Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 81 - Girl Power

"Huft... Chill down a little will you? You are bothering everyone around here." I said to her since a few people are staring at her and me.

Due to her many are looking in our direction and I don't want to be the center of attention here also. In school, it is more than enough. 

"S-Shut up...!" seeing her reaction was unexpected. Seeing her acting all brazen and all seemed a bit funny. Who knew Iris wasn't good with large crowds. 

"Isn't that true? Even your way of speaking is failing you, also look around a little bit." I said while I walked around searching for something.

She was holding my left arm and trying not to look too much at the crowd. Watching her at school my impression of her was that of a person who can do anything but viewing this I might need to re-think it.

"... We can discuss on h-how I am speaking later on... but find s-some place to sit and also a quiet one..." she pressed her body against mine. Too close. 

"I understand," I said to her as I began looking around for a place to settle down and more importantly to settle her fast. I couldn't care more if she gets a nervous break right now but that would be disadvantageous for me then. 

By what happened today I don't think the Student Council is going to let me be for long. During our conversation earlier I could at least make it out that they came prepared to expel me or with the intention of telling me that I'm going to get expelled but since I stood my ground and didn't get intimated by them, they retreated. 

Seeing their reaction it's most likely that they will lay out their plan sooner than later. 

"What are thinking so much for...?" Iris said to me desperately. 

"Nothing, let's find you a place to calm down first," I said as I moved forward a little. 

"Y-Yeah... let's do that fast..." she kept on clinging to me. 

"Catch me if you can!" 


As I was walking around the footpath I noticed a pair of children who looked around the age of 5-6 years old running around the place. 

I wish I could swap places with them but that is something impossible. Let's forget about stupid things and focus on the matter at hand. 

"How about that place?" I pointed out to a bench near the fountain. 

"W-Where...?" she looked up and stared at the direction I pointed. 

"The one near the fountain," I said. 

"... Can't you see people around there...!" she exclaimed at me as she noticed a couple of people around the bench. 

"What? Those are only elderly, what's the problem with them?" I asked her. 

"Problem? They will talk so loudly and above all, it will be about some stuff that makes no sense," she said to me. 

"... Alright, let's move on to the other." we continued walking again. 

"While we try to find someplace to sit, why don't we try to talk about something. It will also take your mind off a little." I said.

If she isn't focused on the crowd then maybe we might be able to talk about the plan. 

"A-About what...?" she asked me. 

"How about you tell me what's your plan against the Student Council?" I said. I think it's best to talk about the plan so that she could focus more on the plan rather than on the crowd around us. 

"Tell m-me something first, are you stupid? Or are you purposely saying that? If not then you need to talk to people around a lot more... d-don't you see I am having some trouble here and you want to talk about something like that right now...?" she said to me. 

What does she mean? Isn't the best way to take your mind of right now? Or was I wrong? Because she certainly doesn't feel the slightest bit pleased.

"Then why don't you tell me what you want to talk about?" I asked her. 

"I don't know... you don't ask the patient for what kind of medicine he should eat. The doctor has to give it to him..." she said as she let out a big sigh.

"Don't try to shift it to me, I tried but someone didn't like it," I said to her as I looked around the park. 

"... Oh, so it's my fault then?" she said furiously. 

"Hey, don't get angry at me. It's not my problem if you can't handle large crowds." I counterattacked her statement. 

"Look at this young couple..."

"Seeing them fight remembered me of my old days."

"What old days? You didn't have any boyfriend."


"Oh, shut up. I don't want to listen to that from someone who had broken up more times than she is years old." 

As I walked around, I noticed a group of old ladies walking behind us and unfortunately I heard and Iris also heard it. I can make a bet right now saying that Iris is going to get up more worked up. 

"Look Iris we can just ign..." I turned at her a saw her face.

"W-W-W-What...? Do w-w-w-we really look like that...!" she looked flustered. Seeing her reaction even the dumbest could get the hint of what it was really. But I decided to be ignorant about this matter. 

"My husband doesn't even take me for a walk anymore."

"Same with me..."

"Hmph! I don't need to have a walk, Nah I don't have the strength to take a walk after doing it for so long..." 

Where is their conversation going? Don't they realize that they are in public and above all, it turned out exactly what Iris said earlier? Old people do talk out loud. 


"Shh! Don't talk about it loudly!"

"Huh? What's there to be ashamed of?" 

I again took a peek at Iris and saw her face completely flushed. We need to get away soon. Well, it's natural to et embarrassed listening to something like this?

"Let's move up ahead..." I changed my pace. 

"Y-Yeah..." she agreed and moved to try to match up to my pace. 

"Look you made these young couples embarrassed." earing that I increased my pace a little more. 


As we were trying to get away I noticed an empty bench behind a tree. 

"This way," I said and she followed me without asking anything. 

I looked around for a second noticed that this particular place was not crowded as compared to other places. 

Ah, that's why. The sunlight here is quite less as compared to the other parts of the park and also the wind here is quite low. That's why many ignored this place. 

"... At last we could find a place, suitable for a certain someone," I said as I placed myself on the right part of the bench and placed my backpack beside me. 

"..." I waited for Iris to settle down since she got cranky earlier when I asked for the plan. What is going on inside her is a complete mystery to me. 


"How about now...?" I waited for almost 15 minutes but she still didn't speak a single word. 

"... Okay, I have calmed down now. We can talk now. What do you want to talk about?" she said in her usual voice as she lifted up her head up. 

"What are you suggesting we should do to deal with this?" I asked her. 

"To be honest we could shut them up if you beat them up in their own game," she said to me. 

"I don't understand," I said. 

"What I mean is that no one is perfect. So, a similar thing also implies to the Student Council as well. No matter who they are, someone has a weakness and you just need to find that and use that to beat them up using that as leverage at their own field of expertise." she said to me with complete confidence. 

"Hmm... that seems good, but it only looks good at the surface."

"Care to elaborate, why?" she asked. 

"How do you think I'm going to find those weaknesses? I don't have any type of connection to find about it and above all, they aren't going to wait for me to find their weakness. They are going to come at me with everything they have and soon. I don't have enough time." I said. 

"That would have only happened when you tried working this thing out yourself. Why do you think I am here for?" she looked at me. 

"I don't know why? You tell me," I said. 

"You really are dumb. I can use my connection to find their connection and don't underestimate a high school girl's power and the number of connections she can have," she said proudly. 

"Well, I am not trying to underestimate anyone, it's just that my faith was reduced when I saw that "girl's" power earlier," I said to her. 

"T-That's not...!" when I saw her, I knew that I had teased her a bit too much. 


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