Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 46 - Don't Let Them Leave

I was in school earlier than usual.

Through unknown reasons I was able to wake up early and even came to class early.

If it was before the incident I would have talked to someone in class but now, I can't even sit beside them. They clearly look at me with contempt. I couldn't care less about it to be honest. If they themselves don't want to talk to me and if they believe the rumors more then I can't also have a decent conversation with them.

"G-good morning Allen…" I hear a sweet voice from my right.

"Oh, good morning Selene," I said.

She placed her bag down and sat on the chair.

"S-so, um… Are you okay Allen?" she asked me. She looked a little worried with slight embarrassment hidden.

"Me? I'm always okay. Don't worry about me."

"Really?" she again asked.

"Yeah…" I noticed the glaring at me.

"Selene, I got a favor to ask you," I said to Selene.

"W-what is i-it…?"

"When we are in school don't talk to me," I said to her.

"… huh?!" she was astound. Well, I said something rude to her then I guess it might be natural reaction.

"Okay," I turned away.

This problem is for me and only for me I don't want to drag her with me. She and I haven't talked much she was always nice to so I don't want her to become an outcast like me. It's much better than this way, I won't feel any guilty this way.

"See how rude he was to Selene?"

"Yeah, he is really not a nice person. Right Anna?" a certain familiar name came up while they were about behind me.

"I don't like him at all. Who knows what will he do to us? It's better to keep distance from him. Right, Peter?" why did she ask Peter?

"I don't much," he said vaguely.

Since the beginning of second term Anna is like the dictator of the girls group.

"Yeah, it's better to keep some distance from him." All the other girls surrounding her agreed in unison.

It's making a laugh after hearing them all talk like this. I mean they can't say it to my face but saying out loud enough for me to hear it. Do they think it's going to make me look more pitiful? If I just give them a slight glare they would get scared and would hide behind someone. I ignored them.

With a blink of an eye the one of half of school hours went by. I don't know why but I am unable to concentrate in class and would slack off, seeing outside the window and wasting my time. What happened to my normal school life, I wonder.

"Anna let's go,"

"Wait. Peter where are you going for lunch? Cafeteria? Or someplace else?" Anna asked Peter.

"I don't know," he exited the class and Anna followed her.

They are living such care free lives and here I am living on the edge all the time.

Whatever. Right now I need to think of something. Who should I suspect? The list is filled with 36 people. If I try to do it each at a time it will take more than a month. I can't wait for a month. I need to sort out the list fast but what should I do? The principal isn't going to help me.

I was just wandering around the lunch but I met Lily waiting for someone. I thought of asking her something but I decided not to. I am sure she also don't want to associate with me who is being outcaste by the whole school.

Our eyes met for a second but I shifted my gaze.

"Allen! Allen Over here…!" she called out to me in front of this whole crowd. I quietly tried to ignore her walked away.

"What was that?" I mumbled to myself. I stopped after I put some distance between us.

"A-allen I called you… w-why didn't you stop…?" Lily came running and held onto my shirt.

"Lily? What are you doing?" I said to her dragging her inside the empty room nearby.

"What? I wanted to talk to you," she said. She was still breathing heavily. Is she that fragile? But that's not the problem right now. Why is she going out her way to just have talk with me? She could have waited like last time where no one could see us.

Maybe she has something important to tell me. Otherwise she wouldn't risk her reputation to drop.

"What did you wanted to talk about?" I asked.

"Let me breathe for a… second." I waited for her and sat on the nearby chair.

"Now let's start. The last time you met my brother you must have seen the footage then, right?" she started to talk. Her expression changed from playful to serious in seconds. Girls do have some incredible technique.

"Yes," I said.

"I am just a messenger for my brother right now. He told me to make a call as soon as possible. Here you go. He is already on call," she said to while she handed me the phone.

"Hello?" I said.

[Allen listen to me carefully. HYDRA have started to move again and their target is to eradicate all the survivors including you.]

"How do you know that?" I asked him. I stood up from my seat walked towards the window. This person Lucas seems suspicious to me. Who exactly is he?

[I have my ways. Don't worry about how I found it but rather how to save all those people. I don't exactly when they will execute it but most likely they are going to do it today. I need you to stop all of them from leaving the school premise today.]

"Huh? Why me?" I don't know why he would tell me that. If he wanted to save them he can use his servants to follow them. The number of servants I saw that day is more than enough to track each of them. Even if he used 3 for each. So why me?

[I am full with something else right no- *shoot*] it was the sound of a gunshot just now.

"What happened?"

[Just do it…! I'll call you later, also if you can please keep Lily and Harry safe. SIR THEY HAVE SUCCESSFULY INFILTRATED THE PLACE! WHAT HOULD WE DO NOW? Take 7 of your team and plank it from the left while I and the remaining people will try to stop them from the front, but make sure you succeed. If you don't it might be the end for all of us.] What's going on? Gunshot? Infiltrated? Is he fighting someone, well that's obvious.

"What's happening?" I asked.

[I can't tell you right now. But make sure to don't let anyone go out of school today. Ask your Principal for help. She will help you out and tell her that I said it is CODE- NIGHTLIGHT. If I don't return the call then it's sure that you all will be assassinated soon.] And with that he cut the call.

What's going on?

"What did my brother say?" Lily asked me as she was waiting for me to cut the call.

"Something is going to happen. Let's go." I said.


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