Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 38 - Return?

I woke up at around 7. Brushed my teeth, ate my breakfast and went straight for school.

"Bye mom." I spoke out loud.

"Bye Allen. Take care." she said with a warm smile but a little bit of anxiety in the eyes said to me.

I opened our entrance gate.

A bright sky with birds chirping and enjoying the cool breeze. The dew drops were falling from the leaves of plants on the roadside.

"Hey, isn't he one of the survivors?" someone whom I don't know was walking behind me but the conversation she was having with her friend was most likely about me.

"Now that I notice it... yeah he does look like the one from news."

"Isn't it scary just by imagining about that death game."

"Yeah... I couldn't even sleep at night the day I heard the news."

I really don't care what they talk about me but since I can hear them loud and clear it just don't feel good so I just took a glimpse back at them. I lowered my head a little and looked somewhat serious.


"L-let's just go." that did the trick. They ran past me.

How long will it take to subdue this news I wonder...

As I was about to reach the school gate someone grabbed my shoulder.

"Yo Allen." it was Alex.


"That's a dull reaction early in the morning," he said.

"What do you think happens when you stay up late and wake up early?" I replied.

"Hmm... that's understandable. But what were you doing up late?" he looked so curious, I can't comprehend what he is thinking at all.

"Anime, manga."

"Allen as I friend I must warn you." what's with the serious look?


"Try to restrain yourself from watching anime and manga's a little because if you get into it too much it's almost impossible to get out. I am saying this from personal experience. I was like most of the free time doing all these stuff in middle school and I barely made any friends. I had to lock them inside a box with a locker and threw the key somewhere." he looked somewhat relieved after saying that.

"Yeah, I'll keep that in mind."

"FIRST PERIOD." an announcement was made.

"Run for it Allen." we both paced for our class.


"Yes!" Alex shouted as he saw that teacher still hasn't arrived.

Every time I look at the scene inside the classroom only one question arise- 'How did they all arrive so early?'

But for the past few days the each time I enter the classroom everyone's gaze was at me. It's not like I don't know why but I can't do anything about it.

"Okay. Sit on your seats and we will start today's class!" our homeroom teacher arrived at the same moment I settled on my seat.

Almost a week have passed since the death game has finished. The result was that only a handful of students were able to survive and come back. No, let me rephrase it, only 7 of the students came back alive including me.

Also the thing Mr. X said about that our identities have been erased, it was all a lie. Police was searching for us all the time while we were on the island. It became a huge incident because about 40-50 students were kidnapped out of know where from school in one day.

Those of us who came back had their memories erased completely. They didn't even remember that their friends were killed or whatever happened to them. They just remember their names but not their memories.

But for me, I don't know exactly why but my memories weren't fully erased. The only thing I could remember was that we were sent to an island and something like we had to gain points to survive and that's all I remember. All the things I could recall, I told to the investigating officer for this case. My name was never revealed that I had few memories about the island and all. The information was said to be given to them anonymously and cannot tell public the source of that.

The ones who came back, they were on the news flash of every news channel.

The ones who came back were-

1) Alice

2) Allen

3) Selene

4) Peter

5) Liz

6) Emma

7) Roy

What happened to others I don't know. We never got to know about them nor we were able to see their deceased body so no one has yet confirmed their death at the moment but the hope is on the brink of extinction.

The one thing that made me the center of conversation was that Roy, one of the survivors said something which made me look like I was the one to blame for all this. Like because of me all this happened.

Since I can't even remember why we got kidnapped and all this happened I knew that no one can blame me yet.

The accusation statement he made on me was that he saw me holding a gun against someone. Naturally it can't be used a proof.

So, I straight out said- "I don't know why you are blaming me but since we all can't remember anything can you blame me yet? You don't even have a solid proof."

But police took this matter more seriously than I thought so they interrogated me. My parents refused for a child who is only in his high school to be interrogated alone. In the end police compiled to this and let my parents to sit while the interrogation took place.

I told them everything I could but they needed someone to blame for all this commotion. Such a big thing happened and the police have no clue of what happened so to keep their name safe they tried blaming it all on me. But they don't know me, I didn't back down no matter how much they threaten me or show me a gun.

Yes, they even pulled out a gun on the table. Since my parents were sitting in other room they couldn't interfere much.


I was sitting alone inside a black room with a single light at the corner. I hear footsteps from the other side of the room. Most probably that's where my parents are sitting.

"So, Allen how are you today?" a man with a well built muscle said to me as he sat in front of me.

"Nice how about you." this was the third day since the interrogation has started.

"Hmm... what your friend said that you held a gun was it true."

"First he is not my friend. Second, I have told you at least five times so I will not change my answer just because you ask me the same thing again and again."

"Are you sure."


"Okay, so how about we play a little game?" he said.

"Nope. Not interested." I rejected him out flat.

"Allen you need to co-operate with us so we can get over it early. You understand me right?" he seemed to be looking down on me. Fine, you want to play I'll play.

"Is that so? Since I am being interrogated I believe you have a warrant?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Look I am still under 18 so at most I'll be sent to juvenile jail. But even that to happen you'll need at least a concrete proof which I believe you don't have."

"Aren't you a smart kid." he is still looking down on me.

"Listen here mister. I know you all want to save your face but take a note that I will not back down easily," I said, " And above all, I believe I don't do anything wrong so don't even think that I will compromise and let you give me all the blame."

"Is that so?" now he did it. He placed his hand inside his coat and took out a gun.

"Yup. Still taking the same stance." as soon as he pulled out a gun I could hear shouting from the other side of the room. I know who it was, "I believe a gun is not allowed here."

"Who knows? No one objected to it so I bought it here. Do you find it uncomfortable?" dare he.

"No. I am just saying that you should at least hide it from their view." I directed my eyes towards the left side of the room which had a huge mirror only one way through so I can't possible see past it but I know that my parents are on that side.

"Don't worry. They'll handle it."

"If you say so."

"... Allen which school do you go to?" I don't get it what he is doing.

"I don't know you tell me since you must have done a thorough background check on me." do they take for a fool?

"Aren't you a tough lad."

"Should I take it as a complement?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said.

"Then I don't want that at least from you." why would I want to take complements from someone like him.

"That's to bad." this time his eyes flinched a little. Is he getting irritated?

"Mister why don't you tell me about yourself instead?"

"It will take a long time, will you listen to it?" he said.

"If it's long then I would like to take back what I said earlier," I said.

"That's to bad."

"Mister I am getting tired of this all. Why don't you just end it?"

"If you say so." I wondered what will he do but I didn't think he would resort to it.

"Isn't it a little excessive?" he pointed out the gun at me.

"Maybe, maybe not. Who will judge me?"

"Umm... I don't know. Like you bring a gun to an interrogation room and even use it on a suspect and above all you don't have any proof against him. Oh, he is under 18."

"Are you testing me?" his eyes again flinched.

"I dare you."



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