Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 86 - Knock-Knock

I was just standing outside the school entrance gate thinking whether I should go inside or not. If I chose to go inside I might end up with nothing. The only support I have is Iris and I really don't think she is going to last long. 

As I stood there in the corner thinking about my life troubles I saw the other students going inside with a big smile on their faces. 

"Hey did you last night's show?" 

"Of course dude! Who would want to miss such an awesome thing?" 

"True. I like the end part when the main character did the opposite of what we thought he was going to do...!" 

"Even I was a bit overwhelmed but it was expected~~~"

I don't particularly know what show they are talking but from their talk, I can clearly see that they are enjoying it. They are enjoying themselves fully but on the other hand, what am I doing? 

I am just standing here waiting for some predestined misfortune to fall upon me. 

If only... if only I could have a redo I would do whatever it takes to change my current situation. But one thing still remains, why was I kidnapped along with 50 other students? If I don't unfold that mystery no matter how many times I redo it won't matter. 

Ah... if I continue to think about my problems then I guess it won't end anytime soon. Let's try focusing on only one problem at a time. 

Just thinking about all my problems I might get a headache soon enough. 

With that mindset, I took a step inside. Then another and then another and didn't stop until I came to the shoe rack. 

"Hey, it's him right...?" 


"Isn't he the one who took a fight with the Student Council?" 

"Yeah, it's him." 

A bunch of students standing not too far from me whispered something and they thought that I wasn't listening but I can clearly hear them. Well, it's a different matter when I was ignoring them.

But is it just I or the people's stare at me has increased? Till yesterday I wasn't getting this much attention, not at least near the shoe rack. Normally those cold stares will come at me on the second floor and mostly it would be second years but right now it's not just them. 

Both first years and third years are here. Also, how did they know about me and the Student Council dispute? It must have one of the students from my class who spread something about my first encounter with the Student Council.

Anyway, I have already made up my mind. No matter what I will resolve this once and for all. 

I ignored those daggering eyes at me and walked up to the stairs. Slowly taking one step at a time I began walking up the stairs and continued. 

As I was moving up the crowd behind me also began attracted to me. Like a magnet attracting the iron fillings. Seeing the crowd move just because to me it seemed pretty amusing but at the same time the tense atmosphere rose up. I know precisely know the reason why. 

I was supposed to stop at the second floor and go right instead of doing it I began climbing another pair of stairs and was heading up to the third floor. I could feel the glares at me even though I can't see them directly. 

As I moved up the second floor I thought that the crowd would reduce, since many first years will get to their classes. But as I turned around a little I noticed a slight increase in number. 

That's when I noticed that second years who were already on the second floor had begun following me. 

Among the uncountable number of students, I saw a familiar face. Our eyes locked for a second and then instantly I averted my eyes and continued looking forward. 

Taking one step at a time made the entire floor tense up. The reason is simple, if a person walked straight forward into the enemy territory then it's a hint that a fight will take place or the situation is going to get heated up. But it has the opposite effect when a person walks slowly. It makes an impact on the ones seeing them and the ones he is going towards. It appears more like an important talk will going to happen.

But that's not the reason why I am walking slowly. Not long ago I was pacing up the stairs I tripped and fell. I don't know about others but trust me the feeling of falling down is much more scarier than getting hit by that fall. 

That's the only reason I was walking slowly but if some benefits come along with it I can't decline. That's why if I were to slip or trip down the stairs I would definitely be seen as a laughing stock by the students following me. 

"Do you think he is going at the Student Council members?"

"Why would I know it?" 

"Is he going to fight them?" 

"Again. Why would I know?!" 

Ignoring them I reached the front of the Student Council Room. 

Well, just like many different clubs have their own room similarly the Student Council has one but apparently, the difference in the room was quite something. 

Especially their door was made out of wood but it was nothing as compared to the principal's office entrance. But as compared to other clubrooms this one is better. 

I haven't joined any club but I did happen to visit them and to be honest their entrance wouldn't even come close to this humongous entrance. 



I waited a couple of moments for someone to respond along with 69 others. Just kidding. I don't know the exact number of students who came following me but that line is what I read somewhere online and it happens to be quite famous. 

Anyway, I knocked again but no response came.



As I was about left thinking that no one is inside I slightly pushed the door thinking it would be unlocked and miraculously it was. 

The door slowly opened up and a sudden bright light shone from inside but it was soon disappeared. It must have been because of the window at the back. 

I walked inside while the ones following me couldn't pursue me any further but a certain figure still walked close to the entrance and stopped there with a few more students.

"Who told you to enter inside?" I heard a similar voice. 

As I looked around I saw the similar figures that I saw yesterday. Six Student Council members. 

I turned over to the sound of the voice and replied. Also, I turned my eyes around and noticed a couple of sofas with a grand desk at the center along with all the members sitting ideally on the sofas while the red hair was standing beside the desk. 

"No one responded so I stepped in," I said as I saw the red-headed person. 

"Huh? So, you can just barge in like that then...?" he began questioning me. 

"Were you doing something important?" I asked him. 

"That's not the point here-" 

"There is no point in having this argument," I interrupted him.

"What did you say to me!" he sounded angry. 

"Calm down will you? Can't you see he is getting in your head? Idiot," the girl stopped the red hair from pursuing the matter further. I guess there are few who have some brain inside them. 

"Okay fine..." with that he stopped.

"So what did you want with us?" a person came in front of me. He was the same person who tried to intimidate me yesterday but failed so why is he doing it again? 

"Nothing I was just wondering what are you planning to do with me?" I asked. 

"With you? Pfft!" a burst of laughter broke out in the room. 

"..." I didn't react to it. 

"Don't take it the wrong way but..." he paused for a moment to control himself, "But you are nothing to us so you don't have to worry about anything. We will end things for you pretty quick, you won't even know it." 

"You? Ending things for me? Are you kidding me?" I asked as I looked at each one of their faces. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" someone from the sofa asked but after taking just a single look I didn't bother looking at them again. Instead, I stared back at the student in front of me. 

"Did you forget what happened to your President yesterday? If I am correct, isn't the President supposed to be more powerful than his pack? Or am I wrong?" I gave a slight smirk just like the way he gave me yesterday. 

"... We thought of taking things with you easily," the person standing in front of me answered. 

"So you admit defeat then? That you got defeated," I said.


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