Is My Life Ordinary?

Chapter 99 - Information-1

"About that," I said, "You know some information about the Student Council, right…" 

Her expression changed to anger. Why am I thinking I shouldn't have said that?

"You are so full of yourself, you know that?" She said, "So full of yourself."

"..." Let's just stay silent.

Also, how am I full of myself? I just lost my composure so I might have some words that could have hurt her but I still stand by my stance. 

I wasn't wrong.

"No apology. 'Sorry Iris for yelling at you.'" 

"We can either fight each other or we can talk about this later. Also, if you want an apology here it is," I said, "I am sorry."

Seeing her reaction and expression apologizing seemed the best option. 

"That's it…?" She said, "Isn't that too short?"

Does she want me to write an essay?

"Like I said, we can talk about this later." I said, "I will make up with you. Why don't you just add this with your condition? Isn't that good enough?" 

"Hmm… you won't go back on your words, okay…?" She said, "Okay…?"

"Alright, Alright. I won't go back on my W.O.R.D.S," I agreed and then continued with the main reason I called her, "So, tell me all that you know about the Student Council."

"Why so suddenly…?" she asked me. 

"I… want to know that's why," I said. 

"Really…? Because earlier I thought you made it quite clear that you want 'T.H.A.T' information after school hours…" She had this 'suspecting face'. 

"Iris," I said in a serious tone. 

"Y-Yes… what…?" she seemed a bit taken aback. 

"I have already apologized to you but seeing you act like this," I paused for a moment, "So, why don't you just give me the information I wanted. I am not going to ask for the third time, okay..?" 

"W-What then…?" 

"Iris, this is the last time I am nicely asking you. What do you know about the Student Council…?" I asked her. 

"T–This doesn't look like asking n-nicely," she said. 

"Alright then," I stepped forward, "This doesn't look like asking nicely? Then what does this look like?" 

I slightly pushed her towards the wall and pinner her down. 

"W-W-W-W-W-W-W-Wh-!" she was startled plus her face was flushed and was turning bright red. 

"Now then," I said, "Speak up." 

I saw something like this in a movie, where a male lead pins down the female lead and she speaks out things she doesn't intend to. So, I just imitated that scene.

"Alright, alright, alright. I will tell you everything so let me go first…!" she exclaimed. 

I stepped back. 

At first I thought it was because I was just imagining it or it was because of the reflection from the sun, her face seemed to be bright red but now that I see it again it really is red upto her ears. 

Is she not feeling well?

I mean wouldn't her face only turn red when she isn't feeling good or is having a high fever? Isn't it the same for everyone?

Well, I can think about it later because if her health isn't good she would have told me that earlier, right…? 

"So…?" she wasn't speaking. 

"..." she was taking deep breaths all of a sudden. 

Was that too intimidating for her? If so then doesn't that mean the pin down trick worked? 

"Do you want me to speak here?" She asked me as she shook her head right and left. 

"Here…?" I looked around and noticed that I was literally in the open. Anyone could see us here. 

I guess the moment I learnt about the video I didn't pay much attention to my surroundings. 

"Let's move somewhere else," she suggested. 

I turned over to her again and saw her face was still red. Is she not feeling fine? If she isn't in her perfect shape then she wouldn't be able to assist me at her best capabilities. 

"Are you feeling okay…? Your face is red…" I asked her. 

"... I am fine…!" she said, trying to find her face. 

"If you say so," I replied.

We left that area and were walking down the hallway. 

Apparently Iris knows some place quiet and isolated. 

But this was unexpected, firstly because I never thought she would find some quiet place since she is the source of noises most of the time and secondly I wasn't the one to find that place, why? 

I remember it quite well that I searched this whole school for a quiet place. It was the first thing I was dedicated to finding. But I was able to find that place near the stairs, except that all of the other places were filled, literally filled with students. 

"Where are we going…?" I asked her since I had no clue at all. 

"Let's just say that, it is my place, shall we…?" Isn't it quite a vague answer. 

How am I supposed to get a clue from this?

After minutes of walking we came to a room. 

"Really…?" I asked her. 

Isn't it just a club room? How is it a quiet place? I mean all the club members can come here at any time of the day. 

Also, what is it for? Only a 'Club Room' is mentioned on the door. 

"What? Do you have a problem with it? If so, then why don't you take us to a quiet place…?" she said. 

Seeing her face again after some time, I noticed that her face wasn't red anymore. It was just like always.

"Lead the way," I said to her. 

"Much better," she replied. 

We stepped inside. 

At first glance it wasn't something special but only at first glance, after looking around I saw the left side filled with anime, manga, collectables and all the things related to the otakus. 

And on the right side were the images hanging on the wall and the images are of… scenery? 

What's this club supposed to be?

"What's this club supposed to mean? Isn't that what you are thinking?" Iris said to me. 

Was it visible on my face?

"It's a photography club plus I got special permission to collect all that stuff on the other side. So, officially it's a Photography Club but it also has these things," she said. 

Well, I got the gist of it but I still didn't know exactly what this is for. 

"Anyway, now that we are here let's start…" I said. 

"Have a seat," she offered me a seat. 

It was in the middle of the room. While she was sitting on the window side.

"..." I sat there without any complaint. 

It has already been too much time. If possible I don't want to waste my time any longer. 

"So, what do you want to know…? Also let me clear, I am still doing some background check ups so at the moment the information isn't much of any use to retaliate against the Student Council," she said. 

"It's alright, I should at least know who I am going against," if possible. 

"Alright then," she said, "There are a total of 7 Student Council members."

"Including the President, Harvey or not?" I asked her.

"Excluding him," she said, "To be honest what you did on the stage yesterday was quite some stunt you did. Ever since Harvey has been in this school he hasn't been defeated. And I mean literally." 

"Okay…? I just did what I thought was best for me," I replied. 

"No, no. You don't understand him. He isn't someone a normal student can think of going against him," she said. 

"So…? What does it have to do with me…?" I asked her, "Because from my point of view he won that battle as well." 

"How…?" she asked me. 

"The video on the forum," I said. 

"Oh, that's right but how does he win with just that…?" she asked.

"The video only shows me saying things that can lead to the fall of the school's reputation. The school can now blame me for all that at least half blame me," I continued, "To some it might seem a bit amusing at first. I mean those who were in the auditorium and knew the whole story but to outsiders it would be the opposite of that. So, overall I think he beat me really hard."

No matter how I think of it he did outsmart me that time. 

"Huh…? That's… I didn't think it meant like this," she said. 

"So, before they put the blame on me I want every single information on them," I said. 

"That's why you said you came to me…?" she was about to get angry. 

"Iris, let's finish talking about this fast before someone finds out that I wasn't called out by the Principal…" I said. 

"Fine," she said, "As for the other 7 other members…"


"All of them have a clear record. At least on the surface," she said. 

"So you're telling me that I can't do anything to them…?" I asked her. 

"No, no. That's not what I meant. Listen to me carefully," she said. 


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