Is President Lu Bankrupt Today?

Chapter 619: President Lu doesn't plan to visit the class?

Lu Jingyi glanced at Si Yan, his expression eased a little, and he turned and sat down.

"Look at you like that." Si Yan gave Lu Jingxi a nasty look, and the more he looked at Lu Jinglian's proud expression, "What's so great?"

Lu Jingying was about to get up and leave again, and Si Ji held Lu Jingyi's shoulder again. "Okay, good, amazing, those who have a wife are great!"

"No, Lu Jingying, you weren't like that before." Si Yan looked at Lu Jingying, and said, "Can I interview? Love can really make people change so much?"

"That's because your love is not smooth." Lu Jingying glanced at Si Yan, "I told you earlier that Shangluo misunderstood you, so you have to explain the misunderstanding clearly. If you don't let her know that, she I won't forgive you. "

Si’an's face was a bit heavy, her brows frowned, and she said, "Every time I want to say, I don't know what to say. I'm afraid that after I said, she would be more guilty and distressed to me. Even if I stay with me, I just feel unhappy, not really want to stay with me. "

Lu Jingye looked at Si Ye with a strange look, and the more he looked, the more he felt sick.

"No, what's your look?" Si Yi stared at Jing Jing. "If you have something, just say OK?"

"You are probably really sick," Lu Jing said. "What do you want to do so much? Whether she is because of guilt, pain or love, as long as she is willing to stay with you?" If it were me, I would let her know, make her feel bad, and make her reluctant to leave. "

"I don't see how you are like this Lu Jingying." Si Yi smiled and said, "You are right now. If one day you really encounter the same situation as me, I will see what you do."

"Shut your crow's mouth." Lu Jingyi gave Si Yi a glance, "I will never let her leave me in my life."

"A man in love is terrible." Si Yan shook his head, his expression a little bit disgusting.

"Aren't you?" Lu Jingying also gave Si Yan a disgusted expression.

"Does the Lu Group have any projects in Binzhou?" Si Ji suddenly looked at Lu Jingji and asked.

Lu Jingying raised an eyebrow: "How? If there is one, Secretary always wants to invest?"

"What do you think of building a hotel in Binzhou?" Si Yan asked.

"When the hotel is built, the play will be broadcast." Lu Jingying said, "Not to mention, Shangluo is not Cen Xi, but at most it will be with the crew for two days and then come back. If you want to see Shangluo, you might as well find an excuse Visiting classes is easy. "

"That makes sense." Si Yi's eyes fell on Lu Jingyi, looking at Lu Jingyi meaningfully.

Lu Jingying was staring at Si Ye with a bit of uncomfortable feeling, and raised his brows high, "General Manager, your expression is very kind."

"Mr. Lu didn't plan to visit the class?" Si Yan asked.

"Thank you for your concern. I have no such plans for the time being." Lu Jingying said, "I and Si are in a different situation. You are left alone by Shangluo. Cen Xi and Xiao Biesheng are newly married, so I am not in a hurry."

Secretary Si: "?????"

"The crew has so much fresh meat, aren't you afraid she's going to look at others?" Si Yan added with jealousy, "Or was it remembered by someone else?"

"I think, after being with me, her vision is at least based on me." Lu Jingying hooked his lips and looked at Si Yan with a confident look. "Looking at the entire entertainment industry, do you think I have an opponent?"

Si Yan: "..." Shit, that's a bad tone!

I want to hit someone!

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