Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 64 - Reasons

"H-huh…!" he tried opening his eyes. But he didn't knew that he was in for one hell of a ride, 

"Wh-what's happing?!" he started panicking, "Why am I tied up…?!" he tried struggling his way out but couldn't free himself.

"Now that you know your situation, we can easily talk…" I pulled one of the chairs from side and placed it right in front of him.


The sound echoed throughout the whole room. I made sure that no one else is there near the room since it's going to get a bit noise here soon.

"W-w-what do you w-want…?" he was completely terrified right now. Anyone would be, he just opened his eyes, and the predicament he's in now is frightening.

The point of this to scare him and its point on, this could be shown through his way of speaking. His speech is shaky, and he sought to escape himself by running away. A faint resistance still remained within him as he persisted to try to escape, which was still not worth anything since all of it would be futile.

"I advise you not to move much because…" I arrowed my eye's above him.

"Y-you are crazy…!" he yelled.

Let me explain his predicament. I had previously tied him down with a desk, but it wasn't strong enough, so I put another desk in between the legs of that desk and then another desk above that. Not only that, but I positioned another one above it, with a slightly skewed attitude. If he makes any sudden moves or attempts to force his way out, the desk will crash directly on his head.

It doesn't matter how I managed to handle it; what matters is whether it works or not. I can never promise that he will not try to force his way out, and if he does, it will be a perilous move.

"I might be crazy," I said.

"… W-what do you want…?" he asked.

"Now we are talking," I said, "So, first question. Do we know each other?"


"Like have we met somewhere before, other than this high school," I elaborated my question.

"… Y-you don't k-know…?"

"I'll take it as a 'No'." I bold said it. Acting like this is really exhausting, "Next question. Who gave you this?" I showed him the same knife he was holding earlier. Seeing the knife in my hand surprised him a little.

"N-no one g-gave me…" he averted his eyes. He is obviously lying.

"Alright, you want to play it the hard way I'll play," I pointed the knife at him and flung it without hesitation.


"AARRGGHHH!" he screamed.

"What are you doing? It didn't even touch you, it went flying right past you," I said. The purpose was to scare him and I would say it worked perfectly.


A second later he realized it hadn't pierced him. As he tried to calm down I picked up the knife and placed it right between his legs.

"How about know? Do you remember it now?" Actually, I presented him his current predicament. He may believe that I will not use the knife, but he is mistaken; in fact, at this point I'm do anything to him, because I believe he is the true culprit. The one who wants to get rid of me and who attempted to kill me, even if it was simply a failed attempt, he did do all it. If he is the real culprit, I will use all means necessary to get him to speak the truth, whether he is a student or not.

"I-I can't s-say…"

"So there is someone behind," I came to a conclusion.

"N-No… t-that's…"

"So will you tell me the real reason why you used a knife? No matter what happened to you, no high school student will do something like this," I said with confident, "So, why don't you tell me the truth or we take this matter to the Principal."

"… I c-can't tell you…" hmm… so Even when I used the Principal to intimidate him, he still won't open up. It used to shake everyone's boots even him, but this time he's refusing.

A drop of water trickled down on his cheek as he was helplessly sitting up their tied. It didn't bother me because he could be pretending it, so I let him leave. As if I'd fall for such a simple ruse. But if it's true I don't know what should I do?

"Are you sure?" I asked him.

"… No…"

"Just answer this, did you spread those rumors about me throughout the school?"


"Do you know who did this?"


"Do you know Anna?" I asked.

"…" He declined by shaking his head right and left.

"Is someone ordering you to do things?" using the flow of the conversation I spurt out this question.

"Y-N-…" he couldn't reply. He had a worried expression on his face. Alright, I think I have enough information for now.

I raised my hand and aimed at Roy's head.

"W-what, what are you d-doing….!" He exclaimed. He must have been scared to death since I was holding the knife on that hand. I grabbed the knives and knocked him down. He lost unconscious a few moments later, and I untied him and exited the room, leaving him there.

I made my way towards the office, Principal's office. But I noticed something which made me curious but I saved it for later.


"… Come in." I heard a reply from behind the door.

"I need to tell you something," I said.

"What is it?" she stopped whatever she was doing and looked at me.

"I'll cut to the chase. It's most likely Roy is being threatened by someone," I said.

"Why do you think so…?" she asked.


I threw the knife at her, she caught it with only 2 figures. Well that's to be expected of someone who can kill 3 people in an instant. Catching a knife is too easy for her.

"What's the meaning of this?" she looked a little concerned.

"Roy attempted to assault me today. Not only that, but he used that knife to do so, and when I questioned him who gave him the knife, he refused to answer, and just to be clear, I wasn't soft with him even while I was interrogating him," I said. 

"He could just be holding a grudge against you, I know what you did to him earlier. You humiliated him in front of everyone what did you expect? I would say this could just be out of frustration. Nowadays high school kids are really out of mind if they aren't constantly monitored," she said.

"You think I didn't think of it?" I asked, "Instead of declining that he himself brought the gun, he answered me saying he can't tell me. What kind of person answers like this if they themselves brought the knife?"

"What…?" she looked confused.

"He never admitted that he brought the knife," I said.

"I'm not following you, explain from the start."

"So, it all started when I was….."

It took quite some time but I revealed everything that had taken place.

"So, you are telling me he is being controlled or manipulated by someone?" she asked me.

"That's right," I continued, "That's why I need you to keep a track on Roy. If my guess is right then the ones who are controlling might be the HYDRAs."

"… And why do you think that?" she looked curious.

"The HYDRAs have already shown that they are attempting to eliminate us, and this is in addition to the higher-ups targeting me. It's just my theory, but they could be operating alongside, and the one thing common in both of them is me, because their goal from the outset has been to scare me or kill me, they might have used Roy, and attempted to scare me or whatever else, but this is what I came up with."

"… Sometimes I forget you are a high school student," she mumbled to her.

"What did you say?" I asked.

"Nothing, but you should be more worried about how you should handle Roy," she warned me.

"Why? I don't think he would do something like that ever again, probably…" what I did to him today, he won't be able to forget it easily.

"That boy is a ticking bomb. Don't overlook his actions. If it's true that he is being threatened he might be most desperate than anyone else right now. And don't underestimate a desperate man," she said in a serious tone.

"I'll keep that mind," I said, "And if you get to know something about it tell me also. I might be able to find the culprit sooner."

"Yeah, I'll notify you."

I silently departed the room and I looked at the ceiling as I stood on the corner just beside the office. It would be a lie if it I said this day wasn't tiring. It might be the first time I fought against someone holding a weapon. Even the interrogation part. I'm not good at this kind of things. Doing the interrogation I reminded of that old man when I was being interrogated.


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