Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 21 - The Night To Remember

As I sat there inside I noticed the sound of wind slipping through the leaves.

Creaking of tree trunks as if someone is walking on them and the fluttering of wings unseen. It was a pleasant experience until...

I heard the sound of wolves howling, but the sound felt like it was somewhere far from us.

After a while, the howling stopped and the forest became dead silent.

Only the whistling sound of wind could be heard.

Now that I have so much time I began thinking about the incidents which occurred to us in past few days...

First, the government took over the school and asked us to complete the task or else we will be expelled but then instead many were transported to this island which included me.

The most terrifying incident for others was the one where they shot a boy in the face in front of everyone. Everyone was horrified by that but to me, it looked normal, or to be precise it didn't affect me at all.

After a lengthy day, Selene and I were separated from others at night.

The next day, something more interesting happened.

It was the start of something that could be considered dangerous as well as thrilling. On an unknown island, we are left alone to survive, and if we are not able to complete the tasks they will be disqualified. Anything can happen if a person is disqualified like they will be killed or caged in a cell or something even worse. How do I know this?

I just felt like this could happen since seeing their behavior and actions taken by them I could comprehend that they don't care whether we die or not.

I think they must be aiming for something but what? It's a big mystery that I don't think will be revealed soon.

But one thing is still bugging me.

What was that dead body in the forest?

Selene described it to me but if there is the possibility that it is true then I don't think anyone on the island is safe or will be able to escape.

Whatever the case is, that thing is not something that could be taken carelessly. If one wrong move then all of us will be dead within a day.

Also, what was the reward for the second special condition task?

Arms and ammunition right?

If they are giving something like that then most probably there will be bloodshed soon.

I can easily comprehend that sooner or later they will make us kill each other saying the one who is at the top can escape the island, this kind of scenario, I have seen in a movie.

But in the end, everyone dies at the hands of an evil association.

"Run...!" I heard someone screaming.

As soon as I heard the sound I stepped outside to check what it was.

".... Run faster it will catch us!" I saw a couple of people running in my direction and by their looks, I could easily make out that they are being chased by some wild animal.

"Look fire! Run towards it!" shit. I don't them to cause trouble for me.

But now that they are already coming in my direction, now I need to prepare something.

"Ahhh...! It's coming closer...!"

I picked up few sticks with a fire burning at one end and waited for them.

"Help...!" are they stupid? If they shout so much they just asking for other feral animals to attack them.

"Come on." in any case I just need to stand my ground here.

As soon as one person reached our base I handed him the burning stick. I am not the only one who will be fighting it.

"Here." I gave only one person the burning stick and the others went right past us and hid behind us.

"In a count of 3, shout as much as possible okay." I know it would attract more animals but it is the only way to make it go away as fast as possible.


"And... 3!" they started shouting, I didn't shout instead I kept on hovering the burning stick around trying to scare it.

At last after a few more minutes of shouting it ran away.

I couldn't see it clearly because it's so dark but I am certain that it had three eyes or whatever it was. I swear, I could see three glowing things. Two looked like eyes but the third one was placed differently than others and a little above the two eyes. It must be around two-three meters high.

Earlier in the afternoon and now, this island is not normal.


"Thank you for saving us." they were a group of four consisting of two boys and girls each.

"No, it's okay. Now that you all are safe from that beast why don't you all leave now?" I don't want any more burden.

One of the worst things for me is to form a group. It's too much of a hassle to handle. That's why I don't form a group of more than three people. More like it's my policy. Reason? If there are more people then the number of compromises a person has to make also increases.

"... huh?" all of them said at the same time.

"What? Do you want to just relax here after causing such a risky thing for me and my friend?" because of them we had no choice but to shout which must have made other animals also aware of this place making this their primary location to attack whenever the chance arises.

"... at least let us stay here for the night.... please..." one of the girls said.

"Huh. Listen here I am not giving free shelter. If you want to stay here I can let you all stay here-"

"Really?!" one of them seems to be over noted but don't worry not for long.

"But you just have to give me 40 points each." after all this time I am certain that points are going to play a crucial role in the future.


"If you want to stay here give me a total of 160 points right now or else you can all just leave."

"But that..."

"I will count to three. Before that agree to pay me the amount and you can stay here for the night or otherwise I will have to chase you out of here." they all seemed to be tired maybe because of the beast but with this, if they don't agree to me I will just have to beat them up. With their physical condition so low I could handle them single handily.

"1...." they started discussing between them.



"Okay! We will pay."

"Alright. Welcome aboard. But before you all got down transfer your points to me with that machine over there." in the morning I also noticed a button saying TRANSFER POINTS.

"Okay..." they all walked towards the machine and moments later they returned.

"Okay, you all sit here but don't get inside or even near that place." I pointed out my 'shelter'.

"Why? We even paid you..." one of the girls pleaded.

"You only paid to sit down here not inside so if you want to sit inside pay me 90 points."

"That's absurd!" a boy yelled.

"Okay for you my friend you just got a penalty of 20 points." why? because he shouted again.

"We-" as soon as he was about to say something again another boy stopped him.

"I'll take the remaining 20 points from you in the morning." I pointed a finger at him which made him even angrier but the other person stopped him.

Ignoring then I went towards the machine and touched my elbow to check my points.

[Welcome Allen]

[Status- Alive]

[Points- 260]

Okay, they did pay me up.

With a minute where is Selene?

I walked directly towards the shelter. I saw Selene in the corner shivering.

"It's okay the beast went away."

"...." she is still shocked by what happens in the afternoon.

She walked outside and I introduced her to the other people and explained what happened of course I didn't mention the point part.


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