Is President Lu Bankrupt Today?

Chapter 243: Mr. Lu, you quickly withdraw!

"No, over there!" Pippi pointed to the buffet table and said, "A lot! Master Chu brought a lot of food over here, what mango pudding, date puree, sweet-scented osmanthus cake, lasagna and various small Cakes, jelly, iced watermelon ... a lot, a lot ... "

Chu Fei frowned in confusion. Why he listened to what he liked to eat, and his stomach seemed a little hungry ...

But ... isn't that what Chu Yi brought over?

What to bring is not good, bring these over, deliberately not!

I just want to see him especially want to eat, but he has to resist to eat, right?

Thoughtful boy!


Don't let you succeed!

I'll drink! Just eat!

You ca n’t make it with your stomach if you ca n’t make it with it!

Chu Fei took the grapefruit juice, drank a cup, and then handed the cup to Pippi: "Pippi, please trouble you, I want a cup."

"Brother Chu Fei ... You drink slowly. This is iced. Drinking it is not good for your stomach ..." Pippi was worried about the idol, and said, "The last time Brother Jiang Ce deliberately told me to leave, let me Looking at you, lest you have a stomachache or something ... "

Chu Fei pouted, and reluctantly said, "OK, then you give me a cup of warm water ..."


Because Cen Xi took a vacation two days to record a variety show in the next day, the rehearsal was particularly full today. There was a major show, which was shot three times before Cen Xi was satisfied with his performance. Unconsciously, it was 8 or 9 in the evening, waiting for work At that time, Cen Xi remembered that there was still someone waiting for her in the hotel.

She told Lu Jingying that it could be finished at five or six, but it was almost nine o'clock now.

Cen Xi went into the dressing room. When the makeup artist helped her remove her makeup, she quickly asked Pippi to bring her phone over.

Open WeChat and see that there are a lot of unread WeChat, but there is no such thing as Lu Jingying. This is unscientific. Didn't send a message asking her?

So, is Lu Dog still alive?

It is better to ask Wen assistant first.

So Cen Xi sent a message to Assistant Wen.

[Xixi Creek in jc's house: Assistant Wen, is my brother Lu still waiting for me in the hotel? 】

After receiving the text message, Wen Zhi, who was sitting on the sofa in the hotel lobby, looked up silently in the direction of the coffee bar in the lobby, and his expression was awkward.

Can anyone teach him, when President Lu is drinking coffee with other women, when he meets the genuine lady asking President Lu's whereabouts, how should he reply?

Life is really hard!

He is just a part-time worker, why should he be so embarrassed?

[Smell: Madam finished filming? ] The answer to the question was unanswered, first listen to the situation of Mrs. Young before talking.

[Xiao Xixi of the jc family: Yeah, I just finished work and asked Brother Lu to wait so long. Isn't he angry? 】

[Smell: It should be lifeless ... but ...]

[Jixi's Xiaoxixi: Nothing more? Is he still in the hotel? 】

[Smell: In ...] Smell the lips, and look a little worried.

[Xixi Creek of the jc family: Oh, well, I'm already removing makeup, and I'll be back soon. 】

Wen Zhi had a headache looking at the information and wanted to say something back. Madam Young is not in a hurry. You can come back slowly, not immediately ...

Return right away, maybe, maybe, maybe something goes wrong ...

Wen Zhi held the mobile phone and glanced at the coffee bar again. Some worried, he silently sent a message to Lu Jingying.

[Smell to: Mr. Lu, Madam Young has finished filming and is on his way back. ] Hurry up and stop talking ...

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