Is The Big Villain Crazy, Really Made The Empress Into A Puppet?

Chapter 109 The Double Line Layout Is Waiting, Lin Zhan's Strength Is Advancing By Leaps And Bo

Nangong Junchen directly spent 3000 points to buy the jurisdictional locator and earn it into the warehouse.

He thought of the ancestral tomb of the Lin family's collateral.

Lin Zhan disappeared for a few days, and he must be growing in a vulgar way.

The ancestral grave of the Lin family's collateral branch must be visited, and it is also a strategy to wait for the rabbit there.

"Young Master, Fang You has returned to the Lin family safely, and according to your instructions, we deliberately left some flaws so that he can get a heart of fine iron."

At this time, Nangong Wu Que reported outside.

Fang You came to Linjia Iron Mine on this trip to steal the heart of iron.

He didn't know why the young master put Fang You back, and even sold the flaws to Fang You so that he could get the heart of iron and return to his life.

He even let him, a strong man in the jurisdiction, protect him in secret, just so that Fang You could reach the Lin family safely.

"Very good."

Naturally, Nangong Junchen didn't need to explain anything. After he got the news, his mind moved directly.

A picture of leaves and branches appeared in his mind.

Taking him as the center and gradually spreading out, Fang You is the first node outside of him.

At this moment, Fang You's node was flashing green light, which represented Fang You's cultivation of the Myriad Trees Divine Tome.

In addition to Fang You, there are two other nodes extending out, which also flashed green light, which shows that Fang You has developed two downlines.

The speed of this piece is really fast, and it deserves to be the son of the attack.

"Elder Wuque, just keep an eye on the movements of the Lin family as usual, don't attract their attention."

"Also, pay special attention to whether Guiyoumen sends someone to Lin's house."

The task of monitoring the Lin family was handed over to Nangong Wuque, which seemed to be overkill, but this was Nangong Junchen's task, and Nangong Wuque had no complaints.

After Nangong Wuque left, Nangong Junchen called Feng Lao and asked, "Feng Lao, how is the whereabouts of Guiyoumen?"

"Young Master, I have checked the entire Northern Wilderness and the borders of the Taixuan Region, and haven't found the whereabouts of Guiyoumen."

"But there is a place that is shrouded in mysterious power. It seems to be an unknown place of chaos. Even my perception can't penetrate it. I guess that the ghost gate is hidden there." Feng Lao respectfully reported.

"Can't even see through the perception of the jurisdiction?"

Nangong Junchen thought about it, guessing that it was probably the base of Guiyoumen, but there was no way to be absolutely sure.

It is impossible to invite the immortal ancestors of the Nangong family to come and try.

Just keep an eye on it for the time being, if it is really the base of Guiyoumen, once you kill Lin Zhan, the son of luck, it will be very good to harvest Guiyoumen and keep the inheritance and treasures of Guiyoumen as your own.

"Guiyoumen must have Immortal Realm in charge."

"If Guiyoumen really sends Immortal Realm to deal with me, at least I still have the imperial edict of the Empress, but I'm not afraid."

"If they dare to despise me and send out the jurisdiction, then I'm sorry, what should be harvested has to be harvested."

The depths of Nangong Junchen's eyes were cold and churning. Although he gave Lin Zhan time to develop his wretchedness, it didn't mean that he let go of his killing intent on Lin Zhan.

Once Lin Zhan and Guiyoumen threatened his safety and touched his bottom line, when it was time to kill, he would never have any ambiguity.

He hoped that Guiyoumen would be able to dispatch Immortal Realm and use the imperial decree of the Empress to destroy Guiyoumen Immortal Realm in one fell swoop. This was definitely a fatal blow to Lin Zhan.

Presumably, he can break through Lin Zhan's Dao Heart without his action. Nangong Junchen thought to himself, and said to Feng Lao, "Feng Lao, put the investigation into the location of the ghost gate for a while, and focus on the ancestral tomb next to the Lin family."

"Young master is guessing that Guiyoumen and that Lin Zhan will go to worship the ancestral grave?"

Feng Lao frowned and said worriedly, "If this is the case, do we need to strengthen some strength and hide there?"

After all, he has seen the power of Guiyoumen, so he is quite afraid of Guiyoumen's strength.

"It's not necessary. The two sides are fighting, and in the end, it depends on the strongest people."

Nangong Junchen said indifferently, "It's fine to have you watch over there. As soon as there is news from them, let me know as soon as possible."

"Good young master."

Feng Lao was about to retreat when Nangong Junchen added, "Chen Wan'er's news is spread every now and then. It can be exaggerated a bit, and even some contradictory news can be spread."

"Anyway, don't stop."

"Understood." Feng Lao retired.

The so-called news of Chen Wan'er was naturally intended to stimulate Lin Zhan.

[Chen Waner took the initiative to dedicate herself and begged Young Master Nangong to eat her. 】

[Young Master Nangong had a grudge with Chen Waner, and used power to coerce Chen Waner to force her to submit. 】

[Chen Wan'er and Young Master Nangong paired up and traveled together in the Northern Wilderness. The sky was the bed and the earth was the bed, creating a romantic story. 】

This kind of news doesn't cost money anyway, just spread it out.

Moreover, the source of the news comes from a jurisdiction like Feng Lao, who can know.

Nangong Junchen wanted to see how Lin Zhan would react after hearing the news? Can you still sit?

Giving Lin Zhan time to grow lewdly doesn't mean that he doesn't say anything, just throws some bait out, and is afraid that the little fish Lin Zhan won't take the bait?


In the borderland of the Taixuan Territory in the Southern Territory, in the mysterious chaotic world.

A silver sword light suddenly passed through the air.

The sword is like a rainbow, ethereal and shadowless, passing by in an instant, and the sky is divided into two parts.

"Pfft", at the end of the sky, a giant beast like a mountain was beheaded and fell from the air.

"Sword Master of Stars, slashing the stars with one sword, and breaking the galaxy with one sword, the power is really good."

"That giant beast is comparable to the Heavenly Venerate of the human race, and it still can't stop the sword of the stars. If I make all three swords, it is possible that even the peak of Heavenly Venerate can be killed."

In the mid-air, stood a tall and straight figure, dressed in black, with a cold face, and his eyes were like cold spring water from two bays, exuding a cold pride.

He is Lin Zhan. With the power of the Heaven Suppressing Divine Art, in just a few days of practice, he has crossed the realm of creation and directly entered the realm of the lower-rank saint. Such a speed against the sky is beyond imagination.

Coupled with the baptism of Guiyoumen's super-strong spiritual energy, his fleshly body has become a holy body, and his body seems to have endless power constantly surging, filled with rolling evil spirits.

Stepping into the lower-rank Saint Venerable Realm, he once again communicated with the Tomb of Eternal Heaven and successfully obtained the inheritance of the Star Sword Master.

The Star Swordsmanship is divided into Heaven Sword, Earth Sword, and Human Sword.

Three swords are for ten thousand swords, one sword can cut the stars, and ten thousand swords can break the galaxy.

Lin Zhan first had the forging cultivation base of Tiantian Shengong, and he also had the attacking method of Xingchen swordsmanship, and his combat effectiveness was no longer the same.

He has come from behind and stepped on the Tianjiao of the entire ghost gate directly under his feet.

This is the power of the child of luck.

The seal was opened, and the trump card was released. Not to mention the genius of Guiyoumen, even the elders under the door felt great pressure and would be chased by Lin Zhan at any time.

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