing related to that boy or the incident. How many times do I have to say this? If you have concrete proof then at least put it on the table. You are only trying to put on airs till now and the moment something seemed to be uncovered you hid it." I said in opposition. 

I still can't comprehend what's the point of all this? He seemed to be trying to pressure me into accepting the fact that I was involved in the incident but to the point he never put on real pressure. It was all some light threats, even the teachers seemed to be taking this matter lightly. For them I can consider it as a waste of time mostly because of the time period of the incident. Not just an assumption but from their facial expression even an idiot would be able discrete that they aren't interested in seeking truth but more interested to put an end to this. 

"That's true. But Allen you seem to be hiding the fact that you knew that boy. And even if you deny the fact you knew him, how come he had several short conversations with you and with you only? Based on his friend circle- no. Based on his triangle, You and Peter Included, it's the only possible inference that you were directly or indirectly related to him." He said. 

Is this what he has been doing till now? And the rumor about him never losing an argument, was it true also? He got me this time. And he was able to get this information, after the story Peter told me I had concluded that the boy whose name I barely remember was not sociable so his disappearance never affected anyone. So it was practically impossible to find the truth since only Peter and I know about this… or is what I had thought off. There is another person…? 


"Yes… it's true that I had several small talks with him. It's also true that I was one of the people he ever talked with. But this doesn't mean I was directly or even indirectly related to him. So for the last time… I was not the one that led him to his death." I said. 

"Alright. Alright. I will back down now but this isn't the only thing I called you in for." He said. 

What? This isn't the only thing he called this meeting? Wait, wait… I am not prepared for this yet. I glanced around the room, the teachers, and the Student council Members seemed unfazed with the only exception of Amber. No wait, the Principal is also- 

"Wait up. I wasn't told about any other thing." the Principal stood up. Her eyes brows curled up together showing the clear expression of confusion while a hand hanging in front asking in doubt. 

"I am sorry but the information got in at the last minute so I wasn't able to put in a formal request for it." the President said. 

"I don't care about that! You think of me as a Joke, huh?! If you got something other than the requested topic to discuss you need to put in a formal request, I don't have free time and especially not for something uncalled for!" She instantly tried to shut him down. 

I can't say if it puts her in a bad position or not but it's best if she silences him instantly otherwise I won't be able to handle most likely. I don't have a single thing about the other thing he is going to talk about. This isn't a time to be daring at all, especially when there are this many spectators. 

"Ma'am I think we should let him go on a little bit more. If he has something important to talk about we should at least listen to it." A teacher stepped in quickly, no, it wasn't just any teacher. She was my homeroom teacher. 


"I also agree."


"If he has something important we should at least hear him." 

It didn't take more than a minute for the teachers to go against the Principal. And with the sudden confrontation of the teachers the Principal was shocked. What is happening all of a sudden? I knew that there are teachers that resent me but I had never expected them to gang up on the Principal. 

"What the hell are you all saying? What do you think of me?" The Principal stood her ground. 

"How about we hold a vote…?" Harrison came in and said something disturbing. "But it's only a suggestion…"His confidence came to a dead end when the Principal scowled at him. 


"It's better to put on the majority vote." 

This is what I was most afraid of. Democracy is the worst thing in this situation. Based on the situation it's entirely possible that the majority will be against me. I have to fight all these now…? 

"This is my office! *Bam* No one can make rules of their own!" The Principal exclaimed as she banged the desk so hard that there might be a crack on it. In fear everyone took a couple of steps back but their voice didn't. 

"Ma'am we can vote to… remove you as Principal if you keep your tyranny behavior any longer." without a hint of hesitation my homeroom teacher stepped in and 'THREATENED' the Principal. 


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