Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 33 - Supply Box

I still haven't been able to figure out whose footsteps were those.

If I rack up my brain I might have seen an upper-class person who was small, she was quite famous for being too small. When I enrolled in the school some rumor spread around that they have seen a little kid roaming around on the senior floor.

Although after a month or two an announcement was made that, that person is a student here.

They had to make this announcement because many got curious and wanted to see for it themselves so they went to seniors floor frequently due to which many students were not able to concentrate on their studies.

Now that I remember I might have seen her but I can't recall her face completely, anyway the problem is, why did she come to my camp? What was the relation between her and those three?

Many things are still uncertain.

"I had it enough...!"

"Can't you just sit quietly?" she is quite bothersome.

"I have an idea!"

"..." I tried ignoring her.

"I. Have. An. Idea." why do I feel like she is peering too hard at me.

"..." I still ignored her.

"Don't you want to listen?" it's as if her eyes are piercing me.

"... *sigh*," I let out a big sigh and said, "What is the idea?" I know I am going to regret it later but still go on.

"What if the items inside the supply box are still there?"

"I had a feeling since earlier but I think now is the correct time to ask, are you an idiot?"

"Huh! What do you mean?!"

"Why would anyone leave 'anything'? In this situation, they would take everything that comes into their hand. If necessary they would even snatch from someone but never leave anything behind."

"Fufufuf...." she started chuckling. I wonder why?

"What? Did I say something funny?"

"No, no, it's not that you said something funny but I think you missed something this time. Being serious all the time must have taken a toll on your rationality." 'being serious' what did she mean by that? But above all what did, I miss?

"You, yourself just said that in this situation anyone would be willing to snatch from someone if necessary so why would 'anyone' bring a person with them to collect the supply box?" ah, I did miss that. Even I would prefer to go alone or to be more precise I would myself never let anyone else around getting the supply box if possible.

"I... did miss that..."

"And the way they described that the supply box will have food, clothes, etc. Then it's size be must be big and they most probably there are more than one thing inside." that's true. They never revealed that there will be only one item inside.

"..." I continued listening.

"So, if my theory is correct a single person will not be able to take all the items inside. Which allows us to take the rest of the items."

"... I take back what I said earlier."

"What are you saying?"

"Saying that you are an idiot." the way she analysis things is quite scary. She was able to make a theory that I was not able to think of.

"Hmph! If you accept that what you said was wrong, then kneel and apologize."

"Nope, it must have been a fluke..." I said but in a lower voice, soft enough so that she can't notice what I said.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing." obviously I would not open up.

"Come on, kneel quickly." she is persistent.

"So, are you going to check the supply box?" I completely ignored her last comment.

"Huh? What about apologizing?"

"So, you don't want to go. Then I'll go and check by myself."

"H-hey, don't ignore me..." what? Is she crying?

"Oi, why are you crying?" what's with her? Yesterday she was acting all mighty and arrogant but what's with this change of personality? Crying? I would have never thought that she... I... I can't describe her.

"Ha! Gotcha! Don't ignore a person when they are talking, it's bad manners."

"..." wha? I don't get this girl at all.

"And about what you said about checking the supply box, I will be the one going."

"I think the theory you made just now was just a fluke and nothing more."

"What do you mean by that?"

"The box dropped around one hour ago and they clearly stated that every 10th hour the supply box will drop and every 12 hours 50 points will be granted to us. So, just to check the supply box which could be 'empty' you are willing to let go of 50 points?"



"Who said about going now? I was going to go after taking those 50 points anyway, I already knew about that. You didn't need to tell me something I already knew. Hmph!"

"Is that so?"

"Yes, that's correct!"

"Fine, I believe you. Next time onwards I wouldn't warn you at all since you would be knowing that beforehand."

"I didn't s-say that y-you can't w-warn me. Yes, you can warn me sometimes."

"Hmm..." I really don't get this girl at all.

I was not worried that she might miss those 50 points but what concerned me was that I might miss 50 points if I go right now.


The next one hour passed quite smoothly, Alice didn't speak a single word and it was pleasant. All due to this ridiculous thing I, myself has also started losing some edge.

If I was in perfect shape I might have been able to think of the same theory that Alice came up but with the lack of food supply and not being able to clean my body I have started to lose both my rationality and edge.

If, only if I could eat a full meal I might be able to regain some of my lost strength. But it's impossible right now.

Thankfully before moving from my previous location I drank as much water as I can and that's why I was able to stand my thirst till now but after such a long time I need to find a water source and fast.

"Argh... Can we go now?"

"Don't ask me. Go check the machine and check whether the points have been rewarded yet or not?"

"..." she stoop up and walked towards the machine. This might be a good chance to check how many points she has right now.

What? She didn't touch her elbow. Then how did the screen appear?

[Welcome Alice]

[Status- Alive]

[Points- ]

Before I could see how many points she has, she closed it immediately.

"Nope, it still hasn't arrived," she said while turning towards me.

"Hey, would you mind if I ask something?"

"Hmm... you can ask if you apologize to me for what you said earlier." she is still hanging onto it?

"Then it's okay. I won't ask."

"... Hmph! Fine."

I wanted to ask her how did she open her points tab because if the location for checking the points is different for everyone then why were mine and Selene's the same?


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