Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 91 - Plans

I know for certain that he will go and tell the one who is ordering him about me and Anna's conversation. Even if he did tell him about me and Anna talking alone in private this might lead me to an opportunity. 

It can take their eyes from Iris or in other words, I would still have an element of surprise. 

See it this way, if someone from the Student Council saw me and Anna together what would they think? 

It's most likely that they might believe it as if we both are collaborating. Like discussing a way to stop the Student Council.

Even the Student Council knows that I am going to take someone's help but the question is whose help will I be taking? 

Well in the first place I don't even have so many people I can ask for help. So, there is only a limited number of people they can keep their eyes on. 

Why didn't I get this earlier? 

If they get to know that Iris is helping me it would be like letting them cut my arms off. I can't let that happen. 

Even if Iris holds a certain degree of power in school it won't matter if the Student Council diverges us or do any other means to separate us. 

I don't know exactly what they are going to do but it's always much better to be precautious rather than being reckless or ignoring the other possibilities.

I can't let her be known, not yet. If that were to happen there is a high chance that I will for real get expelled from the School. 

"... Is it done…?" he asked me. 

Oh, that's right. I haven't returned his phone yet. 

"Yeah sure, but make sure you don't ever get caught up... by me," I said. 

"... Mhm-Mhm," he nodded and left the library as soon as I handed over his phone.

Ah, man I can't think what exactly the Student Council is doing. I don't even know who they actually are. 

Maybe I really have been isolating myself a bit too much or used to before the incident happened because I can't seem to remember most of the names. 

Well, it still doesn't matter but on the other hand, it could have come in handy if I were to socialize a bit. 

Still, I don't regret it being like that. I just think I could use those people as a distraction to the Student Council. 

"Allen you haven't left yet…?" I heard a familiar voice. 

I turned around and saw Anna staring at me with a confused look at her face. 

"Ah, no I was just about to leave," I said. 

"Really…?" she said. 

"Yes, I just happened to catch my eyes on a book," I said. 

"Which one…?" she asked me. 

"The one placed near you," I replied. 

It was the same book that the stalker was holding earlier.

"Yeah, you should leave first, I will come out later," I said, "It might be bad for you if someone were to see us together again." 

"Ack…!" my head just went blank for a second there. 

What's happening? 

Suddenly some kind of images began displaying in front of me.

I felt like my vision was zooming into something. 

[Sudden bright light. People surrounding me. Some kind of chattering but I can't make out what that is.]

And all of a sudden those images vanished and I just zoomed out of something weird.

What was that?

I lost my balance but fortunately as I extended my left arm I held onto the nearest chair. If it wasn't there I might have fallen.

"That was a close call…" I mumbled to myself. 

"Are you okay…?" Anna asked me as she looked at me with concern. 

"... Yeah, I am just fine," I said. 

I was taking deep breaths one after the other.

I could feel my heartbeat accelerating. It was like I was just shot by adrenaline. But within a few seconds of the span, I calmed down. My heartbeat slowed down.

"You sure…?" she still wasn't convinced, "We can go to the infirmary if you want. You look really pale right now. As if you just saw something weird." 

Did I really look that much pale, right now?

"No… it's just that I haven't eaten anything yet so… I must be feeling a little dizzy. It's nothing much of a concern," I said as I signaled with my right arm.

"... Okay," she said.

"Yeah, I will see you in the class," I said. 

As Anna walked towards the gate she glanced back a little but I arrowed my arm telling her that I was fine. She didn't wait any longer and made her way outside.


I quickly took out one of the seats and sat on the nearest one from the window.

Sitting there silently I watched the outside scenery trying to figure out what just happened to me.

I don't know exactly what happened to me just now.

For a moment there I could have passed out but the next moment I was back to normal. 

And those weird images. Low voiced chattering, what's that supposed to be? Huh? 

This is the first time something like this has happened to me. 

Earlier it was only the panic attacks or nervous breakdown but now what? Something is weird going on inside my body and I can't seem to find what it is. Should I go check with a doctor? 

I think I really should. 

"Anyway, I don't have much leisure time to think about something I can't even understand," I decided to ignore it for the time being.

Trying to shake that thing out of my head I just looked outside the window. Hoping I would get distracted.

I could see the birds flying around the trees, a few sitting on the branches chirping or maybe singing, I can't possibly know what they really are doing. Seeing that I felt a little relieved. I guess nature does heal you. 


Actually, I was supposed to meet Iris right now but right now I just don't feel like talking right now or I want a bit more time to rest.

I want a few moments alone and quiet for a minute. 

If I were to talk to Iris right now I don't think I could handle her right now. Not in this shape. Who knows what might happen to me? I could faint any moment.

So instead I just stared outside the window. 

Dappled sun shining through the trees, creating mysterious shadows on the ground. Seeing it gave me a different kind of satisfaction. As I was watching the different shapes formed by the tree leaves a sudden dark patch appeared above the tree. 

I looked up and saw the blue sky dotted with fluffy white clouds that were drifting in the gentle breeze. 

I could look at it all day and never get tired of it. 

The afternoon sun bathed the school building in its warm light and it was getting warmer. 

Hot- It was getting hotter here. 

I guess staying too close to the window isn't a good idea for too long when it's afternoon and while the sun is shining brightly.

I stood up and changed my location quickly. 

Also, I thought it was a good opportunity to read something new. I am in a library, it's quiet as I like it so I could use the book as a way to distract my mind because the one looking outside turned out to be too hot for me. 

I got up and went on to search for something to read.


I was just looking around when all of a sudden I noticed a book lying on the ground. 

I picked it up. 

"What's this…?" I said, "'The Boy Gone Missing'. What kind of name is it?" 

I turned over a few pages to see who the author was but apparently, it was blank so flipped it over to see if the author's name was written on the back or not. 

"Not here also," I said. 

Anyway since I have already held onto it, I can just read it just to pass time.

I was thinking of reading it from the start but then I remembered I don't have so much leisure time to read all these 200 pages. I can just read the summary. It wouldn't take much time I guess. 

As I turned over to the last page I was surprised to see that the summary was only a single page long. 

[There used to live a boy with his family. They laughed, played, and even cried at times but they were all happy with what they had. 

Monday was supposed to be just like the usual Monday's but something changed. Something changed for that young boy.

The boy was supposed to be home at 12 but he didn't come home that day. The parents were worried sick. He was nowhere to be found. 

Feeling hopeless they filed a missing report. 

The parents couldn't take a wink that night. At midnight someone rang the bell. 

The parents hurried to the door hoping their son had returned. The moment they opened the door they saw him standing there with his clothes torn apart. 

Both the parents couldn't be happier and worried at the same time. They didn't know how they were supposed to react. Delighted that their son has returned or anxious where he was?

Soon it was found out that he fell down near a wild bush growing on the outskirts of the town. 


"What was that…?" 


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