Is The Big Villain Crazy, Really Made The Empress Into A Puppet?

Chapter 117 I Don't Know The Name Of The Master

For this battle, Nangong Junchen is quite satisfied as a whole.

Harvested nearly a thousand luck points, and obtained the remnants of the three ghosts of the ghost gate, and also led out the immortal powerhouse of ghost gate.

For the first time, I got a glimpse of more details of ghost pylorus.

And before the immortal powerhouse left, Nangong Junchen also saw the disappointment in Lin Zhan.

His words were equivalent to burying a thorn between Lin Zhan and the strong Guiyoumen. As for whether it can work later, it depends on whether Lin Zhan will continue to kill.

In a short period of time, Lin Zhan broke through from a mortal realm to the Holy Venerable, which shows how powerful Lin Zhan's hole card is.

Judging from the experience of reading online articles in his previous life, Lin Zhan was afraid that there was a treasure sealed in his body.

With the continuous improvement of the cultivation base, you can continue to obtain treasures.

This is naturally the golden finger against the sky.

But can it be compared to the system?

This time, he wanted to severely inflict heavy damage on Lin Zhan, but since Guiyoumen had come to the Immortal Realm, it would be difficult to stay strong.

After all, if an immortal realm wants to leave, even if the imperial decree of the female emperor is dispatched, it is difficult to intercept it.

So let's put it aside for now, I believe that with Lin Zhan's temperament, he will find it soon.

Even if he didn't come to find him, he would still go to the Lin family's house.

Thinking of the Lin family, Nangong Junchen suddenly thought of Fang You's chess piece.

Immediately, his mind moved, and there seemed to be a neuron-like tree scattered in his consciousness. More than a dozen light spots flickered, and the streamers were intertwined, full of endless power.

"It's only been a few days, and Fang You has already developed more than a dozen offline."

"As expected of an attacking boy."

"This son's luck really has some origins. It turns out that the Fang family has not died yet, and there is a lot of power left."

Through Fang You's eyes, Nangong Junchen saw a group of martial artists who were addicted to cultivation.

In the dilapidated courtyard, Fang You had a smile on his face and looked at the people in front of him with great satisfaction.

Beside him, an old slave waited respectfully and said, "Master, our Fang family has such an opportunity, and one day we will be able to overthrow the Lin family and take back everything that belongs to us."

"Tang Bo, this is also my wish."

Fang You looked far away and said, "But all of you must be clear that all of this was given to me by my master. Without my master, there would be no me now."

Fang You's cultivation base at the moment is already at the Holy Venerable Realm. In just a few days, he has jumped from the Holy Realm to the Holy Venerable Realm, which can be said to be advancing by leaps and bounds.

This also shows the extraordinaryness of the Ten Thousand Trees Divine Canon.

"Master, I've always heard you talk about Shizun, but I don't know what his old man's name is?" the old slave asked.

"I don't know about this either. The master passed on the practice to me and helped me detoxify. The trace of strength was exhausted, and he did not explain his origin."

Fang You was quite regretful, and immediately firmed up her belief, "I must speed up my cultivation and improve my strength, and one day I will definitely meet Master again."

"Master, what you explained, the old slave has already completed."

As he said that, the old slave took it easy, and two men in black came over with a few comatose teenagers on their backs.

"These old slaves have been investigated, and they are all born in the Lin family's partial house. They have a low status in the Lin family, and their qualifications are also very poor.

"As the young master said, these people suffered a lot of torture when they were young, and they must have the will to work hard, but they meet the requirements of teaching the practice."

After listening to the introduction of the old slave, Fang You nodded with satisfaction.

He still felt empathy for these young masters of the Lin family.

After all, his own aptitude is also average. After the fall of the Fang family, he became a slave of the Lin family and suffered a lot, and the experience of these people is similar.

He is naturally ambitious, but Nai He has never had a chance.

Until the master takes a fancy to him, he can break the bottleneck and improve his cultivation.

"The poorer the qualifications, the more useless you are, the more miracles you can often produce."

"Throughout the ages, the rise of waste wood has been a no-brainer."

"Moreover, the longer they are suppressed, the faster the feedback they will get when the exercises are passed on to them!"

Fang You murmured, and immediately asked the old slave to pass the Divine Book of Ten Thousand Trees to the useless young masters of the Lin family.

Now he has secretly regrouped, gathered the surviving family members of the Fang family, and made plans to invade the Lin family.

Right now, let's start with these Lin family's waste wood.

These people have been sealed with divine consciousness at this moment, as long as they are a little brainwashed, they will be fascinated by the Myriad Trees Divine Canon.

The beauty of this is needless to say.

Fang You knew it himself, and just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly made a "click" sound all over his body, and his aura suddenly increased.

"It's really fast to break through to the middle-rank Saint Venerable Realm!"

Fang You nodded with satisfaction and made breakthroughs one after another, the excitement brought to him gradually faded, and he felt that he became more calm.


I have to say that Fang You's attack was quite unexpected by Nangong Junchen.

The invasion of the Lin clan master's house started, no accident, and it would soon get out of hand.

When the time is right, I will take the entire Lin family and hold the entire family in my hands. When Lin Zhan goes to the Lin family's house, I will give Lin Zhan a surprise, which is quite exciting.

Taking back his thoughts from Fang You, he opened the system panel and drew out the system interface.

Host: Nangong Junchen.

Identity: Destiny villain, a descendant of the Nangong family.

Cultivation: Fifth Grade Heavenly Venerate.

Qualification / Luck: Low-level genius (light up the 55th floor Luck Tower).

Physique: Sun Moon Immortal Body (Sixth Layer, Supreme Sun Moon Bone*5/36), Ninth Grade Supreme Divine Soul.

Exercises: Sun and Moon Immortal Body Art, Wuji Divine Soul Art, Heavenly Dao Conferring Divine Art, Ten Thousand Trees Divine Canon.

Luck value: 2750.

Store: Open.

Warehouse: Yellow Empress Token, Heavenly Path Gloves*1, Luck Plundering Card*3, Luck Clearing Plundering Card*1, Heavenly Dew*9 Drops, Heavenly Profound Seal*1, Memory Reincarnation Potion*1/3 Guan, Eavesdropping Voice*1, Spirit of Jurisdiction*1/3, Unknown Colorful Fragments*2.

"The luck value has recovered, but it's still almost meaningless."

Nangong Junchen's eyes wandered, and after this battle, he had a clear understanding of Lin Zhan's improvement.

Compared with Ye Chen and Zhou Muyang, Lin Zhan is obviously more against the sky.

It is conceivable that once Lin Zhan is given enough time, the opponent will surely be able to easily enter the Heavenly Venerate level, and then relying on his sky-defying trump card, I am afraid that he will be able to leapfrog and fight against the Jurisdiction.

This is a wake-up call for Nangong Junchen.

He is now a fifth-grade Tianzun, which is very rare among his peers, but he still feels that it is not enough.

"It's still necessary to raise the cultivation base as soon as possible. How can a villain like me fall behind a son of luck like Lin Zhan? Isn't this very unforced?"

"Fang You's chess piece has been upgraded so quickly, as the source of the Myriad Trees Divine Tome, how can I waste their feedback?"

Nangong Junchen rubbed his chin and naturally thought of the Myriad Trees.

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