Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 83 - Unexpected Reunion

"Hmm... now that I think about it might be possible but there is one problem," Iris said as she stood up from the bench.

"And what is that problem?" I asked her. 

"Even if we do compete them with all what are your chances of winning?" she asked something that even I find it hard to answer. 

"... Let's just say that we have a chance," I said, "I rather not focus on the other part as of now." 

If someone were to ask my viewpoint on the plan, I would say it's only forty percent out of a hundred. It's all based on if the bluff works or not. 

The plan is quite simple, to be honest. Rather than thinking it through later, I decided to go through it as long as I am since if any changes needed to be done we could do it right away rather than extending it to a later date. 

"Why don't we just revise the plan just one more time?" I asked Iris as I turned over to her. 

"... Again?" she said in the exhaust. 

"What do you mean by 'again'? We haven't even discussed it. I just told you the plan as of now. I want your view now." I said. 

"Alright..." she said. I guess she also understands my reasoning. 

"But," Iris said.

"But what?" I asked. 

"Look if you intent to go against the Student Council I would really recommend you go against them fair and square. Because if anything, if you win over them I really think they will back down." 

"We have been over this," I said, "We don't know what area of expertise they have. And even if we find them do you really think I could win it?" I said. 


"What's the problem with my plan? I just need to make them accept that they only want to expel me because their School President was humiliated by a no one, like me. If I make that happen then what's the problem?" I asked her. 

"And how do you propose you are going to accomplish that? If you are telling me that I will force them into admission to that then you are out of your mind. I can't force any of them. You said clearly a few moments earlier," she said in rage. 

Why is getting all worked up when I am the one who is in trouble?

"Who said about forcing them? Can't you see?" I asked her.

"I... get it!" she gave thumbs that showed me how much she really got it.

"You don't get do you...?" I looked at her eyes and said. 

"No..." she replied. 

"Alright, for now, let's just believe that what I am thinking is most likely the best plan despite the situation," I said to her as I averted my eyes.

"..." she didn't respond so I had to turn over to her and saw her nodding in agreement.

I know I wanted to think this plan through again but she isn't the right person for that. 

It was already late, so instead of going home I stayed situated on that bench while Iris was asked to return home by her father. She couldn't refuse it and headed out towards the exit. 

When she was just about to enter outside, a man in a black suit suddenly popped up from somewhere. Iris was shocked, I was also a little bit concerned. If she were to be kidnapped I won't be able to execute my plans. 

But it wasn't something like that. The moment she was surprised she was also relieved after moments later. I couldn't clearly hear it but it appeared like Iris was yelling at the person. The Black suit man seemed to be apologizing to Iris. 

Seeing both of their reaction I came to the conclusion that he was someone Iris knew. So, there is no problem then. 

Seriously, rich people do have it easy. 


Slowly seeing the sunset, feeling the slightly cold breeze I called home about me getting home late, again. 

With the people slowly returning to their houses, especially the kids who were making the most noise are leaving. Elderly getting near the exit or sitting somewhere at the corner of the park. Mainly due to these circumstances, it was making this place the most ideal location for me.

I sat there with my eyes closed and silently listening to the increasing sound of a cricket.

Before I could realize it was already dusk. The mixture of orange and red light was almost turned into dark blue. I don't know about others but usually seeing sunset gives a certain satisfaction and it's always amusing to see. 

I was just enjoying the evening when someone called out to me and ruined it. What's the problem with people around here? First at school with a stupid girl and earlier with those old ladies and now what else is left? 

"Allen...?" I couldn't see the person's face since I have closed my eyes but heard him, it's certainly a male. 

"..." I thought that if I stayed silent he would go away but god, he is persistent. 

"Allen I know you are faking it," he said. 

"... What?" I opened them up and saw the figure that I most certainly don't want to see right now. 

"What are you doing here? Also with your uniform still on?" it was Peter. He was holding a can of cold drink, I think. I saw one at the other corner of the park he must have bought it from there.

"A- It doesn't concern you. B- It really doesn't concern you," I said to him. 

"Don't be like that... I know you don't want to talk to me but after what happened today I wanted to talk to you about it," he said to me politely. 

I really don't like him. When he was supposed to be beside his friend he ignored him that I don't even remember the reason why he did that but now he wants to talk to me. 

"Well, you are not in luck today. I don't want to talk about anything to you," I flat out rejected him. 

"Allen, please. You know what will happen to me if that incident came to the surface, right?" he pleaded to me.

"What are you talking about?" I played dumb. I know what he was talking about exactly. 

"... You know what I am talking about." 

"Well, I don't care if it comes to the surface or not. So, why don't you just go back to where you came from and don't try talking, you will ruin my evening even more as it is now." I said to him. 

"Allen...! It doesn't mean necessarily mean that I will be in danger. That incident might be used by the Student Council to expel you and maybe even me..." he said to me with a face of guilt. 

"Are you trying to threaten me?" I asked him. 

"No... I am just asking you not to do anything that will get me expelled," he said to me in such a low voice that it could be heard to me. 

"And why would I do that? I don't have any reason to help you," I replied to him. 

"Can't you understand that it will also ruin you if that came up...!" he exclaimed. 

"Wait a minute," I said, "You don't care what happens to me but what happens to you. If the Student Council bein to find some kind of dirt at me that incident will most likely come up sooner or later. I wasn't the only one involved in that and to provide with evidence your name will also come up." I wanted to continue further but I wanted to hear his reaction. 

"That' what I am trying to tell you! I could get away but you won't be able," he said.

"Pftt... Do you think of me as an idiot?" I asked him. 


"You know that I won't just stand there accepting all that alone. If that ever happens I will take you down with me also. Even if you won't be expelled I wonder what will happen to your reputation?" I said to him. 

Well, I am not planning to get expelled in the first place. I just told him to scare him. Even if there comes a time when that incident comes up to the surface I won't hold back and will spill out everything. 

I know my hierarchical standing in school. Many might think I am lying but that information will look much more credible when Iris comes into the picture. 

"Allen, I'm requesting you..." he pleads to me again. 

"Tell me one thing," I said.

"What is it...?" 

"Why did you do that? Don't you dare tell me that it was because you gave in to peer pressure, okay?" I warned him. 

"..." he stood there silently looking at me with eyes filled with guilt. 

"No, no. Don't do you dare look for sympathy from me." I said to him as I stood up. 

"... What do you want me to tell...?" he asked me. 

"I want to know the truth you didn't tell that time," I said.


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