Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 79 - Favor

To be honest I don't want her help but if I look at the bigger picture I also don't think taking up on her offer is a bad idea either. The merits and demerits of this are almost equal. I need to know which could be beneficial for me in the long term.

I mean look at her position. Within the school grounds, her position is much higher than most of the schools. In the school, no one usually would prefer to get on the bad side of the daughter of the chairman and this works oppositely also. If I get help from her or make it look like we both are in the same team many problems can be solved that way.

Even the teachers can't do much for her. If I take her help, my getting cornered by teachers or the Student Council decreases significantly. Not taking her offer would definitely be an idiot or so it looks like from the outside. Behind this good intention, something must be hidden. 

Even if she is willing to help me out, she said she is going to ask something in return, and that is what I am most worried about. That 'something' is what made me rethink about taking her help. 

"One more thing," I said as I halted for the moment. She walked past me but seeing me stop she also stopped a couple of steps farther. She turned around looked at me directly in the eye. It was brimming with something that I couldn't comprehend what it was. 

"What is it?" she asked me. 

"Why? Why are you willing to help me?" I asked her as I took a step towards her. 

In response, she said, "Can I not? You are in a pinch right now. Since we have known each other for some time so I thought I should help you. I just wanted to help you." 

"That seems a good reason to fool someone but it's not good enough to fool me," I took another step towards her and stared at her eyes, "You know, I know, and even you know that our past is something that took a bad turn along the way and that I don't think we've straightened out yet. How can I make myself trust you?" 

Who was she trying to deceive? Since the first moment I met her, I've argued with her more than half of the time, and every time she was withdrawn with a big huge defeat. No matter how we look at it, she has the potential to take advantage of my vulnerabilities and then stabs me in the back.

"We can say this as my way to start a new start. Yes, we might have gotten on the wrong foot so I decided to undo that with this," she said to me without any hesitation. 

At this point, I have four options with me.

Firstly, I could trust her. But if I trust her a couple of problems might arise. She wait for me to let my guard down and then she could without any effort could do a U-turn and change sides as soon as she gets the opportunity. This seems pretty risky. But all this was the demerits. The positive side to this is that I could use her position. This can be considered equal to the demerits. Not letting her stab me I could keep track of her. 

Secondly, I don't trust her at all instead I just use her and make it look like I am cooperating with her on the surface but actually I was just using her and discarding her as soon as the work is done. This is a much better option to me but there is one demerit, if she gets the slightest bit of gust to this she can turn the tables at me. It is a double-edged sword. The attack will be quite good but the rebound is much worse. 

Thirdly, I think she is telling the truth and that she will not betray me. I won't have to worry about anything this way. This way, I won't have to be concerned about anything. To be honest, this choice appears to be far too good to be true. But, if everything goes as planned, I can't comprehend how efficiently things could go. This one has a lot of potentials, but there is only one step back. What if she isn't able to assist me in a significant way? I doubt the Student Council will be shaken down by her so quickly, based on how they sounded.

Lastly, I decline her gracious offer and do it alone as I have till now. This way I won't be troubled about anything except the Student Council. But this way has the biggest demerit as compared to the rest of the options, I can't have any authority. The principal is out of this so she is out of the picture for the time being and the only person with authority is Lily, Lily's brother, and Iris. I could have asked Lily for help or her brother but I don't want them to be involved in something that could endanger their hierarchical position. Also, because of Lily, I got to know about the footage and many more things so I can't do that to her. 

Out of the four options, I think the third one seems to be the most efficient but it is quite risky. The other option is almost equal so I can't choose a specific one. No matter which I choose I could end up with a dead-end sooner or later. I need to choose the one where it will be later. 

What happened to my ordinary life? The one where I would go to school and then home. The peaceful times. A few days back those days did come but god doesn't like me to take a rest. He handed me this stupid situation where I could end up expelled from the school at any time. 

"What are you thinking so hard for?" she waved her hand in front of me. I must have gotten deep in my thoughts. 

"Ah, Sorry I had to think about something," I said after regaining what is happening at the present. 

"So what do you think? Are you willing to take my help or not?" she asked me the same question I had my doubts about since the moment I met her at the entrance. 

"Iris, I wish it was that simple." I let out a big sigh. 

"What is that supposed to mean?" she looked confused. 

"Nothing," I said, "About taking your help. I am willing to take your help but I need some sort of assurance you won't stab me in the back or try to do anything fishy behind my back." I again continued to start walking, she followed me right back.

"What do you want me to do? A letter written with blood?" she chuckled a little. 

"What? Letter written with blood? Why would I want that? Are you stupid?" why would she say something stupid like this in such a serious conversation?

"Pfft... relax... I was just kidding, you took it seriously?" she couldn't control her chuckling even after covering her hand with her hand. 

"..." I don't what should I say in this situation? Do I also laugh it out or do the opposite of it? 

Nah, I am going to change the third option. 


"I am leaving," after saying that I paced up and ignored her. I couldn't just say that I paced up, I was almost running. 

"W-Wait..." she ran after me to stop me as she extended her arm. She knew that I was already out of her reach yet she still continued to stop me. 

"Alright, you win," I said. I took a slight glimpse of her not far from me. 

"Haa... haa..." I stopped and waited for her to come to me. As I turned around, I saw her breathing heavily while holding her chest with both of her arms. Is she okay? Something similar happened in the classroom not long ago. 

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked her as I reached out to her. 

"W-Wait..." she took multiple deep breaths till she regained her composure. 

"..." I waited for her to calm down. 

"... What did you say earlier? You said, 'I win' then you are accepting my help, right? Right?" she didn't look a bit worried about her health rather she seemed much more enthusiastic than ever.

"... Unfortunately," I said in low voice, "Yes, I am willing to take your offer to help." 

"Then you are going to do what I will say after all this is solved, right?" is she still asking me that?

"I will say this for the last time so listen carefully. I want Y. O. U. R help and yes I will comply with any one of your wishes. But don't ask for something ridiculous..." I answered her. 


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