Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 72 - She Remembers...?

The ball stopped just right in front of me. 

It's really the worst thing that can happen right now and even I know that if she sees me right now it's going to be troublesome. Not just on but there are multiple troubles.

The reasons are quite simple. If I roll the ball over in the opposite direction she will instantly know that someone is here. I will totally be seen as a stalker. Neither did I reveal myself earlier and nor did she know that I was here so no matter what explanation or reason I layout to her she wouldn't believe it most likely. Even if I try to plea not guilty, I don't think she will listen to what I say.

And if I stay here silently I am still in a pinch since she will eventually come to take this ball and when she comes here to pick up the ball she will see me and it will freak her out totally. If I'm right, she must be thinking that she is alone in here but the instant she sees me will suspect me of stalking her. 



It was already too late. I could hear the steps coming closer. 

"Why can't I do it correctly...?" she again said something to herself in low voice. But I don't have to decipher her words because I am already in a bit of trouble right now. 


The sound of footsteps stopped halfway. What happened? I waited and waited and waited but no sound was heard but as the floor went silent I noticed something else. 

"Y----" someone else was coming other than the girl standing right there. 

"Oh boy," I heard the girl's voice, "Got to hide..."

I was just sitting there waiting to get caught but something peculiar happened instead.

The moment she stopped right in front of the ball stand she noticed my presence and stared at me for a second or two and instantly everted her eyes.

"Wh-" she was about to say something she turned around for a moment and but stopped in between and turned around for a moment and the next moment she was doing something unreasonable, or at least what it looked like to me. 



She picked some of the balls and slide them down the floor, scattering them. What is she trying to do? As I was wondering why was she throwing the balls throughout the gym. But as she had the last ball in her hand she threw it the farthest and took quickly took a seat beside the ball stand, or to be precise she sat beside me. Was she hiding from someone?

"... What was that...?" I heard a girl's voice.

"Don't ask me..." there is more than one girl.

"Whatever happened there, I might need to think it over about those rumors, to be honest..." a group of girls came inside the gymnasium. 

"You know what... I think the same but there is this uneasiness..." I think they are talking about me...

"... Yeah... Like even I talked to a couple of my classmates and even they told me that they don't really know much about Allen..." 

"Hmm... even I got to know that he existed in this school... I know I'm bad with faces but not this much that I forget about a person studying in the same school." another girl said. 

Their conversation was the worst of my worries because a bigger problem was sitting beside me at the moment. 

I sat there silently watching the girls over there and the girl that sitting beside me. 


"Who scattered these balls around...?!" one of the girls exclaimed.

"I'm not in the mood to gather up all these balls..." another girl said with an expression of exhaustion. 

"Neither am I doing it..." soon all of them declined to clean up the mess. 

"Argh! I hate it... can't they just clean it up before cleaning...?" one girl among the group exclaimed and the others agreed in unison. 

"Let's leave, it's not like we are going to clean it and then practice..." 

With that last remark, it was decided that they are going to leave. As I saw them disappear behind the entrance gate I felt a little relieved since if I was seen with a girl alone it might lead to another ruckus. But then I remembered that another problem is still here with me.

"Do you mind telling me what are you doing here?" ah, here it comes.   

"Umm... will you believe me if I say that I was just sitting here to cool off my mind," I said.

"Do you really want me to believe that...?" she made a face that I haven't seen on anyone yet.

"If possible I would want that but..." I analyzed her expression and came to a conclusion, "You don't seem to be convinced."

"Then mind telling me the truth?" she questioned me. But this situation is strange. Normally if I talk to a random person I won't talk as much as her. She must also be knowing me since I'm infamous in the whole school. So, it's natural to ignore me or complain about me yet she isn't doing either.

"I just said it," I said.

"Wait a minute, your name is Allen right?" she asked me with a confused face.


"Aren't you supposed to be in the Principal's office at the moment?"

"Yes, I was supposed to be there-" before I could complete my sentence she spoke again.

"Then why are you here?!" she exclaimed. 

"Let me finish the sentence at least..." I said to her face.

"O-oh, sorry... continue," she said.

"The reason the Principal called me was something related to what happened today but it didn't take as much time I expected it would," I said, "So, that's the reason I am here at the moment." 

"So, what happened in there...?" she asked me something like that this easily? Did she really think I would tell the conversation that took place in there?

"I don't know..." I vaguely answered her.

I wish she was satisfied with this much explanation. I intentionally added the reason for me going to the Principal's Office. 

"Is that so? Anyway, what I want to kn-" as she was about to ask another question I stopped her from going any further.

"Look I don't even know your name and I just met you so do you mind not interfering with me this much? I have already told you enough and moreover I also need a little alone time after what I did today so..." I thought after hearing this she would back down but little did I know that she wasn't going to back down just because of this reason.

"I just want to know one more thing that's all." she still pestered further.

"Like I to-" 

"Do you happen to remember a day when few strangers trespassed the school? It happened on... I don't remember the exact date but it was-" so she does remember? But if she has this memory she must have also the memory of me and if she remembers me she must have also seen me holding a gun. But she said she can't recall the exact date then means that she isn't sure herself. 

"What? Why are you asking me this out of nowhere?" 

"I-I just thought that I might have s-seen your face..." she tried thinking about it. 

The main part to focus on is 'might have', this confirms that she isn't sure either. I can still make her believe it was only her imagination. 

"Me? First of all, there is no way I would have forgotten something like that. And secondly, are you crazy? If something like strangers trespassing the school happened wouldn't that news be spread across the entire school by now?" I continued with my innocent face. 

"Y-Yeah you are right b-but..."

"If we consider that is true then weren't there someone else with you or someone else who has seen that?" 

"That's the problem, I was alone that day..." she said while staring at me.

"Okay, now it seems completely surreal. It must have been your imagination and about seeing me I think I know the reason why..." I said.

"Why?" she asked me. No. You aren't supposed to ask me 'why'. Why are you asking so many questions? I came here to get some peace but instead, I got the opposite. What did I do to deserve this???

"I don't mean to brag but I happen to be quite famous in school for some time and you must have gotten the gist of me and unconsciously imagined about me," I sounded stupid but I had to give it a try at least.

"Do you really think I will believe something like that?" she asked me.

"I don't care whether you believe it or not. It's just that I don't remember any unknown person entering the school grounds and even if someone did at least there would have been some kind of announcement to be cautious but nothing sort of that happened and you know it. So in conclusion, it's not a matter that you believe me or not it's just that the facts are proving your say imaginary and that's that," I said. 

"..." she looked like she wanted to tell something rather she gulped it inside and didn't say another word but she was staring too hard at me, why?


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