Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 52 - Suspects

"Allen… Allen!"

"… Hmm…?" I heard someone calling my name.

"Allen she talking to you…!" Alex was shrugging from behind. Oh, that's right I am in class.

"Yes," I answered half asleep.

"Were you sleeping?" she asked as she put the book down on the table and was staring at me. Not only her but the whole class was staring at me.

"… Sorry?" I don't particularly don't know what should I say in this situation.

"Tell me which page number are we on?"

"... 34?" Selene pulled my shirt and opened a page number. Without giving it a second thought I said it.

"… Who told you?" she inquired.

"No one," I said without batting an eye.

"Did anyone saw who it was?" she asked the whole class. What's happening? Usually, she wouldn't do any of this, just a slight warning and that's all but she is prying into it too much. It's weird.

"I saw who did it!" the person sitting behind Alex said.

"Who did it?"

"It was Selene," she declared. What was her name? Anna if I am right.

Huh? Did that girl just now smirk at Selene?

"Selene…" the teacher glared at Selene.


"It wasn't her," I hear another familiar voice yet a disturbing one.

"… How can you be so sure?" this is really getting weird. If it was some other teacher, he/she would have left the matter yet she isn't stopping.

"*sigh* Fine I'll just leave the class, is that enough?" I said. This matter was not getting anywhere.

"Wa-" I stepped out of the class.

I left the class without causing any more problems. In any case, I didn't want the blame to fall on Selene. That's the main reason. I don't want her to be on the bad side of teachers.

I've got some free time until lunch break, so I'll just head to the Principal's office for the time being.

I took a step closer and made my way to the Principal's office.

"Excuse me," I said as I knocked on the door.

"Come in," I heard a response from behind the closed door.

I stepped in. Ah, it's cold. Is it just me or is everyone feeling rather hot? Yesterday, my dad and now her. Is the temperature not only rising for me?

"Can we raise the room's temperature?" I asked as I sat on the empty couch which was also cold.

"Yeah, sure, go ahead," she said as she tossed me the A/C remote. It was at 14 degrees. What is this? Is she living in a desert that she needs to raise the temperature this much?

"20 degrees should be enough," I mumbled to myself. But it will take some time to raise the room's temperature. Till then, I can only wait.

"So, did you get any leads on who is suspects?" She asked me as she was also writing something on paper. Huh? Is she not gonna talk about the incident last night?

"I need to ask you something first," I said.

"What is it?" She stopped writing and was paying full attention to me.

"What happened last night after we were in the auditorium?" I asked.

"... listen closely Allen. This is the last and the first time I would say this and that is, the mission was successful. So don't worry about it and let's never talk about that ever," she replied to me with a slight smug on her face. Well, then I guess it's all good if she succeeded and the problem is solved as of now. Also keeping it a secret and talking about it is also a wise decision.

"Alright, but I do need to ask few more questions," I said.

"Go ahead," to which replied.

"Who is Lucas? Who are you, people? What is that you want from me? What is the motive of HYDRA? Am I being observed? Wha-"

"Wait, wait. One by one."

"Who is Lucas?" I asked.

"Ah, you met him. I thought I told him not to meet you. Actually, he is my subordinate. Did you want something with him?"

"I saw a clip where I was holding a gun. Why was this not leaked? The police and also the higher up you mentioned earlier must have used this against me,"

"We didn't find it," she said, something ridiculous just now.

"I don't get it. If you didn't find it, then who did?" is someone sent them the footage then that person could have leaked it in public and it would be the end for me but that didn't happen.

"Someone mailed me these clips just after you left the office. I wanted to tell you, but you had already left, and then maybe after you left the office Lucas tried contacting you." Something is not right here. The order is wrong.

If I am right, Lucas's sister, Lily, wanted to talk to me since the morning, and they looked like they had been waiting for me since school ended. But I talked to the principal after school ended and talked to her for almost an hour or maybe more. It's possible that he wanted to meet me before that, but he shouldn't have access to the clips. Since he is subordinate to her, he must get permission from her before revealing any information and moreover if the clip is something that could cause an uproar in the whole city.

"What are you thinking?" she asked me as I was busy with my thoughts.

"Are you sure he is your subordinate?" I asked her.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she got confused.

"Is he really your subordinate?" I asked her again.

"I don't know what exactly you mean. Yes, he is my subordinate. Why are you asking this?" she still doesn't know the real meaning behind my words but she will know sooner or later if my theory is right.

"Ah, nothing. Now the next question is, who are you? "

"I can't tell you that, yet."

"Yet, huh. Then I'll wait but I need to know your motive soon. I'm still not sure I can trust an unknown individual whose background is unknown to me. But you must tell me as soon as possible if you want my assistance," I said, "Now, let's move on to the next question. What exactly do you want from me? Why am I being targeted by the higher-ups?" I asked another question.

"Let me tell you something first. We tried to find out more about you. Why are you being targeted, but your records all went blank after a while. It was really weird, she paused for a few seconds and then continued again, "I myself tried looking into your past, but before high school, your past was all blank. It was like you never existed in the first place. No records. I have no clue where you lived or where you were born. Is your family the real family?" She said something that made absolutely no sense.

"What are you saying? I was born in my hometown before we moved to the city. I studied in a kindergarten near my grandparents' house. I used to play a lot in their fields there. For middle school, my father got a post in the city, so we moved there and I studied there. Then I continued to a high school near my old middle school. What do you mean that you couldn't find anything?"

"... maybe we didn't do it thoroughly that's why. Don't take this seriously. And we still don't know why you are being targeted by the higher-ups."

"Last question. Am I being observed?" I asked.

"... Not yet," she answered. It means soon then.

"Also, tell your subordinate, Lucas, to talk to me directly and not through someone else," I added a condition.

"I'll be sure to tell him."

"Now, how do you expect me to find the culprit?" I can't think of anything, "Do I have to follow every student and find out myself? At least tell me a few names."

"We don't have concrete information, but we were able to distinguish a few things, but only in teachers. At the top is your homeroom teacher, Ms. Lena, "she said to me. To think, our homeroom teacher is also suspected.

"Hmm... so in the case of students, you don't have a single clue?" I enquired.

"Yes, that's true." She stood up from her seat and walked towards me, "But I tried digging up few things and want you to investigate."


"They are in the same class as you." What? Same class as me? Who could it be?

"I don't have any clue," I answered.

"Find it yourself. The way higher-ups are targeting you I need to find out for myself why are they so fixated on you. There must be a reason why they are targeting you. They must be thinking that you are some kind of threat to them. That's why they are trying to eliminate you." Okay? But what has got to do with me finding the suspect by myself? I don't get it, but as of now all I can do is follow the instructions till I get some kind of lead myself. I can only depend on them as of now since I can't do anything myself.

"... Fine. I'll do it, but in return I want something," I asked.

"What is it?" she asked, as she sat beside me.

"Lucas said that he found not a single clip but a few more, I want all of them."

"… We'll do whatever we can," she said flatly, not agreeing or declining.

I stood up. "I should be leaving now. Classes are about to start."

"With all this happening, he is more worried about his." She let out a big sigh and said something, but it was so low that I couldn't figure out what she said.

I walked out the door and slowly closed it.

At least now I have some leads. But who will it be? Is it someone who was kidnapped? But if they themselves were kidnapped in the first place, they must have thought of their safety. I guess it will be the one who was not kidnapped. Out of 40 students, only 4 were kidnapped, so there are 36 suspects. With this number, I cannot do it easily. If I also take my reputation into consideration it's going to be a problem. Everyone will be keeping their distance from me. The real culprit might also take advantage of this and will be able to get away easily.

What a hassle...


Whatever might be the case think I should appreciate that I am at least one step closer to the truth.


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