Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 44 - Similar Faces

As I was about to sit inside the car Lily called out to me.

"Sit, here." She hinted me to sit in between them.

"Why?" the boy asked.

"Brother…" she said with a smiling face.

"Ouch! What was that for?" he screamed.

"…." I just quietly stood there seeing both argue.


After arguing for a couple of minutes it was decided I have to sit in between. I don't see any reason why I have to though? I could sit at the corner or the front seat beside the driver.

"Allen," Lily called me.


"Umm… so which class are you in?"

"E," I replied.

"Oh, o-okay." She looked disappointed. Did she want me to continue the conversation?

"Which class are you in Lily?"

"!? How did you know my name?" she looked shocked. Well, I guess it's a normal reaction since a person who she hasn't met before knows her name.

"I heard it while you were both arguings."

"Ah," she looked disappointed. I really can't figure out what a girl is thinking. One moment they are upset, then the other time they are happy.

"By the way what is your name? I didn't get to know your name." I asked the boy sitting on the left.

"Me? My name is Harry."

"Harry, huh," I said.

"My section is A. Harry's too," Lily said to me with excitement. I forgot I asked her this.

"Isn't that class for like Elite people?" In the whole school, everyone knows that Section-A is only for elite students who excel in all subjects and are also on a different level physically compared to other students.

Now that I recall, the Principal did say that few are on equal footing with adults so I guess they must be in the elite class. But no matter how hard I think about it, from what I have seen in P.E. and sports festival I haven't seen anyone who completes all these conditions.

"Here we are." The driver said.

I looked out to see where we are and to my surprise, it was quite a house if I would say so.

"Let's go," Harry said to me.

I stepped out of the car and saw the clear image of the house. It was most likely three-storied and it even had a huge lawn comparable to the size of a soccer ground. Is that a house? No way, if this is what they call a house then the house I live in right is nothing compared to it. It even has a personal helicopter parked here. They must be filthy rich.

"Did you like our house?" Lily asked me as she tapped my shoulder.

"Yeah…" to be honest I was quite amazed.

We walked through almost like 5-6 rooms, how big is this house? I have already seen like 5 servants. I thought this type of people only were in movies but to believe that there are people like them too.

After passing through an infinite number of rooms we arrived at a room with a grand gate. This must be the place.

"Oh, you came Harry!" as Harry opened the entrance I heard a croaky voice. If someone just hears his sound they would think that this person is over 40 or maybe older because older people generally speak in a low voice.

I couldn't see his full face because of the reflection.

"Yes, brother…! We brought Allen!" he said happily.

"Great!" his voice changed again. It felt a little husky. He stepped forwards and I could see his face clearly. A sharp jawline with a masculine figure but something looked out of the place and that was his hair, it looked brittle, maybe he is someone who doesn't care about how his hair looks.

"Yes!" Lily also seemed excited.

"You must be Allen?" he held out his hand.

"Yes…" we formally shacked our hands.

"Shall we sit down?" he said condescendingly.

"Sure," I replied.

For the first few minutes, no one spoke a single word while I drank a full cup of green tea. The tea tasted great, it must be expensive. If they have more than enough money why does he want to be the successor? Just enjoy what he has.

As I rolled my eyes over I saw Harry signaling me to say something to which I signaled him back 'Why should I?'

He fell silent. Then I saw Lily enjoying the tea like me. She doesn't look bothered at all while Harry was the opposite. I could easily make out that he is worried. But why? It's not like this is related to him. The one who must be worried the most is just sitting there relaxed. I think I should break the silence.

"Umm, can I make a small call? I need to tell my parents that I'll be late today or otherwise they will get worried."

"Yes, should tell them at once. It's not good to make your parents worried." Their brother agreed to it instantly.

I stood up and asked one of the servants for a phone. A girl made directed handed me a phone. I called up my parents and told them an excuse. I could never tell them the truth that I am trying to catch the real culprits, right? They will definitely refuse it and stop me.

I returned thinking the atmosphere will change but by the looks, no one has said a single thing yet.

"Hey, can we talk about that thing you mentioned in the car? Although I told my parents I'll be late but they will still get worried if I don't return before dark."

"Alright, let's get straight to the point now." the older brother said,

He indicated Harry and Lily to move out. Even the servants left except the one standing behind the big brother. Soon the room was dead silent, not even the sound of sipping tea.

"So, what did you find?" I asked.

"Allen let me ask you first something, do you have any idea what's happening?"

"What do you mean?"

"Since you must have got some gist of the situation, you must be knowing a little about HYRDAs right?" again. I have heard this word the second time.


"While I was digging further I was able to get a hand on a couple of clips, and one of them was consisting of you."

"!?" me?

"Here you go." The servant behind him handed me a tablet.

A video was already loaded on the screen so I just had to play it.

"What are you waiting for?! Shoot it….!" The screen was blank but I heard a girl's voice shouting in fear.

"Allen what are you doing…!? Shoot!!" huh? Me? The screen was blinking and I got a slight glimpse of me holding a gun while I saw few others whom I don't know running past me.

"AAAGGHHHHH!!" I heard a scream. What's happening?

The camera angle is looking only at me. I saw myself holding a gun aiming forward but at what?

"Oh, God!! Help…!" another scream. The screaming continued. I should be feeling terrified but there was no change in my emotions nor my physical appearance.

What is happening? While the others are running away scared, I didn't move an inch and was just gazing forward. What am I doing?

*SHOOT!* a bullet went right past me in the direction I was aiming but it was not mine, someone else was shooting.

"What happened Allen!!?" a boy grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back. Who is he? I couldn't remember him at all. Not like I could remember any of it.

"Grrrr…!" a sound of a wild animal echoed in the room.

"It's coming! Get ready! AIM!" someone shouted while the one who grabbed me didn't move an inch. While I was astounded it felt like he was protecting me.

The video was breaking in between and I couldn't see clearly but I noticed the boy in front of me took out a knife from his back and ran forwards at whatever that thing is.

"Don't shoot yet!" he shouted as he pierced through the skin of that thing. He was aiming only at the vital parts but he was missing just by centimeters. That thing rushed forward but the boy evaded and sent the knife flying at the eyes.

"Tsk!" his aim was off by a few millimeters.

The knife fell on the ground so he tried to grab it again. While he was on his way to take the knife that thing rushed at him again but with full throttle. The boy was, fortunately, able to grab hold of the knife, and this time instead of evading he rushed towards it.

"Wait don't!" someone shouted indicating him to stop but he had already made up his mind.

The moment they both could collide the boy leaped slightly towards the left and jabbed the knife deep inside his left foot that made it limp and loses balance.

But the problem was that maybe the skin was too thick that his knife got stuck and he had to let go of it. He jumped back after futile trying to take back the knife.

It crawled on the ground but soon was able to stand up again but it looked slightly exhausted.

"Shoot!!" he shouted as he took a gun thrown at him and started shooting.

"GRAAAHHH….!" That thing began running in circles, taking the advantage of the trees and taking cover.

"Don't stop y-" I couldn't see the full image but someone got killed for sure. Droplets of blood fell on the screen. Screams continued but the screen was completely black. Moments later all the sound fell dropped.

"What happened after that?" I asked him.

"Unfortunately I don't know myself. We don't even know who recorded this. When I tried to find out I got into some trouble…"

"How did you get it?" this is suspicious.

"I can't tell you the source but I can assure you that I am not your enemy." He saw right through me.

"Then prove it."

"Here take a look at this." The slide on the changed tablet.

"Let's revise the plan again…" I saw a certain face that made my shoulder flinch a little.

"If the information is correct, then the HYDRA will make a move today. Soon they will make a move. Don't miss out on the slightest of information. Squad Alpha will plank them from behind while Squad Beta and Gamma distract them from the front and the side. If it still fails, Squad Sith has already infiltrated the place. Nothing can go wrong now. At last, we will catch those bastards…!" I couldn't see the person's face but his voice was similar to the man sitting in front of me.

"But why in the broad daylight?" the old man asked.

"That's because th-" he paused, "What?!" I heard a faint voice but couldn't hear it properly but the man understood it perfectly and reacted.

"What happened?" the old man asked.

"They are not her!! Their aim was never here…! Shit!! Dammit…!!" he sounded frustrated.

"What?! Then where are they?"

"Their location is still unknown but…"

"But what?!" the old man's face looked pale.

"50 students went missing a few minutes ago…" ah, it was us.


And with that, the video ended.

"So, how do you trust me?" since he was with that old man then I guess he is with that secret organization Principal and that old man is. By their conversation, I could tell that he was also trying to capture the HYDRA organization but what is concerning me is that why did he record this?"

"I trust you but why did you record this?"

"It was broadcasted to all our team members. A voice can be falsified so to confirm if the person is the real one we decided to use a video.

"Are you sure that no one from your team leaked the information?"

"As soon as we tried to find out who leaked the information, 17 out of 20 group members were killed. It's most likely they were assassinated." He looked sad.

"Why did you not get assassinated?"

"A person came but he failed. I even tried interrogating the person but he didn't open his mouth till the moment he was about to die." So he has already killed a person. Behind his chrematistic face hides some evil.

After our discussion, I left the room.


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