Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 76 - Not Again

I stepped up the stairs thinking of the incidents that happened in a single day. Not to mention that I met some girl who threatened me to do somethin for her, that might have been my first time someone has ever done like that to me and that's for sure that I don't like being used as they think. 

Anyway, let's forget about that since I got another issue in front of me. 

It wasn't that long that I have seen this much crowd. Is another brawl happening, if so I'm going to leave at this moment. I don't want to engage in something trivial anymore. 

"What's happening?" as I was mounting over the stairs, I heard someone talking beside the stairs. 

"I think the all student council are waiting for someone." a small group of first year's were standing there. I know for sure they were first and didn't mistook them for a second year or third since their dress color is slightly darker than the second years. The upper the class the lighter the color gets.

"What! All the of the student council...?" one of the boy looked surprised. 

"That was the exact same reaction I had when I first heard about it. I wonder what's going to happen?" the other person said. 

"Why don't you ask someone...?" among the group I noticed a girl was also there. She was standing behind one of the boys that's why I couldn't see her but when she stepped a little forward I noticed her.

"I asked but many of then don't know." the previous boy answered. Hearing him I think he must have gotten earlier than the others.

"Oh... even I'm curious now. That thing in the Auditorium and now this..."

"It's also rare to see all of the student council all together." 


After hearing their conversation I knew for sure that something is going to happen and that something might actually be related to me. I guess I won't be going to the class as of now.

I went downstairs but then it occurred to me that this girl might as well be coming. There is only one passage from my class to the gym and through the gym the passage only leads to the same staircase that I am now standing on.

I wish I could just snap my fingers and everything just vanishes or I get to teleport to my home in an instant. The longer I stay at school the more problem I get I am getting involved with. 

I thought about what should I do now and decided to choose the earlier option, i.e., to get to the classroom hoping the student council or anyone doesn't have anything to concern with me. Even though it was a futile wish but I still hoped for it to happen.



I slowly took the steps and walked up the stairs, again. I tried to sneak in between all that crow but unfortunately I couldn't completely escape from them. I was almost camouflaged among the crowd but my luck ran fast quite fast when the farthest person among the crowd saw me and shouted it out loud. 

"L-Look Allen's here...!" I don't know who he is but he sure know my name. Also what I feared the most came to bit me in reality. Seeing the way that person reacted at the sight of me clearly showed that I am most likely the one who all the student council is waiting for.

Well that's to be expected after what I did in the Auditorium. If at all possible I would have never done something like that again. Due to that I'm the center of attention but in a different way yet I still don't like being the center of attention. I wish that matter could have handled only among the teachers.


"Who shouted?" 

Slowly a small wave of yelling, shouting and pushing rose up. Seeing that I was a bit surprised, am I really that much famous that I could shake up the whole crowd just by being present there? 

No, this isn't the time to be amazed at yourself. To distract the crowd I did something. 

"Look he went in the opposite direction," I said a little louder. The students closest to me heard that. Since many of them didn't knew where exactly I was, they foolishly ran in the false direction I told them. 

Hearing my false words many of them moved away and made a path for me to escape. As I saw students passing by me I tried to cover up my face by looking the other way while covering it with my right arm. 

Slowly the crow lessened and I could see my classroom. I paced down there and the moment I stepped one foot inside I felt something was wrong. I slowly lifted up my head and noticed 6 figures who I don't seem to recognize. 

Not just that, just a few moments ago whole class was in uproar but as of now it seems to be opposite. All their gaze was fixed at me. As I moved my head a little I noticed a couple of more familiar faces. 

I tried ignoring those daggering gazes which was piercing my but one of the student council spoke something to me. 

"You must be Allen, right?" a boy with red hair and crimson eyes asked me while he glared at me. Seeing his close I think I might have seen him. But where was it exactly? 

"No, you got the wrong person..." I said thinking they might get fooled. 

"Oh, my bad," he said but after a moments of silence he noticed it, "W-Wait as if!" Is the Student Council filled with students like him? If yes I really think they need to change them as soon as possible. 

"See I told you back then! We shouldn't have brought him, other people think low of us because of his stupidity." the girl said said as she was standing on the podium. 

"Um... did you need something from me?" I said. Since I have been surrounded, there is no way to get around this without confronting them. So, I decided to ask them and trying to finish this matter as soon as possible.

"As a matter of fact we don't want something but," other person said standing beside the black board. 

"Is it your habit or you all finish each other sentence? Cause if isn't then I would prefer if you only one person talked. This way it's way too confusing." I said. Really if they think it is going to make me fear them or I don't know what they thought it was going to do to me then they are way of the mark. Until unless they take out a gun I don't think I am going to get scared or intimated at all. 

"I'm sorry for that but from this point onwards only I will be talking, that is fine with you right?" another guy said. He came forward and stood right in front of me. His height was slightly higher than me. I don't consider myself as short but he is huge. Not muscular but with a good proportion of muscles built. 

"I suppose," I said. 

"Alright, then here's the first one. After what you did at the Auditorium did you really think you would be able to get away without any kind of consequences?" he said while he tried to intimidate me with his body. But my stance still didn't change. 

"Are there any consequences?" I asked while meeting his eyes. Seeing me not faltering not even the slightest bit took him aback for a moment but he didn't lose his composure. 

"There sure is," He said, "Since you said that many of our student's haven't contributed to this school but you forgot something, that they also haven't done something to degrade our school's reputation. What do you have to say now?" 

Well his point makes some sense but to counter that I had mentioned it before in the Auditorium.

"It's not my concern if the matter was exacerbated significantly by solely your cherished students. If you had run the school better, those rumors would not have circulated in the first place," I reasoned. "Doesn't that suggest that it was you who created all of this, not just me?  No matter who or how they look at it, the only conclusion we could get from this situation is that if you had managed the issue much more carefully, you would not have needed to come to me right now. Also, if you think I should accept responsibility, you're mistaken, and if you still believe I'm in the wrong here, we can take this to the Principal right now, right?"

I stated this while also casting a quick glance at each student council member present. Also, I know the principle specifically asked me not to come to her for the time being, but instead I bluffed. In these kinds of situations, using her name typically works very nicely.


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