Is President Lu Bankrupt Today?

Chapter 859: It must be something wrong with Cenxi!

Cen Xi's tears came as soon as she said, her eyes were aggrieved, and the man who looked at Cen Xi frowned.

He thought there was a daring person here, all crying, so she was not afraid.

The result was not daring, but frightened, and I just forgot to cry.

Listening to the continuous crying, the man was a bit big and cursed two words in English to make everyone shut up.

The voice of the man is very fierce. Some timid girls are really scared. It is really aggrieved that they want to cry but dare not cry.

Cen Xi looked really distressed.

Ouch, these young ladies and sisters with pear rain are really pitiful.

Little blessing bag, little blessing bag, let you feel bad again, for example, in the cabin she is staying in now, something is leaking.

As soon as Cen Xi thought about it, somewhere in the cabin did not really know how to break a hole, and began to seep into the cabin slowly.

At first everyone didn't find it. When the water was getting more and more, everyone found out that they were a little panicked.

The men who guarded them immediately called the boatman, and then transferred everyone in the cabin to another cabin to wait.

Cen Xi can only snicker in his heart.

This boat has frequent accidents. It is estimated that these people have been forced to "force". The boat should not be able to leave for a while.

After arriving in another cabin, Cen Xi found a place to sit down.

I don't know if the Xiaofu Bag was too hard, Cen Xi felt a little pain in his stomach, which was a kind of faint pain.

Cen Xi frowned.

what happened?


It seems ... it's getting worse ...

Cen Xi's face became "whiter", and his forehead began to ooze cold sweat. She put her hand on her stomach, and found that her stomach was a little hot, and she could feel that the little blessing bag in her stomach was also restless and very disturbed.

"Little lucky bag ..." Cen Xi whispered, "What happened to you ..."

Cen Xi bit her lip, and the pain became more and more intense, making her a little panicked.

Lu Jingyu ...

Come on!

Lu Jingying, who was driving towards the pier, suddenly felt a pain in his chest, as if something had pulled his heart severely, and suddenly changed his face "color", and raised his hand subconsciously and covered his chest.

Because he loosened one hand, holding the steering wheel with one hand caused the body to become unstable, and the head tilted.

Qin Beizhou sat next to him, immediately reached out to help him stabilize the steering wheel, and frowned at Lu Jingyi: "What's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

Lu Jingxi shook his head, his face "color" was still not very good, but the sudden pain in his heart disappeared.

He felt a sense of uneasiness, something should have happened to Cen Xi.


Lu Jingzhen really can't wait for himself to have wings at this moment and be able to fly to Cenxi.


How Cen Xi fainted, she did not know herself.

But she was sure she was in her dream again.

The dream was still very clear, as clear as her own biological experience.

She became that costumed girl again, but this time there was no one who looked exactly like Lu Jingying. She was a bit miserable this time because she was **** by a trafficker.

It's terrible.

The dream was **** by a trafficker both inside and outside the dream. Is the dream consistent with what is happening to her?

This is the so-called day and night and dream?

She was sent to a little hut, and there were many girls like her in the little hut, sobbing in the corner where the hug was, all of them were frightened and afraid.

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