Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 30 - Next Phase

"~Hello Everyone! Good Morning~."

I have felt this strange feeling whenever I perceive his voice then maybe, the person who comes into my dream might be him, but in the end, there is no definite answer, it might be all my imagination.

"~SO, I AM GUESSING ONLY 15 OF YOU ARE LEFT NOW~." what? Wasn't the number 25 yesterday? I cannot comprehend what is happening to us till now.

Like Selene was disqualified, and I still don't know why.


"I don't understand what is he thinking." Alice said, while looking at me.

"Yeah, same for me...," I said.


This time the task is quite difficult and risky. Why?

Almost three days have passed since we arrived on this island and most probably everyone is at their wit's end. Some must have also lost it already, because this whole situation is weird and horrifying.

Slowly many of us are being taken away. God knows what will happen to them.

Above all, I saw a dead body and not just a simple dead body, its limbs were shattered and what's making me feel weird is that the person wore our school uniform.

That's not all. I encountered a beast that almost killed me a few days back, so I am guessing that many more students must have also encountered it at least once.

There might be some cases where, because of these situations, many must have lost their friends. I mean, it was 50% luck that the beast ran away. If he would have counter-attacked us instead of running, away I don't believe I would have survived it at all.

After all this, I'm positive that others will not hesitate to kill each other for their survival. It's just going to be like the survival of the fittest, like in a jungle...

Few might still have their sanity. But yes, the number might be quite less.

What should I do? I don't have any lead till. I got absolutely nothing. How should I move forward? What should I do now?

The answer to all these questions needs to be answered quickly.

Wait a minute, I might have an idea...

"Hey, umm... what's your name I forgot," I said.

"It's Alice, remember it, idiot." why does she sound so cranky?

"Sorry, my bad. Anyway, I might have an idea to increase our chance of survival. Wanna hear it?"

"... sure." it looks like she also understands the situation. The sooner we take a step forward and advances further, the chances of our survival will also increase substantially.

"Listen earlier when you were arguing with the other group that time two new special conditions tasks came."

"Huh...!? Why didn't you tell me sooner?" there she goes again, she gets angry quite easily.

"I don't know? Maybe because someone, I am not picking out a single person. Someone wouldn't even bother listening to me, so I also didn't bother telling it..." I also retaliated a bit.

"T-that... anyway tell me your idea."

"Aren't you good at changing the subject, lady?"

"Argh... are you gonna tell me or not?!"

"Okay, okay. I'll tell don't get angry."

"I am not yet but if you don't continue I might get...!" what's with this situation? Wasn't she supposed to apologize for being rude earlier?

I have to say it, she sure has a lot of character in her. But I can't say it directly to her, can I?

"So, one was that to earn 50+ points within 7 hours and rewards was umm... right. Clothes and food for one."

"That's all?" she said with a confused face.

"What do you mean?"

"You said there are two, so what about the other?"

"The second one was that to earn 200+ points before 9 hours and the reward was... arms and ammunition."


"What? Want to say something?"

"Isn't this all seems easy?"

"..." I didn't say a single word.

"Anyone can collect another 50+ or even 200+ points if they have more than enough points."

"Ah, that's right. I forgot one more thing."

"Thought so. So, what is it?"

"Another condition was that we need to collect the supply box first."

"Allen," Alice said, while looking down.


"How could you forget to tell me something this important!? First about the tasks and now about collecting the supply box!"

"What got you so angry suddenly?"

"You are a complete idiot. Forgetting something this much important!"

"Come on, why are fussing around so much?" I don't get it? Why is she so much angry all of a sudden?

"Huh! Calm down? You are an idiot."

"Listen up Alice, I am trying to be nice to you, but I don't think you are returning the favor here. Also, stop calling me an idiot. We just met and you are talking down to me. I didn't think of it much in the beginning, but I think you should change that behavior before I do something about it."

"Shut up idiot!" okay, so we tried talking nicely, gave one warning I might give another warning and it would be the last time.

The third time she has to face some consequences.

"Oi, Alice. Stop talking so loudly, okay. Also, stop calling me an idiot every time.

" What would you do if I don't?"

"Okay, so two warnings didn't do it. Don't cry after I do something."

"I dare you." I still don't get it. Why is she so angry all of a sudden?


I know just the thing. I walked in her direction.

"W-what? You will hit me?" she took a few steps back in fear. It's natural, if after an argument the other person walks towards you all of a sudden, the person will get scared.

"Don't worry, I won't touch you."

I walked past her and towards her...

"No...! Not the tent!"

"Hmm... I can't hear you." I took a small stick lying nearby me and pierced it from the front side of the tent.


"... that will do for now." almost 60% of her front cover was torn apart.


"Don't look at me like that. I warned you two times."



After almost an hour has passed since the incident and we haven't spoken a single word to each other.

Now that everything has calmed down, I might now know the reason she is acting too cranky.

She was separated from his group and had to stay with a total stranger and also I didn't tell her about the special conditioned tasks earlier.

She already has a tent which was the reward for special condition tasks, so I think she wants to complete those tasks and gain the privilege as soon as possible. But still, I don't know the exact reason.

Whatever the reason may be, the way she talked was not right.

I don't know about her surroundings, but I think she must be some kind of leader in her group.

That might be the reason she thinks of me as an inferior.

*Siren! Siren!*



"I don't know." what the hell's happening.


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