Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 41 - Who Is This Girl?

Usually, it's a place to dump broken things but no one knows that it has a secret treasure of its own.

A quiet place for me, a loner. It's the best place for me during lunch break. But why is my secluded place being captured by a girl? Who is she?

I pushed aside a desk that was in the way. But it made a little dragging sound.

"Eek!" she got flustered from the sudden sound.

"Ah, sorry. Did I scare you?"

"N-no…" even though she refused but her voice was so shaky that I could read her like a book.

I didn't say anything and just took the most stable bench out of the dump and sat on it. I would usually sit on the other bench but the other girl is sitting on it. Instead of starting a conversation, I took the other option, i.e., take out another seat.

"…" she also didn't mind me neither did I.

"Hey, who are you?" the girl asked.


"Oh, that's right I know you. You are from that news."

"Maybe." I have a vague answer.

"Hmm… so you want to keep it a secret."

"…" how did my sanctuary got destroyed? It's because of her.

"Allen tell me about what happened after you all went missing?" is it just me or is she getting too much friendly with me?

"My memories are all fuzzy so I don't remember it all."

"Gotcha. You said you don't remember it all but you remember something. Tell me!" oh god, she is persistent.

"Fine. Let me rephrase it. I don't want to tell you. Okay?" why can't people do their own business, always sticking their nose in others' business.


"Oh, did you not hear me? I said- I don't want to tell you."

"No! That's not what I meant," she clearly looks irritated.

"Then what did you mean?"

"Maybe there is someone who doesn't know me yet…" she mumbled something.

"What? I couldn't hear it."

"Nothing. Do you who is the chairman of this school?"

"Hmm… I have seen his face but I don't know his name." what is she getting at?

"Thought so. I am the daughter of the chairman!" she looked so proud.

"So? What's your point?" I still don't get it.

"I am the daughter of the chairman." Ah, maybe I get it now.

"Oh man, I didn't understand what were you getting at but I think I understand now."

"That's good if you understand now. If you apologize to me I might forgive you for your rudeness."

"The post your father has is of the chairman and that position is appointed to him with his efforts. You just came out of a womb and are a liability to him right now. Did you accomplish anything worthy of helping your father at work or for school? I don't mean the awards you won at a competition. I mean financially. Your value is almost zero so don't think you can order around people as of yet." She is just a spoiled kid who was born with a silver spoon. She thinks she can order everyone just because of his father's position.

"Wha?! That's the most absurd thing I have heard ever!"

"Maybe no one said the truth to you," I replied.

"… Allen you just wait…!" she dashed out.

"Okay." I gave her a thumbs up while on her way out. I mean what will she do? Complain to the chairman? Since the police couldn't send me what can a normal citizen can do?

But who cares about that, at least I was able to get a peaceful place.


"No way." Because of that girl, I couldn't even eat my food.


I walked back to my class a little disappointed.

"Hey, who is she waiting for?" I heard someone shouting from behind. So, I turned around.

"Who knows?! Maybe Peter?" I heard a certain name but I wonder what happened?

"Hey, move aside will you!" a girl came running from behind pushed me aside as if I was a tin can from the roadside.

I noticed a huge crowd just outside my class.

I tried pushing them aside but they won't even budge.

"Excuse me, can you move aside a little bit?" since I cannot move this whole crowd aside I tried talking my way in.

"Get in line! We all want to see her okay!" what?

"…" that's enough. I am already having a bad day because of that stupid girl.

I took hold of someone's color and pulled the person behind. That person collided with few others making a small gap for me to move in. I hurriedly dashed and tried moving forward.

"Hey, look on the right maybe the teacher is coming," I said with a little loud voice so that at least the people around me would turn around to check, and then at that moment I can gush out this crowd.

"Really?!" it worked successfully. Not all of them turned but at least a few of them got fooled and after so much hustle and bustle I was inside the class. But I can at least say that task failed successfully.

"So, Iris what can I do for you?" as I stepped inside I hear a familiar voice.

I saw the girl from before sitting in the middle of the class with four students surrounding her.

"Peter, I already said that I am waiting for someone." Oh, come on. Why them?

I already don't like Peter and to put salt in a fire that girl from earlier is also there. I don't want to get between them so I tried sneaking from the side not getting noticed.

"Allen." As I was about to move I felt a hand stopping me from moving forward.

"Hmm…" it was Alex.

"Where have you been the whole time? Tried searching for you all lunch break but you were nowhere to be found."


"I wanted to talk about something."

"I'll ta-"

"Ah! There you are!" I heard girls shout. The sound felt extremely familiar so I didn't even need to lookup.

"Oh god," I said exasperatedly.

"Allen you know her!" Alex was the most surprised one. I don't get it, why is so he shocked? And does that mean that all these people outside our class are for her?

"Allen, long time no see!" she said with a smug on her face.

"Allen you know Iris?" I thought Alex would ask this but the one who called out to me was Peter.

"I'll talk to you later so shut up for a second will you?" I don't want to get things complicated so I stopped him early, "And I just met you like few minutes. What do you want now?" I could feel like she is planning something.

"Ara, Allen we were so close to each other and you even pushed me back, and now you talking to me as if I am a stranger?"

"Hey, don't make it sound weird." But it was too late to clear this misunderstanding. Everyone was looking at me with hostility as if the way they used to see me before was not enough.

"Is that so? But I remember it clearly. I tried to stop you but you didn't listen and forced me. I was so scared that I had to run as soon as you let me go." So, that's her play. Fine I will play. My reputation is already at the bottom because of those rumors about me holding a gun. Just you wait Roy, I'll pay you back soon.

"Look I don't even know you okay. Today was the first time I am seeing you."

"Maybe that's why you did all that to me. You must have thought that I am some new girl who you can control. I was lucky that you let your guard down and I was able to escape…" now they are staring daggers at me.

"I am not in any mood to play along with this charade okay. End your fake acting and go to your class already."

"He is awful."

"Yeah, he doesn't have any manners."

"What horrible things did he do to Iris?"

"I can't even imagine."

"Yeah, he is the worst."

"If Iris hadn't escaped who knows what could have happened to her."

I can hear you'll clearly. Without even knowing the full details they are blaming me, well that's what they call a 'society' just hearing a single rumor they make wrong assumptions.

"S-stop…!" who is that person?


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